Kuishi's latest photos

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Kuishi and Malima scratching

Olsekki tries to get Kuishi's branch

Jotto, Kuishi, Sana Sana & Malima eating pellets

Kuishi scratching

Kuishi playing with Mteto

Kuishi scratching

Kuishi and Karisa

Kuishi relaxing

Esampu, Kuishi and Ndiwa

Kuishi scratching against Mapia

Kuishi and Mapia having a drink

Kuishi leading orphans to the mud-bath

Kuishi scratching

Kuishi leading orphans home

Kuishi scratching

Mapia and Kuishi scratching

Kuishi charging

Kuishi scratching

Mapia, Kuishi and Malima coming for milk

Kuishi leading the orphans to the field.

Narok, Malima, Mapia, and Kuishi all browsing together.

Kuishi playing at the mud bath.

Tusuja seeing what Kuishi has in her mouth.

Kuishi having a dust bath.

Kuishi, Malima, and Mapia in the lorry

Kuishi smelling a rock in the field.

Malima, Kuishi and Mapia

Mapia, Kuishi, and Malima headed back to the bush

Kuishi browsing near Larro.

Kuishi standing outside the translocation lorry.

Mapia and Kuishi in the field after their milk.

Mapia, Kuishi and Malima returning after another training session.

Kuishi smelling the scents in the field.

Kuishi wondering around in the field.

Kuishi suckling her trunk.

Kuishi with her Keeper

Ambo with Kuishi after 9am feed

Kuishi enjoys her milk bottle

Kuishi with Luggard

Maktao waiting with Kuishi for milk

Kuishi browsing alone

Malima and Kuishi at the mud-bath

Kuishi running to join her friends at mud bath

Kuishi with milk spatters on her leg

Maktao browsign with Kuishi


Mapia and Kuishi behind

Kuishi, Kiasa and Mukkoka

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