July 1st
After the noon mudbath, Yatta led the babies through a path previously used by Imenti in order to rest under a tree. Kinna lay down, whilst all the others surroundered her.
July 2nd
During the afternoon Selengai spent most of the time suckling Mulika’s ears. Kinna became jealous of this and pushed Selengai away.
July 3rd
At 8 a.m. a troupe of baboons passed nearby, which scared the orphans who ran to their Keepers for protection.
July 4th
On the way to the mudbath Mulika walked side by side with Selengai whilst Nasalot walked with her favourite, Olmalo. At mudbath Tomboi pushed Olmalo and Napasha took revenge by pushing Tomboi.
July 5th
Olmalo is very close to the Keepers, and spent most of the day very near them. Selengai and Taita enjoyed a pushing game, whilst Mulika watched closely, standing by in case it deteriorated into a fight.
July 6th
Tomboi led the way out into the bush today. On the way, he spotted some guinea-fowl so hesitated but then summonsed courage, trumpeted and went gambolling towards the birds, who took fright and flew away.
July 7th
It was too cold for the mudbath today, so the orphans enjoyed a dustbath instead.
July 8th
Not far from the Stockade, the Keepers and the orphans came across footprints of about 5 wild elephants. Led by Yatta, the orphans sniffed the footprints, and tested the wind by raising their trunks. Yatta, Kinna and Nasalot gathered close to each other and seemed then to commune silently with each other before moving on.
July 9th
The day was hot, so by l0 a.m. the orphans went for shade under a tree. At mudbath, they splashed water on themselves. In the evening Tomboi and Olmalo pushed one another.
July 10th
The orphans woke up happy as usual and followed Imenti’s trail with their Keepers. When a squirrel passed near Napasha, he charged it to chase it away. Selengai spent the day browsing near Mulika.
July 11th
Taita and Tomboi tested their strength by pushing each other. Napasha then came along and separated them.
July 12th
Wendi rushed around joyfully breaking branches which scared the others, causing Tomboi to trumpet. Selengai, Taita and Olmalo ran towards Yatta, but Napasha stood his ground.
July 13th
At midday, Napasha heard the tractor, and ran towards the direction of the sound, breaking the vegetation and trumpeting. This scared the others who ran to their Keepers.
July 14th
Kinna had a disagreement with Wendi today when Wendi tried to snatch some greens from her. Mulika was not pleased with Kinna’s behaviour towards Wendi and grumbled, pointing her trunk at Kinna as a sign of warning.
July 15th
Napasha picked up a stick, and sucked it, indicating that the time was approaching when he should have his milk. Again, the troupe of baboons scared the babies which annoyed Yatta and Nasalot who chased the baboons off.
July 16th
The Keepers took the elephants near Ithumba hill, which was a new location for them, so they were a little uneasy. When the wind stirred the trees, Mulika ran to the Keepers for protection and the rest of the group followed.
July 17th
Olmalo, who is the youngest, chose to say close to the Keepers today, so Mulika and Nasalot remained close at hand to help if need be. At 11.30 a.m. Kinna, who is very time conscious, led the group to the mudbath.
July 18th
During the mudbath, Kinna lay down to play. Napasha, Olmalo and Selengai climbed on her, which made Kinna bellow as she found their weight too much
July 19th
The day was cool, so there was no mudbath. Selengai kept on suckling Mulika’s ears.
July 20th
Tomboi spotted two rats chasing one another, and joined their game by running in and trying to step on them, but was unsuccessful.
July 21st
At mudbath Olmalo decided to rest under a tree, and watch the others take a bath.
July 22nd
The day was hot, and the orphans felt the heat, continually flapping their ears. Napasha and Olmalo browsed near the Keepers but the others went further afield.
July 23rd
Napasha decided to isolate himself from the others, and browse away from them on his own. He joined the rest when it was time for the noon milk.
July 24th
A flock of birds were drinking at the mudbath when the orphans arrived. Napasha gambolled towards them as they took flight.
July 25th
Tomboi and Taita tested their strength by pushing each other. The contest was won by Tomboi when Taita gave up.
July 26th
Early in the morning, two dikdiks crossed Napasha’s path, which provoked him to charge and chase them off.