Sidai’s Surprise Baby, Sid

Published on the 1st of October, 2024

Sidai has done it again! Our famously private ex-orphan just debuted a surprise baby boy.

Sidai and Sid

It has become a time-honoured tradition among our ex-orphans to make the pilgrimage ‘home’ right after giving birth, proud and eager to introduce their new addition to the people who raised them. In fact, many females return to Ithumba to deliver their babies.

But Sidai is not one for tradition. She has always been a very independent elephant and is often away for long stretches of time. Thus far among our Ithumba females, she is the only new mum to eschew the big family introduction. We met her first two calves — Sita, born 2019, and Silas, born 2021 — only well after the fact.

Sidai's memorable 2021 return home for help

Sidai’s introduction of Silas back in 2021 stands out as an extraordinary event. It had been nearly a year since her last appearance, so the Keepers were surprised when she showed up with a tiny baby in tow. They quickly realised this visit was actually a cry for help: Sidai had an arrow wound on her rump, which appeared to be poisoned. She and her little family looked gaunt, as if they had travelled a great distance in a short amount of time. After Sidai was struck by the arrow, she must have known it was a life-or-death situation for her entire family, as both her boys were entirely reliant on her for their survival. So, with her infants by her side, she made the extraordinary journey ‘home’ for help. We were able to treat Sidai in situ and she has since fully healed.

Sidai's brand new baby, Sid

We were not expecting Sidai to have another baby so soon, as Silas is not yet three. But she is a prolific mother; when she gave birth to Silas, Sita was barely two. It is highly unusual for an elephant to have calves in such short succession, but Sidai is no ordinary elephant.

After the midday mud bath on 27th September 2024, the Keepers were driving back to the stockades when they saw a tiny baby standing amongst the ex-orphans. At first, they thought it was Chaimu’s newborn, Chapa, who was born earlier in the week. The situation became confusing — and potentially concerning — when they saw that Chaimu was missing. The Keepers set off to find Chaimu, and located her a short distance away, with Chapa by her side. So who was this other newborn?

Sidai and her boys

Returning to the scene, they saw the calf nursing from Sidai. Suddenly, all the pieces fell into place: Sidai has yet again bucked tradition, giving birth to a surprise calf and eschewing typical introductions. We have named her new addition, another little boy, Sid. He looks to be in excellent condition and is very friendly and active.

Sid introducing himself to 12-year-old Vuria

Sidai was found in the company of Yatta, Mulika, Kinna, Galana, Nasalot, and their families, along with Ukame, Ndiwa, Esampu, and Wanjala. Her two older boys, Sita and Silas, also appear to be doing well. Poor Silas, who is just shy of three years old, is quite put out that he can no longer nurse on demand from his mother. However, with the rains on the horizon, he is old enough for greens to make up the majority of his diet.

In the following days, Sidai has chosen to remain close to Ithumba. Dependent orphans — and ever-hopeful aspiring nannies — Suguroi and Naleku have cottoned onto Sid, following him like diligent shadows whenever they have the opportunity. Sid has also had several wonderful interactions with baby Chapa, his peer in every sense of the word. Both boys are alive today because of an orphan saved many years ago. Now, they will grow up in tandem here in Tsavo.

Sidai shortly after her rescue

We rescued Sidai in 2006. A victim of the drought, she was just 19 months old at the time and came to us very traumatised and aggressive. Even our veteran Keepers struggled to coax her into accepting a milk bottle. But patience won out, and eventually, Sidai accepted that we were there to help. She morphed into a gentle elephant, and while she resolutely marches to the beat of her own drum, Sidai has always been very loving to the Keepers who raised her.

Sidai, Sid, and Sita

Sidai is a striking elephant. Her name, which means ‘beautiful thing’ in Maa, was chosen for that very reason. Now, Sidai will raise her little band of boys in the wild, as nature intended — a beautiful thing indeed.

Supporting Generations of Elephants

Wild-born babies like Sid are the future of Kenya's elephants — and they are here today because of an orphan rescued many years ago. Donors make these success stories possible, allowing us to save the orphans of today and pave the way for generations of elephants.

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