Laikipia's latest photos

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Laikipia with Joseph

Angela, Taru and Laikipia

Laikipia, with Robert Carr-Hartley

Laikipia takes a wonderful ride on Solango's back

Salama and Laikipia playing

Laikipia playing with Mpala

Laikipia playing with a wild calf

A wild calf greeting Laikipia as Ndara watches

Laikipia feeding amongst the other orphans

Laikipia enjoys the green grass


Laikipia & Natumi inspects a dry water hole

Laikipia & Mkwaju at stkd

Moran & Laikipia playing

Laikipia overtakes Thoma to lead

Laikipia browsing

Laikipia holds Lolokwe whilst Edie takes a ride

Laikipia warns Salama not to push Edie

Laikipia & Illingwezi entwinig trunks

Laikipia having a rest

Laikipia investigates a birds nest with her trunk

Laikipia playing with a wild boy

Laikipia and Mukwaju with wild friends

Laikipia, Icholta & Salama greet a keeper

Laikipia waiting to welcome a wild group

Mweiga, Salama, Laikipia & Nyrio greet a keeper

Laikipia playing with a wild friend

Illingwezi and Laikipia soil dusting

Laikipia tries to sidetrack a wild calf

Icholta, Lolokwe & Laikipia soil dusting

Icholta and Laikipia leading

Laikipia pushes Salama off of Mweya

Laikipia & Salama with their wild friend

Natumi touches Laikipia

Laikipia leading the orphans

Laikipia feeding apart from the others

Laikipia seperates the babies who were fighting

Laikipia leads the orpahns

Laikipia Leading

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