Kihari's latest photos

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Kihari enticing Ndotto and Ngilai to play

Ndotto riding on Kihari's back

Kihari scratching and browsing

Kihari playing

Kihari and Mbegu playing in a trench

Kihari coming down the hill

Kihari enjoys scratching session

Tahri being affectionate with Kihari

Kenia tryin got lure Tahri from Kihari

Kihari decides to climb stockade terrace

Kihari wrestlign with Tahri

Kihari running to catch up with friends

Kihari playing with Emma

Kihari climbing the stocakde terrace

Kihari following the others

Kihari standing playing with Ndotto

Kihari with a wild cow

Kihari left playing with Ndotto

Kihari relaxing

Kihari playing


Kihari on the hill

Kihari reaching for green leaves

Kihari standing on a rock

Panda standing next to Kihari at the dustbath

Kihari by a tree at the mudbath

Kihari and Araba

Kihari and Ishaq-B browsing


Kihari dust bathing

Panda and Kihari scratching together

Kihari at the mud-bath

Kihari and Mbegu exchange morning greetings

Kihari playing with Arruba

Bada and Kihari browsing

Kihari on top of the red earth pile

Dabassa and Kihari playing

Lentili and Kihari teaming up to tackle Tundani

Dabassa on the right playing with Kihari

Arruba, left, and Kihari playing

Kenia and Kihari

Kihari, right, tackling Tundani

Kihari playing on the ground

Panda, left, & Kihari moving towards Lissa's calf

Naipoki trying to lie on Kihari's stomach

Dabassa rides Kihari's back

Kihari running to catch up with the orphan herd

Kihari left and Panda climbing a terrace

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