Larro checking on Naleku
Sweet Larro dust bathing
Roho, Naleku, Rama and Larro mud bathing
Larro and Naleku browsing
Roho, Larro and Shukuru mud bathing
Esoit, Roho, Larro and Mukkoka dust bathing
Sweet Larro browsing
Playful Larro
Rama, Naleku, Mukkoka, Roho, Larro, Shukuru
Larro and Bondeni out in the Park
Bondeni, Larro, and Kinyei in the Park
Larro, Roho, Mukkoka and Rama mud bathing
Larro spending time with Bondeni
Esoit and Larro browsing together
Roho, Rama and Larro walking in the forest
Olorien and Larro on the dust mound
Roho and Larro on the dust mound
Kinyei and Larro browsing
Bondeni scratching against Larro
Roho, Olorien and Larro on the dust mound
Mukkoka and Larro sharing a cuddle
Kinyei, Larro and Bondeni browsing
Sweet Larro
Naboishu and Larro having a playful moment
Rama, Roho, Mukkoka and Larro mud bathing
Mukkoka and Larro walking together
Bondeni and Larro with trunks up
Roho, Mukkoka and Larro having fun in the mud
Bondeni and Larro in the Park
Bondeni, Larro and Roho at the mud bath
Larro and Mukkoka cuddling at the mud bath
Larro and Mukkoka wrestling near the water trough
Olorien, Larro and Bondeni
Larro the Nursery matriarch
Bondeni and Larro down at the mud bath
Larro watching over Bondeni in the tyre
Larro, Roho, Mukkoka and Rama mud bathing
Larro and Roho at the mud bath
Larro and Kindani browsing together
Larro, Maisha and Roho out in the forest
Naboishu and Larro browsing in the Park
Larro, Olorien and Ziwadi in the park
Larro, Maisha, Roho and Naboishu playing
Larro leading the Nursery herd
Larro, Maisha, Esoit, Roho and Kiasa browsing
Larro watching over Bondeni
Larro and Bondeni being playful
Larro and Nabulu drinking