With the exception of the odd rain shower it has infact been uncharacteristically hot and relatively dry this month. On the 19th there was a heavy downpour which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the orphans who got to slip and slide around in the wet muddy conditions. On the days that it was wet and slippery, the youngsters Sities and Kainuk together with Kudup were kept behind at the stockades until the sun warmed the earth.
With the exception of the odd rain shower it has infact been uncharacteristically hot and relatively dry this month. On the 19th there was a heavy downpour which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the orphans who got to slip and slide around in the wet muddy conditions. On the days that it was wet and slippery, the youngsters Sities and Kainuk together with Kudup were kept behind at the stockades until the sun warmed the earth.
On the 14th of March we received a call from Lewa Downs informing us that they had an orphan in need of rescue. The team was assemble and left first thing in the morning. The young calf who was suspected to be a poaching victim was about a year old and she was obviously very distraught following the loss of her family. She arrived at the nursery at noon and was named “Kazita” after a river close to where she was found. The orphans were brought in to see her in an attempt to comfort the new arrival. Olare and Mutara were very compassionate and affectionate towards the sad baby. The next day Kazita collapsed and was immediately put on a drip. Sadly the trauma she experienced was too much for her and by 4am she slipped away.
Kainuk who arrived late last month has put on weight and has made new friends in the Nursery. Olare and Murka are both extremely attentive to little Kainuk and are often found feeding close to her. On the 4th Kainuk had a run in with Ishanga who can be very greedy and aggressive during milk feeds. During the visiting hour Ishanga gulped down her milk setting her eyes on Kainuk who was still feeding. She charged and pushed Kainuk over the water barrel creating a scene. The keepers were quick to discipline Ishanga who ran away submissively. Due to this incident the keepers decided it was best to move Ishanga to the older group during milk feeds as the older ones will not tolerate her behaviour. This has clearly worked as since then she has been well mannered and has steered away from creating trouble.
Many new friendships have been established in the Nursery. Sities has formed a very special bond with Naipoki and the two are always together and like to engage in mischievous activities. Kitirua and Naisula continue to share a strong connection and the two are often found browsing apart from the rest of the group. On one occasion Naisula refused to take her milk until Kitirua was brought to feed beside her. Kandecha and Mutara have become good playmates and the two are often found engaged in pushing and strength testing games.
Our concern about Kudup’s health has not abated and as such we continue to search for a possible diagnosis as to what could be wrong. At the beginning of the month Kudup did not attend the public visiting hour as she was too weak. Mutara missed Kudup’s presence tremendously and once visiting was over she would rush back to Kudup embracing her like a long lost friend. On the 8th we flew Caroline Inghram out from the UK to work with Kudup. Caroline works with essential oils and practices Zoopharmacognosy. She was a great help with other tricky cases in the past and played an important role in healing ex nursery orphan Sinya’s wounds. As such we thought that she may be able to provide some insight into what was ailing Kudup. Caroline worked with her for a week after which we saw improvement in her. She regained her strength and was no longer trailing the others when it was time for their noon milk feed. She continues with Caroline’s recommended treatment in conjunction with homeopathic remedies and Septrine which seems to be easing her gut problems. The probiotics to ensure that her stomach flora is not compromised continues to be added to her milk feeds.
Rhino Orphans:- Blind Maxwell has become fond of Solio who is his neigbour and the two enjoy butting horns through the stockade bars. On the 27th Maxwell and Solio enjoyed prolonged morning greeting. Maxwell was so elated to see his young friend that he chose to run up and down his stockade, stopping to sniff at Solio when he came past. Solio was watching his antics with amusement until he decided to turn his bottom towards her and spray her marking her with his scent. She was not happy about this turn of events and took off into the bush with her keepers where she continued with her daily routine.