January 1st
Both the Keepers and the 25 infant orphaned elephants in the Nursery greeted the onset of another year jovially, all the Big Elephant girls greeting the babies lovingly before the herd headed out to browse. Out in the bush Kanjoro and Orwa embarked on a Strength Testing bout, which was interrupted by Kilabasi, who drove Kanjoro away from Orwa.
Faraja leading the orphans to the mudbath
January 2nd
Having left their night stables, little Barsilinga, Kithaka and Ngasha enjoyed scampering round the compound, which ended abruptly when Kithaka collided head on with Ngasha as he rounded a corner. Kithaka then went to join the Big Girls, feeling sorry for himself.
Barsilinga standing next to a keeper
Ngasha browsing at the public visit
January 3rd
Orwa used to be very “pushy” at milk feeding times when he was with the Junior group, so he has been upgraded to the Big Group, and is now much better behaved, having been put in line by Kanjoro. He now has more respect at bottle feeding times.
Orwa with the other orphans
January 4th
Little Lemoyian, who went through a sticky teething period, is now doing very well, putting on weight and enjoying being integrated into the main herd. He is the favourite baby of Shukuru and Mutara, usurping the previous privileged position of Kithaka, who is now closer to Turkwel and Kainuk. Kwale and Faraja are very close and gentle well behaved little boys.
Lemoyian surrounded by orphans
January 5th
As the orphans were making their way back in the evening, they happened upon some lions in the process of making a kill. The elephants were terrified, scampering off in all directions, while the Keepers shouted at the lions. All the elephants then converged on their Keepers for protection and were extremely nervous until they had settled into their Stockades, and had their evening milk feed. The lion kill was an unfortunate warthog.
Orphans heading to the bush
Geri the orphan thompson's gazelle
January 6th
Teleki, who previously had been nicknamed “Rasta” by the Keepers because he was so hairy, having originated from cold Mt. Kenya, has now shed most of his excess hair, and is just like the others. The wound on his shoulder having more or less healed completely, h is happy to rub shoulders with the others now, whereas previously he avoided them for fear they would touch his wound and hurt him. He is now a very happy and settled member of the Nursery set.
January 7th
Kanjoro, who is the oldest Bull in the Nursery, and who is very pushy at milk feeds, today pushed down Kihari to try and snatch her bottle. The Keepers attempted to discipline him by sending him to spend time out, but he merely turned his back on them and reversed until he had reached the others! Kanjoro is currently training to go into the Elephant Moving truck along with Kilabasi, and he will soon be at Ithumba where he will be taught good behaviour by the bigger Boys.
Orphans coming in for milk
January 8th
As the orphans were feeding out in the bush, suddenly a herd of buffalo ran through them, pursued by some lions. The elephants scattered in all directions, trumpeting and bellowing in fear. The Big Girls took little Lemoyian with them as they ran back to the Stockades, Lemoyian crying for help. The Keepers had a difficult time rounding up the orphans after the buffaloes had gone, because the elephants were all shaken. The other babies were deep in the forest crying for their Keepers, who managed to locate them and calm them.
January 9th
mother warthog and her piglets were trying to keep close to the elephants as they headed out to browse. Narok, Quanza, Balguda and Ishaq-B were giving the warthogs a hard time, trying to chase them away. Quanza and Ishaq-B managed to corner one piglet between them but when the piglet screamed for help from the mother, the two elephants were terrified and ran back to others bellowing with fear! Quanza and Narok are best friends.
January 10th
Murera is becoming a loner – walking away from the other orphans, and leaving even her best friend Sonje to browse on her own well away from everyone else. The Keepers are puzzled as to why she has decided to behave in this way but suspect that it is because her milk ration has been cut now that she is three years old.
January 11th
The training of Kilabasi and Kanjoro in preparation for their move to Ithumba is going well. Tano and Shukuru are also not averse to taking their milk in the truck, but Mutara and Sonje avoid going anywhere near the truck, remaining near Maxwell’s Stockade. Just past 2 p.m. Murera sneaked away on her own again and went deep into the bush. Eventually the Keepers, who had been searching for several hours, found her near the Banda Gate. She was very reluctant to return.
Murera with the youngsters
January 12th
Kilabasi and Kanjoro are still responding positively to the rehearsal prior to their move. Murera again sneaked away from the others on her own, and went deep into the forest, where she was found at 5 p.m., and again was very reluctant to return.
January 13th
At the public visiting hour little Barsilinga and Lemoyian entertained the crowd with a Pushing Game which the audience greatly enjoyed.
January 14th
As soon as Solio left her night Stockade, she walked round the elephant stockades and greeted Maxwell who was waiting near his water trough. They enjoyed a sparring match through the poles, Maxwell breaking off now and then to gallop around his enclosure before returning for the duel. Meanwhile Solio walked off, so Maxwell sprayed urine in the direction she had taken, hoping to entice her back again, but had no such luck. When he knew that Solio had left, he returned to his usual routine.
Maxwell enjoying his greens
January 15th
The BBC film crew were here today to discuss the current poaching situation following the slaughter of a wild elephant family in Tsavo East National Park. During an interview with Dame Daphne who was facing the camera, Kithaka ran out of the herd and knocked Dame Daphne down! All the Keepers ran to help her up, and then sent Kithaka off to spend time out. Kithaka has become a bit pushy of late. Being so small, he enjoys displaying his strength!
Naipoki enjoying the dust at the public viewing
January 16th
Little Lemoyian attempted a grown-up trumpet today as all the orphans were playing before heading out to browse. At the public viewing hour Kithaka again tried to push down one of the spectators and was sent to spend time out. He will eventually be taught how to behave when he finds himself at one of the Rehabilitation Stations where the bigger elephants will teach him elephant manners! Murera sneaked off by herself as usual, but at the Private Viewing hour of 3 p.m. she turned up, knowing that a milk feed was in the offing!
Kathaka and Barselinga enjoying a milk feed
January 17th
On a lovely sunny morning, all the Orphans crowded around Kanjoro’s Gate waiting for everyone to gather. As Balguda emerged from his stable, little Lemoyian pushed him from behind. Balguda turned round and the two engaged in a Pushing fight, which Balguda easily won. Little Lemoyian was persistent, and kept returning to resume the battle until Bomani intervened by putting himself between the two small boys!
January 18th
At the 9 a.m. feed, Murera came to demand her milk and it was difficult for the Keepers to control her. She strongly disapproves of having her milk ration cut down and it is her way of showing her disapproval – giving the Keepers a run-around!
January 19th
The training of Kilabasi and Kanjoro to get used to going into the Elephant Moving truck began today, so all the elephants were fed their noon milk feed beside the truck. Kanjoro went in to take his share without fear and although Kilabasi also went in for the milk, she was more reluctant. Having taken their milk they all came down for the mudbath public viewing hour.
Sites with all the babies
January 20th
After the small elephants had taken their milk at the 3 p.m. Private Viewing hour, they went into the mudbath to cool themselves, since it was a hot day. Little Lemoyian was lying in the middle when the Older Elephants arrived, who also crowded around the mudwallow, interfering with Lemoyian’s exit. He bellowed loudly, and this brought Mutara and Shukuru at the run, who had been browsing nearby. They pushed all the other elephants away, and helped Lemoyian get out.
Setting up for the milk feed
January 21st
Today is the last day for Kanjoro and Kilabasi in the Nursery, since they are due to be upgraded to the Ithumba Stockades tomorrow. Kilabasi is very fond of both Balguda and Ngasha, and escorted them out to browse, walking between the two little boys. She spent the entire day near them. The 11 a.m. milk feed took place at the Elephant Moving Truck again, and both Kilabasi and Kanjoro obediently went in to take their milk.
January 22nd
It is 2.30 a.m. in the morning and all the Keepers are on duty in preparation for the graduation of Kilabasi and Kanjoro, making sure that everything is in place for their long journey to Ithumba – milk, vegetation, water. At exactly 3 a.m. Kanjoro is aboard the truck without resistance. Minutes later Kilabasi is brought to the truck, but she is suspicious and does not want to go inside, instead extending her trunk towards Kanjoro. She then goes in and by 4 a.m. the truck was on its way.
January 23rd
Although yesterday the absence of Kilabasi and Kanjoro seemed to be hardly noticed by the others, but today Ngasha and Balguda instantly ran to Kilabasi’s old Stockade and searched for her. Ngasha continued the search for her throughout the day, crying for her and although Sities tried to calm and comfort him, he felt the loss of Kilabasi very keenly and kept on crying for her.
January 24th
Today the training of Mutara, Shukuru and Tano to the Elephant Moving vehicle began since they will shortly be joining Kilabasi and Kanjoro at Ithumba. While the younger elephants went to the Public Viewing venue, the three graduates were fed their milk at the truck. Mutara, who previously would not countenance going anywhere near the truck, today came a little closer, while Shukuru and Tano went in without any problem. However, Mutara remained very suspicious and refused to go in.
The orphans coming in for milk
January 25th
The departure of Mutara, Shukuru and Tano is scheduled for today, so the usual preparations began at 2.30 a.m. in the morning. By 3 a.m. Tano and Shukuru were successfully loaded but Mutara was a different story. A rope had to be put around her first whilst she was still at the Stockade, after which she was escorted to the truck, one Keeper at the front with a bottle of milk and the others pushing her from behind. At the truck nothing could convince her to go in, so the rope had to be attached to a Landrover beyond the truck which reversed to pull her in while the Keepers pushed from behind. By 3.30 a.m. she was in, and the truck was soon on the road to Ithumba again. We shall all miss our Big Girls in the Nursery, all of whom were Mini Matriarchs to the youngsters, but it was time that they were upgraded to begin their journey back where they belong.
January 26th
All the Nursery babies noticed the departure of their Matriarchs and looked confused and frightened. They all huddled around their Keepers and were nervous of any movement in the bush, even that of the birds, keeping close together and around the Keepers throughout the day.
January 27th
With the move of 5 of the Nursery Elephants, there has been changes to the sleeping arrangements, which is never popular, since baby elephants like routine. Kihari and Teleki objected strongly to being moved to the Stockades vacated by Kilabasi and Kanjoro, but after a struggle of about 20 minutes, they were persuaded to go in, but bellowed their disapproval during the night!
January 28th
Confusion continues amongst the Nursery orphans following the departure of their Matriarchs, especially amongst the older boys. Bomani has taken to bullying the younger ones, knocking down Ngasha and Barsilinga during the public viewing hour. Five Keepers disciplined him by driving him out of the herd.
Faraja and Ngasha browsing
January 29th
This morning the orphans seemed a little happier following the absence of Mutara, and the other Big Girls. They moved out to browse, playing and knocking down small bushes. The day was sunny and hot, so all enjoyed the mudbath, including the youngest, Lemoyian, and the oldest, Murera. The weather changed in the afternoon with dark clouds threatening rain, so the babies were taken back in groups, the last being Kithaka, Kwale and Faraja. Kwale did not want to go in, and ran back into the bush by which time it was raining quite hard. The Keepers had a difficult time to round him up and bring him home in the rain.
Faraja at the public viewing
January 30th
Because Bomani had taken to bullying the smaller boys, he was moved to the Older Group amongst whom is Orwa, now a big Nursery Boy. Bomani was given some lessons from Orwa on how to behave amongst others.
January 31st
There is some competition for Leadership of the Nursery orphans between Sities and Turkwel, although Turkwel faces a tougher challenge because of Kainuk who resents her position being usurped by the smaller elephants. Turkwel tried to take control of Lemoyian, Barsilinga, Kithaka and Ngasha, but meanwhile Kainuk was selecting who should be with her, only accepting Kithaka, and pushing away Lemoyian, Barsilinga and Ngasha. Sities then moved in, allowing Ngasha to suck her ears, as he used to do with Kilabasi, assisted by Sonje who is also doing her share of baby- sitting the little ones. If Turkwel is to be the next Matriarch, Kainuk will also have to accept the babies rather than resenting their proximity. Meanwhile Naipoki is simply standing back and watching events closely.
Narok is becoming more friendly to the Keepers, sucking their fingers, but Quanza, who witnessed the butchering of her beloved mother remains suspicious of all humans, not even comfortable with the Keepers who feed her milk. She gulps down her milk and then hurriedly moves away with outspread ears.