Malima's latest photos

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Malima having her milk

Malima going to play with Ambo

Malima after Ambo pushed her out of the way

Malima nudging Tamiyoi to cross the rocks

Lasayen and Malima eager to start browsing

Malima headed to the mud-bath

Sweet Malima

Esampu with Malima

Emoli, Malima and Kiasa in the mud

Musiara and Malima

Malima and Musiara

Malima in a playful mood

Lovely Malima

Mundusi, Mbegu, Sattao and Malima

Malima is a clever girl

Kiasa learnt from Malima!

Malima standing with Maktao and Musiara

Maisha, Musiara and Malima

Malima playing

Malima browsing

Malima, Musiara and Mapia

Malima playing while out with the others

Malima and Kuishi

Malima walks to the mud bath

Mbegu with Esampu and Malima

Malima all muddy

Malima, Esampu, Kuishi and Ambo

Malima had a restless night

Esampu, Enkesha and Malima

Malima nice and muddy with the others

Malima and Musiara

Esampu, Malima and Musiara

Malima didn't want Kiko around

Malima coming out

Malima with a soft branch in her mouth

Murit and Malima browsing together

Malima was in a very excitable mood today!

Malima finds a twig to play with

Malima sucking on her trunk

Godoma joined in Malima's fun

Malima, Maktao and Tagwa

Murit playing with Malima

Malima, Pili and Maramoja

Malima wanted to play with Jotto

Malima, Kuishi and Malkia

Malima enjoying a tasty root

Malima loves her lucerne pellets

Malima in a pushing kind of mood

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