July 1st
Emily’s group took a long rest under a tree after a wonderful noon mudbath. At 4.30 p.m. Tsavo, Lolokwe and Salama joined forces to expel Laikipia from the others, but Laikipia joined the group again once the other young bulls were occupied elsewhere.
July 2nd
Sosian and Solango teamed up to enjoy the mudbath together. They spent the rest of the day close together, sometimes playing by testing their strength in competition.
July 3rd
Tsavo was pushed down by Salama during a strength-testing bout. Tsavo bellowed loudly, and Emily immediately charged to the rescue, sending Salama fleeing in a hurry.
July 4th
During the noon mudbath, Mweiga left her bottles of milk to take on Solango who had attempted to snatch them. The Keepers intervened to keep the peace, and Solango wandered off.
July 5th
It was a cool evening. Loisaba drew water into her trunk and sprayed it onto Ilingwezi, forcing her to run off.
July 6th
The orphans chased off 2 bushbucks who were in amongst a troupe of baboons. Morani ran back for Emily’s protection when the big male produced a barking sound
July 7th
Edie and Mukwaju had a disagreement over a fallen log which both wanted to use as a scratching post. Mpala took advantage of the argument and enjoyed using it to scratch himself.
July 8th
The orphans were feeding at the foot of Mzinga Hill when a hyrax dislodged a rock which rolled towards Emily, frightening her. She ran off yelling, which terrified all the others who did likewise.
July 9th
After the mudbath, Aitong took Sally, Irima and Ndara off, leaving the other orphans. They met up with the main group when they were on their way back to the Stockades.
July 10th
After an afternoon rest, the orphans teamed up in friendship groups and initiated a pushing game together. Thoma took Solango whilst Mukwaju chose Lolokwe.
July 11th
At 6.30 a.m. Nyiro and Tsavo enjoyed a pushing game, Tsavo lying down to take on Nyiro. Further on Mpala, Seraa, Solango and Mweya chased off 2 dikdiks, and the chase turned into a joint game, with all the orphans trumpeting and rushing hither and thither.
July 12th
At 12.15 p.m. Loisaba, Solango, and Mpala lagged behind when the other elephants left the mudbath. They returned to the mudhole on their own and had a wonderful time, rejoining the others later.
July 13th
Thoma and Irima enjoyed a joint dustbath having been in the mud, rolling around together in the loose soil.
July 14th
At ll.57 a.m. Thoma enjoyed scratching her genitals on the buttocks of one of the others.
July 15th
Ilingwezi and Lolokwe enjoyed testing their strength in competition with one another. Meanwhile an oxpecker sat on Solango and began taking off ticks. It kept on flying back whenever Solango managed to dislodge it.
July 16th
Emily and Solango enjoyed a pushing game at 12.03 p.m. which ended when Emily nipped Salama’s tail, sending him off bellowing
July 17th
At 11.29 a.m. Edie, Mpala and Irima lined up behind Solango, who was scratching his foreleg on a fallen tree trunk. They took turns to do the same, each in turn.
July 18th
Today, Emily took Ndara away from all the others to feed. They joined the others on the way to the noon mudbath.
July 19th
It was noticed that Burra had a runny eye today, so we called the Trust’s Mobile Veterinary Unit so that the Vet could bring the medication.
July 20th
All the orphans were very playful today, enjoying games in friendship groups. Icholta took Edie, Laikipia took Natumi and Mukwaju took Nyiro.
July 21st
Natumi and Mvita initiated a joint game of hide and seek, which deteriorated into a tough fight at l0 a.m. when Natumi accidentally kicked Mvita in the stomach. Aitong went in to separate them.
July 22nd
At 12.10 a.m. Solango instructed little Morani in some soft fighting techniques. Solango gently grabbed Morani’s trunk and applied a little pressure to push him back. Morani gathered strength to push Solango back, but the lesson was disrupted by Mpala who came in to disperse the two combatants. Thoma discovered a hare resting in some shrubbery, so she gave chase, joined by Mweya and Irima.
July 23rd
Loisaba gently dislodged Seraa who was scratching her hind leg on a tree trunk. Loisaba then enjoyed doing the same.
July 24th
Icholta initiated a pushing game with Mvita, who has one tusk longer than the other. Icholta ran off when the one long tusk threatened to prick her, and spent the rest of the day avoiding Mvita, who wanted to resume the play.
July 25th
The day was cold with misty showers, so the orphans kept warm by playing games. Laikipia took on Sosian, Mukwaju challenged Lolokwe and Solango took on Morani. A fun time was had by all.
July 26th
The orphans mudwallowed happily and extensively today, as if competing as to who would have the best shimmer of the day. The fun ended when Ndara had some mud spilled into her eye. She bellowed, and all vacated the pond.
July 27th
Burra’s eye is much improved, but the Keepers continued with the medication to avoid a re-occurrence of the infection.
July 28th
Edie, Salama, Tsavo and Loisaba joined forces to take on Laikipia who wanted to monopolize a pile of Copra cake in the Stockade during the evening. Initially Laikipia pushed away all the other orphans, but eventually gave in, and shared the pile.
July 29th
Mweya mischievously quietly hid behind a thick bush and when all the other orphans approached, rushed out to scare them. The younger orphans rushed back to the Keepers screaming, whilst Mweya stood by looking very pleased with herself. The other orphans returned when they realised that the threat was just Mweya playing a trick on them! At 1.49 p.m. the orphans joined a wild group of about seven elephants. Laikipia and Salama joined forces to take on a wild bull slightly older than them, but when they managed to push the young bull down, the wild Matriarch became aggressive and chased our boys off.