Seraa with Solar and Emily
Seraa with Solar under her
Sinya left, Neptune, Solar, Seraa & Lempaute
Seraa arrives with Solar
Seraa and Solar enjoying the mud-bath
Sweet Sally Safi Laikipia and Seraa
Thoma, Eve and Seraa
Seraa and her wild bull friend
Morani close to Seraa
Rombo and Seraa
Seraa following Eden
Seraa and other ex orphans
Arruba and Rorogoi with Seraa
Seraa holding Arruba
Laikipia comes to get Seraa
Seraa, front and Siria bheind for security
A big wild elephant with one tusk following Seraa
Seraa and Eve drinking water
Seraa teaching Emma & Eden another game
Seraa showing Emma a rock scratching game
Seraa following Nelion
Seraa scratching at the stockade
Seraa and Mweya with Eden
Mweya and Seraa sandwiching Emma
Seraa playing with a tree trunk
Seraa drinking with Wasessa, Rombo and Dabassa
Sweet Sally, Mweya, Seraa, Thoma and Ndara visit.
Seraa playing with Wild Boy, Mudanda watching
Mzima wrestling with Seraa
Seraa greeting Dabassa
Seraa enjoying some tasty cubes
Seraa at mudbath
Mzima and Seraa strength testing
Seraa and Mzima in pushing games
Seraa tussles with Wesessa for Mudanda
Seraa putting her trunk in Thoma's mouth
Seraa with Naipoki and Ishaq B
Seraa in a wrestling match with Ishaq B
Thoma, Eve and Seraa drinking at the stockade
Lolokwe rests his trunk on Seraa
Icholta, Ndara, Irima & Seraa
Edie's calf Ella plays with Seraa
Seraa playing
Sinya left strength testing with Seraa
Seraa scratching
Seraa left and Thoma tussling to take Panda