Naserian & Makena feeding
Naserian & Makena at the noon mudbath
Narripi and Makena
Kora, Lualeni & Naserian with little Makena
Naserian protectively cuddles Makena
Tiny Makena with the older orphans
Makena playing football
Makena running up the path
Makena flapping her ears
Sweet little Makena
Makena in front, Ndololo trying to follow
Makena near the rocks at mudbath
Makena with Zurura behind her
Makena helping and loving Ndololo
Makena, the new addition to the nursery unit
Taru Carr-Hartley and Makena
Narripi and Makena walking with their keepers
Naserian being protective towards Makena
Makena and Narripi very close friends
Naserian adores the two babies, Narripi & Makena
Narripi & Makena join older orphans at mudbath