Wanjala greets Kibo
Kalama, Kibo and Kilaguni
Kibo at the stockades
Kibo playing with Ololoo
Ex Orphan Kibo
Kibo and Garzi wrestling
Narok plays with Kibo
Narok playing with Kibo
Kibo playing with Garzi
Kibo playing with Orwa
Orwa plays with Kibo
Narok plays with Kibo
Narok plays with Kibo
Kibo browsing with Bomani
Bomani plays with Kibo
Murka, Naisula, Kibo and Kitirua
Kibo enjoying lucerne
Orwa playing with Kibo
Orwa with Kibo
Kibo plays with Orwa
Orwa plays with Kibo
Orwa plays with Kibo
Kibo plays with Orwa
Kibo mounts on Olare
Kibo pushing with smaller Vuria
Kibo and Lenana
Kibo and Kanjoro enjoying lucerne
Kibo at the stockade
Kibo browsing
Orwa and Kibo exchange greetings
Kibo and Kitirua
Kibo leaning on a rock
Kibo walking
Kibo strolling around
Kibo enjoying a dustbath
Kibo at the mudbath
Kibo and Sabachi
Sabachi mounts on Kibo
Kibo leading the way
Kibo and Kasigau strength testing
Kasigau takes on Kibo