Maxwell covered in green clay
Maxwell relaxing after his morning activities
Maxwell having a nap
Maxwell lazily eating his morning pellets
The warthogs sneaking past Maxwell
Maxwell enjoying a nap after a busy morning
Maxwell in the morning
Maxwell sleeping
Maxwell standing near his pellets
Maxwell eating his breakfast pellets
Maxwell in his stockade
Maxwell eating Lucerne
Maxwell lying on his Lucerne pellets
Maxwell sleeping in the sun
Maxwell lying on his pellets
Maxwell enjoying his pellets
Maxwell and Kiko in the morning
Maxwell enjoying his morning pellets
Maxwell eating his pellets
Maxwell at his pellets
Maxwell in the sunshine
Maxwell at his pellets
Kiko watching Maxwell
Maxwell having a look around
Maxwell eating his Lucerne pellets
Maxwell enjoying his Lucerne pellets
Maxwell walking around his stockade
Maxwell standing in his stockade
Maxwell and Kiko
Kiko watching Maxwell
Maxwell napping in the sun
Maxwell and Kiko behind
Maxwell enjoying Lucerne
Maxwell having Lucerne
The warthogs sharing Maxwell's lucerne
Maxwell enjoying the sunshine
Kiko looking into Maxwell's stockade
Maxwell feeding on his lucerne
Maxwell with Kiko behind
Maxwell enjoying his morning Lucerne pellets.