Suswa haviing fun rolling around
Suswa playing
Suswa playing
Suswa, Lasayen and Lemeki
Embu scratching against Suswa
Arruba, Murit and Suswa
Sagala and Suswa playing
Ndotto left and Suswa
Suswa early morning mud bath
Suswa lying at the edge of the water
Suswa playing
Suswa in the morning
Suswa carrying a Lucerne bale
Suswa scratching
Suswa joining Embu and Rorogoi
Mudanda and Suswa
Suswa, Embu and Mudanda at the water trough
Suswa playing with a branch
Suswa posing in the morning
Suswa and Ndotto browsing
Embu and Suswa dust bathing
Suswa dust bathing
Suswa on the terrace
Ndotto browsing with Suswa
Suswa and Hildama
Suswa enjoying a wallow
Suswa enjoying pellets
Suswa and Thamana
Suswa, Embu and Rorogoi coming for milk
Suswa in a charging mood after mud bath
Suswa and Rorogoi mud bathing
Suswa scratching her bottom
Suswa covered in red soil
Suswa scratching the back of her ear
Suswa teaching Thamana how to spar
Suswa resting
Suswa scooping pellets
Suswa and Rorogoi splashing in the water trough
Tahri and Suswa enjoying a morning couple
Suswa, Embu and Ndotto eating their pellets
Ndotto, Rorogoi, Embu, Mudanda and Suswa
Suswa and Lasayen munching on the Lucerne pellets
Suswa enjoying her Lucerne pellets