Solango browsing with the youngsters
Solango at the stocakde
Solango left playing with the wild boy
Solango lifting his trunk
Solango with the youngsters
Solango arrives at the stockades
Solango browsing with the Juniors
Solango joins the youngsters in the water
Solango at the water hole wit h the youngsters
Solango left playing with Siria
Solango having a drink of water
Solango drinking with the youngsters
Solango having dairy cubes
Solango browsing
Solango out browsing
Thoma left greeting Solango
Shimba and Solango
Siria left and Solango
The youngsters with Solango
Siria and Solango
Lolokwe behind Solango
Solango puttinb weight on his injured leg
Solango wanting to follow the orphans
Solango limping
Solango limping is followed by a keeper
Solango is put into the stockade to be monitored
Siria playing with Solango
Solango with the youngsters
Solango left and Siria
Lempaute left and Solango
Solango with Lesanju's group
Kenia following Solango
Irima left & Solango fight over the supplements
Solango visits the stocakdes
Solango gives in as he is over powered by Irima
Solango and Burra side by side
Lolokwe and Solango at the stockade
Solango having a scratch at the stockade
Solango,Seraa & Thoma drinking
Solango at the foot of Mazinga hill