Quanza's latest photos

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Ngasha mounting Quanza

Quanza smelling wild elephant dung

Quanza busy browsing with the others

Quanza smelling the air

Quanza browsing

Quanza browsing with the others


Quanza moving quickly

Quanza feeding herself

Quanza scratching

Quanza at Chyulu Hills

Quanza and Ngasha pushing games

Ziwa taking grass out of Quanza's mouth

Quanza scratching

Quanza enjoying some grass

Quanza browsing in the bushes

Quanza leading the babies

Quanza walking up the hill

Quanza walking separately from her friends

Quanza browsing with Zongoloni

Quanza scratching her bottom

Quanza browsing in the forest

Quanza stops to scratch on a rock

Quanza finds some soft green grass

Ngasha and Quanza rush for their bottles

Quanza scratching on a log

Quanza picking up lucerne

Quanza looking for Sonje in the forest

Quanza in a playful mood

Quanza can smell some wild friends

Quanza in the forest

Quanza only splashed part of her body

Quanza arrives for mud bath time

Quanza leeds orphans home from Chyulu Hills

Quanza and Zongoloni having some fun

Jasiri and Quanza at the water trough

Quanza enjoys the green branches

Quanza ready to begin her day

Quanza in the thick bushes

Quanza dusting

Lima lima and Quanza looking for pods

Quanza and her friends having a drink

Quanza drinking at the waterhole

Murera and Quanza

Quanza busy browsing

Alamaya and Quanza having a drink

Quanza and Ngasha in a pushing game

Jasiri together with Quanza

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