Current age
25 years old
Rescued date
15 December 2000
Rescue location
Meru Region, Meru National Park
Date of birth (approximate)
1 March 2000
Reason orphaned
Age at rescue
9 months old (approx)
Current location
Living Wild
Personalised adoption certificate.
Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.
Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.
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The first time we met Mwende, she was just hours old when she turned up with her mother, Mulika, an orphan living back in the wild, and nannies Chyulu and Lenana. She's a very precocious little calf who loves to play. Read more
In October 2023, Mwende gave birth to a little girl named Mala. This was fully-circle moment, as Mwende was the first wild baby born to our Ithumba herd. Now, she is a mother! Read more about her daughter here.
A little boy, Mkuu is Mulika's second calf, her first being Mwende who was born in 2011. Mkuu is the Swahili word meaning 'Chief'. We first met Mkuu on the last day of February, when his mother brought him to meet the Ithumba dependent herd and Mulika's former carers, seemingly wishing for them all to share in the celebration of her new arrival.
On 26th October 2024, Mulika — one of Ithumba's founding orphans, now a matriarch, mother, and grandmother — gave birth to a perfect little boy, named Moe. He is the fifth new baby born in the past month alone. Read more.
Yoyo, Moe and Mulika
Mini Moe and Mulika
Mulika and Moe
Moe and Mulika
Mulika and her baby Moe
Mulika's family
Mulika's family enjoying Lucerne