February 1st
Yesterday the Nursery received another orphaned victim of poaching from the Ranches abutting Tsavo East. It was a young bull, who was already extremely emaciated and weak, but who was welcomed very warmly by Barsilinga and took milk from the start. This orphan whom we named “Mwananchi” after the Ranch where he was found, was on and off life supporting intravenous drip over the next few days, but we could not save him. He died on the 6th.
February 2nd
Ishaq-B is showing good leadership tendencies nowadays, and enjoys caretaking the smaller elephants, when the older ones browse further afield.
Elephants going into the bush
February 3rd
Little Lemoyian is beginning to enjoy wrestling with the other little boys. During the public viewing he took on Balguda and then Barsilinga, which deteriorated into a real fight. Barsilinga is stronger than Lemoyian and kept pushing him away, but he kept coming back for more!
Balguda and Barsilinga playing
February 4th
When the orphans were let out of their stables and Stockades this morning, and as they were investigating the compound, they happened upon Solio who was resting in the bush. She got up and snorted, which scared the orphans who ran back to their Keepers.
Orphan babies waiting to be transported back to t
Bomani with the schoolchildren
February 5th
Turkwel is still being inhibited by her friend, Kainuk, to become the main Matriarch of the Nursery group. Today, she managed to sneak away from Kainuk and join Sities who was baby-sitting Kithaka, Ngasha, Balguda and Lemoyian. As soon as Kainuk noticed Turkwel’s absence, she began screaming and scouring the bushes for her, but Turkwel, who was enjoying being with the babies, did not respond. Eventually Kainuk traced her and came to join her resentful of Turkwel’s liking for the babies.
February 6th
It was a very sad today in the Nursery, as we buried poor little Mwananchi in the Park forest. Despite our best efforts, and the fact that he took his milk throughout, he arrived too emaciated for us to be able to retrieve, but at least he died peacefully and surrounded with love.
February 7th
Mwananchi was missed most by Barsilinga, who had befriended him from the outset. Barsilinga kept returning to walk around Mwananchi’s stable, rumbling and looking for him. Out in the bush, he did not want to interact with any of his friends, but spent a long time alone, separated from the others.
February 8th
During the mudbath hour, as the orphans were approaching the Public Viewing area, Kithaka spotted Geri, the orphaned Thomson’s gazelle, who was enjoying time with her warthog friends. Kithaka charged Geri, sending her further into the bushes, and then stood guard to ensure that she did not return, even foregoing his milk feed, despite being called by the Keepers. In the end, he decided to join the others, but kept an eye open in case Geri reappeared.
February 9th
Today, several warthogs squeezed themselves through the Gate to Maxwell’s enclosure, and began feeding on his greens. As soon as realized he had company, he came chased them round and round the enclosure just as though he could follow their every movement, even hitting one with the tip of his horn. One would never have believed that he was stone blind! The warthogs had difficulty in escaping him, so accurately did he follow them!
Warthogs disappearing fast
February 10th
As the orphans were enjoying their mudbath today, a giraffe appeared on the rocks beside the edge of the forest, which delighted all the spectators. As soon as the orphans noticed the giraffe, they all lined up with outspread ears, wondering what to do. Faraja approached cautiously, but then thought twice about it, and retreated back to join the others. The giraffe remained throughout the mudbath hour, very interested in what was taking place!
Murera enjoying a dust bath
February 11th
As the orphans were leaving the Compound today Turkwel took control of the babies until Sities moved in to take possession of Ngasha and Lemoyian. Lemoyian is becoming a professional wrestler, engaging Ngasha in a tough contest, in which the Keepers had to intervene. At 1 p.m. after the Keepers had taken their lunch out in the bush, the warthogs moved in hoping for any leftovers, and then followed the Keeper who was returning the plates, unaware that a lioness was also following the warthog. At the Elephant Crossing near the compound, the lioness pounced on one of the warthogs just behind the Keeper, and killed it. The lions are becoming very bold around the compound of late.
Lemoyian snuggles up to Sities
February 12th
Lately it has turned very hot, so the elephants have been looking forward to their mudbath. Today, they arrived to find that the warthogs were already occupying it. Murera and Kihari led the charge to expel the warthogs, followed by all the others, who were cheered on by the visiting public!
Solio has been absent for the past two days now, which is reason for us to be anxious about her wellbeing in view of the current poaching of rhinos due to value of their horn.
February 13th
This day was full of drama. Two lionesses pounced on Geri, the orphaned Thomson’s gazelle, catching her off her guard as she was settling down to rest on the daybed on Angela’s verandah. At that moment Angela happened to walk in the back door to her lounge, saw them catch Geri and gave chase after the killers, flailing her arms and screaming. Angela managed to drive the lions off Geri, who was bleeding profusely and in deep shock, very much the worse for wear. Instantly, she was picked up and rushed to the Vet while someone else went to collect Taru from school, so that he could be with Geri as the Vet attended to her wounds. (Geri adores Taru, who can actually pick her up and hold her like a baby, and it was his presence, holding her, that we believe gave the little antelope the will to try and live).
Edwin giving the talk at the public viewing
Geri in Angela's office after being stitched up
February 14th
Solio has still not returned. The KWS Rhino Surveillance team were alerted, and went in search of her. They found her in a thicket behind their Staff canteen, and her footprints were seen at the mudbath area as well, but she is still not back. Remaining out at night is a new development.
Ngasha rubbing in the dust
February 15th
As soon as the orphans were let out of their Night Quarters, Lemoyian and Barsilinga engaged one another in a Pushing Match, closely watched by Sities, who has taken over the care of Lemoyian now that Kilabasi is no longer here. The game came to an end when Faraja intervened. It was a very hot day so the orphans all enjoyed a lengthy mudbath today, with Narok and Quanza entertaining the spectators by sliding down the slippery sides and plopping into the mud!
February 16th
At 4 p.m. there was another Rescue Alert, this time from the Masai Mara, a lone elephant calf having been spotted near the Ngobor river in the Trans Mara National Reserve. The rescue team left immediately, and at 8 p.m. returned with a female calf aged about 8 months, who was extremely dehydrated, weak and skeletal. She was soon on life support, having collapsed.
Solio decided to return in good shape, returning to her Stockade at 6 p.m. She had been working on her horn which has been shaped and sharpened to a point!
February 17th
The new calf has been named Ngobor and was welcomed very warmly this morning by Sities, Turkwel, Kainuk, Naipoki and Ishaq-B, all of whom crowded around her Stockade door, reaching their trunks to her in greeting. At 11 a.m. Ngobor collapsed and was put on life support again. She revived briefly, but collapsed again, and was put back on the drip. She managed to get up again, with help.
Naipoki and Kainuk at the public viewing
February 18th
Having managed to get up, Ngobor took milk for the first time, which gave us all hope, but she was passing great quantities of stomach parasites in her dung.
Quanza and Sonje enjoying the dust
February 19th
Poor little Ngobor collapsed again, and was on life support yet again with hopes for her survival now fading rapidly.
Kwale and Balguda playing
February 20th
Little Ngobor passed away at 11 a.m. today, just as another Rescue Alert was received, this time for a calf from Loisaba Ranch, Laikipia, so the Rescue Team were soon off again. The orphan was a female of about 8 – 9 months, not quite as emaciated as was Ngobor, who arrived in the Nursery at 4 p.m. and accepted milk soon after arrival. At the request of the Manager, she has been named Lima Lima, the name of the place on the Ranch where she was found. She was very warmly welcomed by both the resident elephant orphans and the human family.
Murera and Ishaq-B coming in for milk
February 21st
As soon as the orphans were opened up this morning, Turkwel, Kainuk, Sities, Naipoki and Ishaq-B rushed to the door of Lima lima’s stockade to comfort and greet her. Lima Lima was very happy to know that she was no longer without elephant company, and looked very happy to see them. Tonight Solio returned to her Stockade at 5 p.m., having again spent several nights out.
February 22nd
Lima Lima is responding well to her human family now, having calmed down a lot. She is taking her milk well, but still passing pink stools as a result of having ingested Prickly Pear before arrival. However, we are cautiously hopeful for her survival as long as her stomach holds, since she is feeding well on milk and greens.
Lima lima with the keepers
February 23rd
As soon as the orphans were let out this morning, Faraja, Kwale and Balguda welcomed the new day with a Pushing Match. The young boys are very close friends who enjoy playing together. Kwale usually wins in Pushing Matches, but Balguda is putting up strong resistance. Solio reported back at 5 p.m. again, having spent last night out.
Kwale, Balguga and Barselinga playing
Lemoyian and Kithaka playing
February 24th
During the public viewing hour, Kithaka, Barsilinga and Kwale had a wonderful time chasing some little piglets and their mother who had invaded the mudbath to cool themselves down on a hot day. This greatly entertained the public, who enjoyed all the action. Little Lemoyian had several goes at head-butting the mother warthog who easily evaded him until Naipoki took control and chased them all off, leaving the little boys in a high state of excitement!
February 25th
Following the Orphans 9 a.m. milk feed, they all gathered outside Lima lima’s Stockade, very eager to escort her out into the bush so that she becomes part of the herd. Turkwel, Kainuk, Sities, Kihari and Naipoki blocked the Keepers who were trying to open the Gate. As soon as the Gate was opened, Turkwel, Kainuk and Sities rushed in and embraced Lima Lima, who rumbled with joy, and as soon as she walked out, all the orphans crowded around her, eager to touch and welcome her and escort her out, sandwiched in the middle of the group. At the Open Visiting hour Lima Lima was too nervous to come to the mudbath with the first sitting, so the Keepers persuaded her to join the Big Orphans, who were in the bush awaiting their turn. Out in the browsing field Lima Lima behaved impeccably, not trying to escape.
February 26th
This was the second day for Lima Lima to be out with the others, all of whom are very protective of her. Barsilinga and Orwa, two very cool Nursery boys, enjoy being close to her throughout the day. She has got very fond of the human family already, knowing that they give her milk, so sometimes she seeks them out as they sit under a nearby bush keeping vigil, returning to them just to ensure that they are at hand. Today at the Public Viewing hour she was there with the others, and behaved very well and without fear, taking her cue from the others.
Kainuk saying hello to Lima lima
February 27th
As the orphans were making their way to the forest, Bomani, Kihari, Sonje and Ishaq-B spotted a bushbuck. Kihari spread out her ears and trumpeted, but when the bushbuck failed to run away, they took to bush-bashing and trumpeting, which prompted the bushbuck to make an exit. Even after it had left, Kihari and company continued bush-bashing as a deterrent until the Keepers called them to order!
February 28th
Nowadays it is usual for Solio to spend nights out in the bush, and not always return to her Stockade. This means that she has been accepted in the territory utilized by the others, which is an achievement for Solio, but also for her Attendants who have provided the Mother Figure to give her confidence to contribute her mark to the wild dungpiles and urinals, which is how the reintegration of Black Rhinos has to be done. Solio is now virtually a “wild” rhino, and apparently consorts with a cow Black Rhino who has a female calf the size of Solio with whom Solio has made friends. According to the Keepers she is often in their company. When she does return to the Stockade, she bangs the Stockade door during the night, wanting to go out again, so the Keeper on Night Duty opens it up.
The orphans line up for a dusting