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Rama, Maisha, Roho and Kiasa at the mud bath

Naboishu, Kiasa and Olorien in the forest

Kiasa and Olorien chewing bark

Kindani, Naleku, Kiasa and Maktao browsing

Kiasa, Maktao and Kiombo in the forest

Nabulu, Mukkoka, Maisha, Kiasa, Maktao, Naboishu

Rama, Kiasa and Maisha in the forest

Nabulu, Naleku, Kiasa, Maktao, and Naboishu

Larro and Kiasa out in the forest

Maktao and Kiasa out in the forest

Kiasa and Nabulu snuggled up

Maktao, Naleku, Roho, Nabulu and Kiasa wallowing

Kiasa and Mukkoka being playful

Kiasa, Kindani, Bondeni, Maisha and Larro browsing

Olorien, Naleku and Kiasa having fun in the mud

Maisha, Larro, Maktao, Kiasa and Nabulu wallowing

Kiasa striking a funny pose

Kiasa resting her trunk on a rock

Roho the start of the mud bath near Kiasa

Kiasa and Roho on the dust mound

Kiasa and Maisha having a cuddle

Kiasa being playful on a dust mound

Roho climbing on Kiasa's back

Larro, Roho, Nabulu and Kiasa browsing together

Kiasa and Kiombo being playful in the mud

Larro, Maisha and Kiasa

Kiasa, Maisha and Olorien at the mud bath

Larro, Kiasa and Naleku

Nabulu hugging Kiasa

Kiasa and Maisha enjoying a playful moment

Kiasa, Naboishu and Maisha at the mud bath

Kiasa with Larro and Olorien

Nabulu and Kiasa watching over Roho

Kiasa snuggling up to Roho

Kiasa joining Naboishu where he was browsing

Kiasa and Nabulu challenging each other

Kiasa watching over Kinyei

Kiasa lying on the dust mound

Kiasa naughtily climbing on Nabulu

Roho, Kiasa and Mukkoka in the forest

Kiasa sitting in the mud

Kiasa trying to climb on Nabulu

Kiasa and Naboishu browsing together

Kiasa and Nabulu browsing together

Kiombo, Maisha and Kiasa playing

Kiasa and Naboishu having their milk near Naleku

Naboishu, playing with Maisha, Maktao and Kiasa

Roho climbing on Maisha, near Kiasa

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