Loijuk's latest photos

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Loijuk chasing of fhte guinea fowl

Loijuk playing

Loijuk on a rock

Loijuk scratching

Loijuk scratching against a rock

Loijuk having fun in water

Loijuk scratching on a tree

Loijuk playing

Loijuk scratching her belly


Loijuk leading followed by Sian

Loijuk going down a river bank

Loijuk & Sian leading the way

Loijuk out in the bush with the other orphans

Loijuk with Sammy

Nursery unit before Loijuk, Sian & Kenze's move

Sian and Loijuk leading


Loijuk and Chyulu

Loijuk charges the pigs

Chyulu with Loijuk

Loijuk and Chyulu walking away

Loijuk plays football

Loijuk disciplines the warthogs

Loijuk an Chyulu wander off together

Sian and Loijuk wading through the water


Loijuk and Chyulu snuggling close

Chyulu snuggles close to Loijuk and Sian

From left Makena, Loijuk, Kamboyo, Shimba, Sian,

Loijuk and Zurura clowning around

Lesanju with Loijuk watching on protectively


Loijuk behind Chyulu with Sian leading

Loijuk on the left, Makena on the right

Chyulu with Loijuk

Makena & Loijuk sandwich little Chyulu


Loijuk, Lualeni & Makena

Lualeni & Loijuk

Lualeni, Loijuk and Makena

Sian and Loijuk


A close up of Loijuk

Loijuk eating some greens

Loijuk at mudbath watched by school children


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