July 1st
The month began on a high note as a beautiful morning greeted the orphans when they exited their stockades for their morning milk. It was an action packed morning with the orphans enjoying a game of hide and seek before settling to browse. Tsavo has started drying up following the rains so each orphan concentrated on their own feeding patch. The orphans all jumped in at the noon mudbath and had a lot of fun before heading back to browse for the afternoon. Kenia and her small group comprising of Kimana, Ndii, Dida and Taveta browsed away from the rest joining them on the way back to the stockades where Taveta took the lead.
Kenia on the left with Ndii & Kimana
July 2nd
Lesanju led the orphans to the Northern side of Mzinga hill where they spent the better half of the day browsing. On the way back in the evening Mzima who was busy browsing got left behind, upon realising he was alone he charged off to joining the rest of the group. Siria welcomed Mzima with a strength testing game which left them bringing up the rear as the orphans returned to the stockades.
Lesanju leading the orphans
July 3rd
The orphans quickly downed their milk before heading to the Southern side of Mzinga hill. Kimana kept close to Kenia occasionally suckling on her ear, while Wasessa stayed by Tassia’s side. The orphans came up to the stockades for their noon milk feed and enjoyed meeting some of the community children brought over by the Trust’s Burra desnaring team as part of the community outreach program. The orphans spent the rest of the way browsing before Wasessa led the way home.
Kimana sucks on Kenia's ear
July 4th
Today the babies took the same direction as yesterday settling to browse on the Southern side of Mzinga hill. Following the noon mudbath Shimba introduced a scratching game whereby all the orphans joined in rubbing against a fallen tree trunk. Dida then got everybody soil bathing and lying down at which point Shimba took the opportunity to mount Dida who was not happy about this as she is smaller than he is. Thankfully Ndii came to her rescue. Wasessa then led the orphans further afield where they came upon a group of wild elephants. Sinya befriended one of the wild members of the herd who played with her for a while. The others engaged in a lot of friendly trunk touching with their wild counterparts. As they parted ways none of the orphans seemed interested in following their new friends.
Mzima scratching on a tree trunk
July 5th
The morning was spent browsing on the Northern side of Mzinga Hill. Mzima fed close to Tassia which left Wasessa keeping a keen eye on her “baby”. The orphans visited a waterhole where they had a lovely mudbath with Shimba being the centre of attention before being outshined by Mzima whose bathing tactics are always fun to watch. Lempaute led the way back to the stockades in the evening.
Mzima on the left close to Tassia
Tassia in front with Mzima next to him
July 6th
The orphans spent the early hours of the morning playing close to the stockades before heading off to feed prior to coming back to the compound to have their noon bottles followed by a quick splash at the water trough. They then headed out reaching their usual waterhole later in the day at which time they decided to have a proper dip. Lempaute lay down in the water inviting Tassia over for a game. However Sinya quickly drew his attention stopping him from going to play with Lempaute. Wasessa intervened taking Tassia away to feed with her for the rest of the day.
Lempaute on the left next to Wasessa
Wasessa guarding Tassia while he plays
July 7th
The day was spent on the lower part of Mzinga Hill. At about 10am and orphaned calf was brought to the stockades by the Ziwani Desnaring Team. This poor calf had been attacked by humans and had a spear embedded in its forehead. The Tsavo mobile vet unit treated the calf’s wounds as it awaited the rescue plane from Nairobi the following day. During the evening Siria and Mzima entertained everyone with a pushing game, entwining their trunks as they played.
July 8th
Last night the newcomer managed to leave its stockade and join Kenia’s group in theirs. An argument ensued as Tassia and Taveta teamed up against the calf forcing the Keepers to intervene. Once dawn broke Lesanju’s group rushed over to the newcomer’s stable touching her all over with their trunks and comforting the traumatised orphan. The rescue team arrived later that morning to take the orphan to the Nursery.
July 9th
The morning was cold with strong winds prevailing from an easterly direction. This drove the orphans to browse on the far northern side of Mzinga Hill until it warmed up at which point they headed for the waterhole where they splashed themselves with water before resting under an acacia tree. It was here that Lempaute got a huge fright when a squirrel landed on her back. She screamed loudly and started running in panic scaring all the others in the process!
July 10th
A wild herd of was grazing above the stockades this morning who attracted Siria’s attention. He raised his trunk to get their scent, rumbling in greeting, which got a response from a wild cow. Siria wanted to lead the orphans towards the wild group but Lesanju was not in agreement. Her decision to go a different direction was respected by all, including Siria who reluctantly followed. The wild group came to drink at the stockades in the evening, bathing at the nearby waterhole before making their way into the Park.
July 11th
Shimba and Siria spent the morning browsing at the top of Mzinga Hill. At noon they linked up with the others, who had been feeding on the lower slopes, as they headed for the mudbath. As it was still quite cold the mudbath was a quick dip followed by browsing for the afternoon. Shimba led the way home in the evening.
July 12th
At the mudbath Wasessa played a game whereby she sucked water into her trunk spraying it skywards wetting the other orphans including Sinya who is not a fan of water. She quickly stepped away in order to avoid being splashed further opting instead to dust bathe at the waters edge where the soil was warm. Mzima, being his usual gregarious self, busied himself playing with the water barrels. In the afternoon the orphans came across a large herd heading towards the Voi airstrip. One young bull showed some interest in Lesanju who shied away. Siria quickly moved in and engaged the wild boy in a pushing game. Sinya, feeling more confident with a friend nearby, joined them for a short while.
Wasessa on the right with Mzima
July 13th
Today Wasessa exited the stockade with her ear erect after having been bent for some time, despite the Keepers effort to straighten it. The morning was spent browsing on creepers before heading to the mudbath were fun & games were enjoyed by all. On the way back to the stockades the orphans were spooked by a tortoise in their path, forcing Lesanju to divert the group around the tortoise!
Wasessa with a straight ear again
The tortiose that scared off the orphans
July 14th
Emily’s group arrived at the stockades at noon where they had a quick drink before heading out to join the youngsters. Kimana, Dida, and Ndii were shying away from the ex orphans while Tassia followed Emily’s calf to play. Laikipia and Mweya engaged in strength testing games while Icholta kept trying to interact with Dida. Seraa followed Sinya and Taveta closely browsing alongside them. The two groups parted ways in the evening with Solango continually trying to engage Siria in pushing games, riding on his back before rejoining his group.
Shimba & Siria welcome Emily's group
July 15th
Lesanju led the orphans out with Kenia and Kimana lagging behind as Kimana was suckling on Kenia’s ear. Tassia and Taveta enjoyed their usual boisterous pushing games. The orphans were having so much fun at the mudbath that their joyous trumpeting attracted the attention of a big wild bull who turned away upon seeing the Keepers with the orphans.
Tassia playing with Shimba
Ndii left, Dida & Kimana in soil dusting game
July 16th
Due to the dry season having set in the orphans began the day browsing on the foot of Mzinga Hill were there is still plenty of vegetation. At noon they quenched their thirst at the mudbath before cooling down in the water. Mzima, Tassia, and Taveta rolled around in the mud while Wasessa, Lesanju, and Lempaute stood by admiring Shimba’s diving styles. Sinya led the way to the stockades in the evening.
Shimba on the left next ot Mzima
July 17th
The morning began with the orphans devouring their share of milk and copra cake before heading to the Park. On the northern side of Mzinga Hill Shimba, Siria, and Mzima browsed their way to the top while Lesanju, Lempaute and Ndii chose to stay close to the keepers half way up the hill with Kenia, Kimana, and the others browsing lower down. There were some light showers during the course of the day but this didn’t change their plans.
Dida infront with Kenia, Kimana & Ndii
July 18th
The day began on a high note with the orphans chasing each other around the compound before heading to the bush. They fed on the lower slopes of Mzinga Hill before going to the mudbath where Ndii, Tassia, and Dida took to immersing their heads in the water blowing bubbles to the surface which fascinated Lensaju, Sinya, and Lempaute as they stood by watching. Shimba raced to the stockade in the evening ensuring he was the 1st get his milk.
Mzima having fun in the water
July 19th
Ndii took the lead in the morning swinging her trunk around portraying her jovial mood. The orphans fed until the evening, with only some of the orphans taking a break to engage in pushing games. Tassia took on Shimba while Wasessa took on Mzima. Siria who was watching from a distance rushed in to steal his good friend Mzima, this upset Wasessa who together with Lempaute, clambered on Mzima for choosing Siria over them. Sinya led the way home for the night.
Lempaute & Wasessa pinning down Mzima
July 20th
The mudbath was the highlight in today’s games, with the orphans rolling around in the mud, sliding down the mudbath walls and splashing around. Siria became very excited and started climbing over the pile of elephants squashing Tassia in the process, Wasessa became angry and insisted on fighting Siria, scaring him and the others out the water, showing her true motherly instincts over her precious little “baby” Tassia.
Siria taking the central role in the mudbath
July 21st
Following a restful night, the orphans were full of energy as they exited their stockades. Shimba, Mzima, and Taveta enjoyed dusting games while the other headed to the Park. Upon realising they had lagged behind they ran to join up with the herd. At the mudbath each orphan chose a patch where they showed off their bathing skills. Siria, Taveta, and Mzima were having so much fun that they got left behind and had to rush to catch up. While making their way back to the stockades, Sinya, Lesanju, and Lempaute competed for leadership with Lesanju being the victor.
Mzima & Shimba strength testing
July 22nd
Lesanju and Ndii led the orphans towards the western side of Mzinga Hill where they browsed for the morning hours. En route to the waterhole Kimana let out a complaining rumble and scream when he noticed that his adopted “mother” Kenia was far ahead of him. Kenia gave up her chance of reaching the milk 1st, choosing instead to stay behind with Kimana.
July 23rd
The orphans headed out in single file in search of a green patch to munch on. Upon reaching a flat plain they scattered intent on eating as much as they could. At the mudwallow Tassia decided to forgo the bathing games for a bottom scratching exercise on the side of the mudbath. Dida had fun caking herself in mud while Mzima mounted his good friend Siria who was lying down in the shallow waters. The orphans rested under the shade of an acacia tree before feeding for the rest of the day.
Mzima playing next to Lesanju
July 24th
The orphans fed near the stockades, returning at noon for a milk feed and some water before bathing at the stockade waterhole. Mzima was the centre of attention as he showed off his bathing techniques to while the others watched. Shimba then took the lead as he marched the rest to the top of the hill where they spent the afternoon. Lesanju led the group back at nightfall.
July 25th
Kenia, Ndii, and Kimana browsed together while Sinya and Taveta did the same. There was a wild herd browsing close by but the orphans showed no interest until they were on their way to their milk at which time they raised their trunks in greeting.
July 26th
Following an early bottle of milk, the orphans settled on the eastern side of Mzinga Hill. A fight broke out between the two youngsters of the group, Tassia and Taveta, when Taveta approached Wasessa for browsing company. Wasessa had to separate the two who continued their grudge at the mudbath when they again challenged one another. Dida took the lead on the way to the stockades in the evening.
Wasessa left,Lempaute, & Mzima in a dusting game
July 27th
The day was cold and as such Wasessa and Siria were the only ones to take a quick dip in the mudbath. The day was spent browsing with Shimba enjoying leadership on the way home.
Mzima playing with the water barrels
Siria is followed by Laikipia
July 28th
As the orphans made their way to out feed for the morning they came upon a wild herd on the slopes on Mzinga Hill. Siria was keen to interact with the wild elephants, he tried to coax the others to go over to them. Unfortunately the others took little interest and instead chose to go a different direction, raising their trunks and rumbling a greeting as they moved off. Siria reluctantly followed the orphan group. It was too cold for a mudbath so the orphans spent the day feeding before being led back by Kenia at dusk.
Wild elephants near the orphans
July 29th
The orphans gulped down their morning milk and played around the stockade compound as the sun rose. Lesanju interrupted the games with a loud trumpet that prompted the orphans to follow their matriarch to the Park. Wasessa and Tassia remained close together, separating themselves from the herd for a brief period. It was a hot day, and as the orphans had missed out on bathing for a couple of days they opted to go to the mudbath slightly earlier than usual to enjoy a quick dip before the milk feed.
Mzima on the left next to Shimba
July 30th
The early morning was spent browsing near the top of the hill, only stopping occasionally to scratch on large boulders. Kenia and Ndii led the way down to the noon milk feed after which the orphans had a glorious time together.
July 31st
This morning Kimana existed the stockades with a swollen leg. There was no evidence of him being injured by the others at night so the Keepers are not sure of the cause of this swelling. Kenia and Lesanju made sure that the others did not move too quickly so that Kimana could keep up with the group. The Keepers made sure that the orphans did not go to browse far afield and kept applying deep heat to Kimana’s leg. The swelling went down during the course of the day, and by evening he was feeling much better.