Voi Reintegration Unit

June 2010

Daily updates

June 2010








June 1st

After their morning milk feed, the orphans enjoyed playing in a pile of soft red earth, after which they headed out to browse. With the Park drying out rapidly, they fed without interruption until mudbath time, after which they brosed their way back home to the Stockades in the evening, led by Lesanju, their Matriarch.

Lesanju leading

Mzima left & Siria playing in soil

Kimana front,Ndii left & Kenia

June 2nd

It was hot today, so the orphans took to the shade of an acacia tree on the Western side of Mazinga Hill. Later they browsed their way to the waterhole at noon, hurrying for their milk feed, before taking water from the bins and enjoying a cooling mudbath. Shimba was first in, followed by Kenia and Kimana, Kenia keeping a close eye on Kimana, her favourite “baby”. They then browsed around the waterhole for the rest of the day until Sinya led them back in the evening.

Shimba taking a rest with his friends nearby

Mzima & Siria in the water

Siria standing on a rock

June 3rd

The orphans browsed seriously having emerged in the morning, Kenia remaining close to Kimana and Wasessa, to her favourite, Tassia.

Kenia loving Kimana

Kimana with Kenia

June 4th

Lesanju led the orphans out to browse earlier than usual, foregoing the usual Stockade games, mindful of the fact that the Park was drying out and food becoming more difficult to find. On the way out, they met up with Emily’s group, Siria running to greet the ex orphans. Solango mingled happily with them, having a soft spot for them. Emily led her group away after half an hour, followed for a short distance by Taveta, who then returned to join Lesanju’s unit. They did not link up again that day.

Emily's group with the youngsters

Burra visitng the stockades

Irima with Kenia

June 5th

The orphans headed into the main Park in single file, charging and playing en route. At noon they all enjoyed the mudbath, Wasessa blocking Sinya from playing with Tassia by coming between the two each time Sinya made an attempt. In the afternoon they all fed around the waterhole until it was time to return in the evening.

Wasessa playing with Tassia


June 6th

There was drama this morning when Kenia, who failed to count the number of bottles, moved in to take Ndii’s, who took exception and head butted Kenia. The Keepers moved in to separate the two so that Ndii could get her share. However, the grudge extended to the field, with both parties feeding far apart from one another. After the mudbath, all shared the shade of a tree together, so matters had improved between Kenia and Ndii.



June 7th

Taveta and Tassia had an altercation this morning, the reason for which was not observed by the Keepers. Wasessa moved in rapidly to protection Tassia and chased off Taveta. After the mudbath Shimba dug out some soil with his short tusks, while Mzima scratched his body against a tree and Kimana enjoyed suckling Kenia’s ears as she browsed.

Kimana suckling on Kenia's ear

The orphans drinking water


June 8th

Shimba, Mzima and Siria browsed their way high up Mazinga Hill today, coming down to link up with the others who were only half way up. Today they took their milk, water and a mudbath at the Stockades, and then returned to the hill for the next browsing session of the day.

Siria playing with Mzima

Shimba feeding

Shimba leading

June 9th

The orphans fed well for the better part of the day, taking a break to rest under an acacia tree when temperatures rose. Kenia rested her trunk lovingly across little Kimana’s back, something that Lesanju resented who tried to remove Kenia’s trunk. Kenia resisted and this annoyed Lesanju who pushed her away from the tree, prompting all the others to leave and return to the waterhole where Kenia regained possession of Kimana.

Kimana following Kenia

Dida & Ndii


June 10th

On a beautiful morning Lesanju and Lempaute vied with one another for Leadership of the group as they made their way out to browse. They browsed singly for most of the day, deciding against a mudbath because the weather was cool. Shimba led the group back in the evening.

Lempaute browsing

The orphans soil bathing

Shimba lying down in front

June 11th

Today the orphans browsed along the Northern side of Mazinga hill, where a wild group was also browsing close by, but the orphans did not want to join them. Later they came down for their milk and a mudbath, but the wild group had moved off by then so they did not meet up.

Kimana with Lesanju behind him

Mzima scratching

The orphans at the mudbath

June 12th

The Keepers went out early to collect a pile of red soil for the orphans to enjoy at their noon mudbath. This became a playing paradise for them, Taveta, Mzima and Siria enjoying a rolling down game, Siria taking advantage of Lempaute as she lay down. They fed close to the waterhole for the rest of the day.

The orphans playing in the soil

Siria playing in the soil

Siria mounting Lempaute

June 13th

The orphans emerged in high spirits, Siria and Mzima engaging one another in a wrestling match before following the others who had already moved off. Again they enjoyed playing in the soft pile of red earth after the mudbath and before moving back to browse at the foot of Mazinga Hill.

Mzima lying down with Siria near him

Siria playing

Siria & Mzima

June 14th

As soon as the orphans reached the main Park in the morning, Kimana homed in on Kenia’s ears whilst she browsed, which continually dislodged him, so that he decided that it was time that he, too, began browsing. They took their milk on the Eastern side of the hill today and refrained from a mudbath because it was too cool.

Kimana trying to hold onto Kenia's ear

Dida browsing

June 15th

Emily’s group had not been seen for a full week, but was spotted headed to the Stockades. Upon closer inspection the Keepers noticed that she had an arrow embedded in her rump, and also that Laikipia had one in his trunk. Nairobi was alerted, and a Vet was flown down, who immobilized both elephants, and with the help of Robert Carr- Hartley, who was there with the IMAX filming crew, managed to dig both arrows out and revive the two ex orphans.

Edie & her calf

Thoma & Irima

Emily and her wild born calf, Eve

June 16th

Emily’s group joined up with a lot of wild elephants and left the Park through the derelict electric fence onto Ngutuni Ranch, the fence having been neglected by the management of the Ranch. This area has enjoyed more rain than the Park and has large stands of grewia bicolor which is the elephants’ favourite browse. The Keepers encouraged the ex orphans back into the Park, because they and the wild elephants are very vulnerable at Ngutuni Ranch where poachers ambush them at a watering point. Many of the wild elephants have also been arrowed there. Robert Carr-Hartley went to inspect the fence, and encouraged KWS to undertake some maintenance on the broken fence in the interests of their elephants.

Wild elephants at Irima

Ex orphans near the stockades

June 17th

The orphans went browsing along the Hill again, and seemed to forget the time, so the Keepers had to remind them about their noon milk when it was 1.30 p.m.! Lesanju led her group back to the stockades to have their milk, after which Sinya, who normally is not overly fond of water, dived into the mudbath, all the others watching in amazement before joining her. Afterwards they returned to browse along the hill until it was time to return in the evening.

Sinya playing in the water


June 18th

Kenia led the group to the hill today to browse. They returned to the Stockades at noon for their milk and mudbath, when Wasessa occupied the middle of the pool, keeping a close eye on Tassia, who was having fun with it all to himself. Only when he came out did the others have a chance to go in!



June 19th

At the Southern side of the hill Siria climbed a rock, and stood like a Chief overlooking all the others below him. From the vantage point he was able to reach some of the higher branches. At noon they returned to the Stockade for their milk and mudbath and then went back to the Hill. Emily’s group came to the Stockades in the late evening for water and Copra cake after the Keeper dependent orphans were already in their Night Stockades.

Emily's calf Eve charges

Edie, her calf & Mweya


June 20th

Emily’s group again came to the Stockades at 5.30 p.m. Her wound on the rump and that of Laikipia on his trunk are both healing well. The group hung around the Stockades for some time after having Copra Cake, Ndara and Irima engaging one another in a fun pushing game. They all had fun in the pile of red soil, tossing huge chunks in the air, before returning to the Hill to browse.

Irima & Vita soil bathing

Mpala scratching

June 21st

Lesanju and Lempaute jointly led the orphans out into the main Park in the morning. Mzima and Siria engaged one another in a wrestling match, in which Taveta also participated, but found himself pinned down by Siria. He bellowed for help, so the Keepers came to his rescue. All then browsed peacefully for the rest of the day, skipping the mudbath, because the weather was cool.

Taveta on the far end with Mzima & Siria


June 22nd

After 3 hours of serious browsing, Dida initiated a rolling game in soft soil on the Eastern side of Mazina Hill. Ndii, Mzima and Siria joined her until Lesanju summonsed them to make their way to the waterhole at noon for their milk and a mudbath. They thoroughly enjoyed both the waterhole and a soil dusting session later. In the evening Dida led the group back to the Stockades.

Dida lying down with Mzima next to her

Sweet Sally with Emily & her calf behind

June 23rd

The orphans fed seriously throughout the morning, returning to the Stockades for their milk and a mudbath at noon when they embarked on a game of hide and seek. Kenia was inhibited in participating fully because Kimana wanted to suckle on her ears! Later they returned to the hill to browse when Taveta went to investigate a hole in a tree trunk. They returned as usual in the evening.

Kimana following Kenia

The orphans soil bathing

June 24th

After a busy feeding day, Shimba embarked on a game in some soft soil, which surprised the Keepers, because he usually concentrates on his stomach! He tried to entice Kimana to join in, but Kenia moved in swiftly to thwart Shimba’s intention. In the evening Ndii led the group back.

Shimba leading

Solango with the youngsters

Shimba lying down to play

June 25th

After the early morning milk feed, the orphans played around the Compound before heading out to the Western side of Mazinga hill, reaching the big waterhole at noon. There they bathed briefly, and then enjoyed playing in the soil pile, later browsing their way slowly back to the Stockades in the evening.

Lesanju scratching



June 26th

Kenia introduced little Kimana to a gentle wrestling game in the evening, blocking all attempts by the others to take him away, or to join in. Tassia began to play independently, watched over by Wasessa, who made sure no other orphan interrupted his fun. Lesanju later led the way back to he Stockades.

Kenia & Kimana playing


June 27th

Today was a very hot day, so the orphans took their first mudbath at 9.30 a.m. They then browsed close to the big waterhole, and enjoyed a second lengthy mudbath at noon after their milk feed, after which they had fun in the soil pile.

Wasessa playing in the mud

June 28th

After their usual early morning milk feed and stockade games, the orphans went half way up Mazinga Hill where they found some good browse. Siria tried to uproot a big stone using his front leg, but was unsuccessful, so joined the others browsing, until it was time to head for the waterhole at noon. Later they returned to the hill and browsed until the evening.

Mzima playing


June 29th

The orphans all enjoyed playing in the soft soil after their noon mudbath, but Kenia prevented little Kimana from joining in, perhaps fearful that he might be hurt by one of the others. Instead he comfortably suckled her ears until it was time for the group to embark on browsing for the remainder of the day.

Kimana playing in the soil

The orphans playing together

June 30th

The orphans went high up Mazinga hill opposite the Park offices, where they found some tasty browse and so were not in a hurry to come down. Lesanju led them down at 2 p.m. to take their milk and a drink of water at the Stockades before cooling off in the mudbath. Notes:- The Trust moved rapidly to undertake repairing 20 kms. of the derelict Ngutuni fence, and also blocked the Railway exit which is also utilized by the Park elephants to access the browse of the Ranch, which is lusher than that of the Park itself. Since then no elephants have been leaving the Park.

Vita & Ndara guarding Emily's calf, Eve

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