Kitich and Sholumai browsing
Kitich playing in the mud
Kitich and Mushuru playing
Loldaiga sparring with Kitich
Kitich and Shujaa playing
Loldaiga and Kitich at the mud bath
Kitich wandering in the forest
Muridjo, Loldaiga, Sholumai, Talek, Kamili, Kitich
Loldaiga and Kitich playing
Kitich lying in the mud
Latika and Kitich in the sunshine
Kitich, Sholumai and Muwingu
Choka, Mukutan and Kitich
Muridjo, Kitich and Sholumai
Kitich is growing up!
Kitich checking on his friend Choka
Choka, Kitich and Muwingu
Choka, Muridjo, Kitich, Mukutan and Sholumai
Kitich running to his stockade
Loldaiga and Kitich playing
Kitich, Choka and Sholumai
Choka and Kitich playing
Kitich browsing
Choka, Kitich and Mukutan playing
Olomunyak, Nyambeni, Kitich and Talek in the rain
Sholumai, Kitich and Choka
Kitich in the mud
Latika, Kitich and Mukutan
Muwingu, Sileita, Kitich, Mushuru and Loldaiga
Kerrio, Kitich, Shujaa, Taroha and Nyambeni
Good friends Kitich and Shujaa
Choka and Kitich
Sholumai, Mukutan, Kitich, Sileita and Choka
Kitich and Loldaiga playing
Kitich browsing
Talek, Choka and Kitich
Mischievous Kitich
Loldaiga and Kitich
Mageno, Mushuru and Kitich
Loldaiga and Kitich playing
Kitich trying to mount Kerrio
Latika and Kitich
Kitich and Kamili playing
Muwingu, Latika and Kitich
Kitich covered in mud
Kitich sparring with Mukutan
Sileita, Muwingu, Latika and Kitich in the forest
Sholumai and Kitich with Taroha in the background