Teleki with wild bulls
Ololoo plays with Teleki
Teleki leading the orphans out
Teleki and Narok playing in a drying pool
Teleki leading the young ones out
Teleki playing with Sities
Teleki and Bongo at a drying water pool
Teleki and Sities enjoying a light shower
Teleki scratching his feet.
Orwa and Teleki playing in the mud after rain
Teleki scratching an itch
Orwa after disengaging from Teleki
Teleki in the water hole
Orwa mounts Teleki
Teleki wallowing
Shukuru and Teleki sucking their trunks
Teleki scratching on a tree stump
Teleki and Turkwel scratching
Teleki playing in the puddle
Teleki scratching
Rapsu and Teleki
Teleki drinking milk
Teleki and Garzi welcoming Makena
Teleki scratching his neck
Teleki soil dusting
Teleki scratching on a tree
Teleki and Rapsu
Teleki being pushed by a wild bull
Kainuk and Teleki
Makireti plays with Teleki
Teleki and Vuria strength testing
Teleki browsing
Vuria and Teleki strength testing
Teleki feeding
Teleki and Kora
Bomani strength testing with Teleki
Teleki strength testing with Bongo
Kasigau and Teleki strength testing
Teleki playing with Makena
Kasigau and Teleki strength testing
Teleki plays with Makena
Shukuru comforting Teleki
Vuria strength testing with Teleki
Kanjoro and Teleki strength testing in the water
Turkwel playing with Teleki
Bongo and Teleki
Teleki playing with Vuria
Teleki heading for the water