Murera's latest photos

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Sonje and Murera charging at the Baboons

Murera dusting with soil

Murera playing with the young boys

Mwashoti walking slowly to Murera

Murera scratching chest with trunk

Playful Murera trying to get up

Murera touching Limalima's mouth

Alamaya with Murera and Sonje

Murera browsing with the babies in the group

Murera and Alamaya

Playful Murera

Sonje and Murera


Murera with Mwashoti

Sweet Murera

Murera charging at butterflies

Murera playing

Mwashoti with Murera and Sonje

Murera feeding Mwashoti

Murera and Sonje browsing together

Murera having a swim

Murera after milk feed

Murera holding Mwashoti's trunk

Alamaya playing with Murera

Murera looking for pods

Murera and Sonje with Alamaya

Murera ready for milk feeding time

Murera in a playful mood

Murera scratching

Murera and Quanza running

Murera getting attention from a keeper

Murera and Sonje talking

Charging Murera after seeing the wild bull

Murera with itchy bottom

Murera comforting Alamaya under her belly

Murera and Sonje taking their friend away

Zongoloni with Murera going for more water

Murera drinking water from the water spring

Murera on standby,waiting for Mwashoti

Mwashoti sucking Murera's big ears


Murera and Limalima looking after Alamaya

Murera looking for more grasslands

Mwashoti feeling sleepy next to his mama Murera

Murera taking the babies for a walk

Murera and Sonje escorting Mwashoti to browse

Mwashoti and Alamaya with Murera and Sonje

Murera and Sonje showing how to climb upwards

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