Kamok, Boromoko and Kauro love playing
Kamok playing
Kamok, Boromoko and Dupotto
Kamok playing with a rock
Kamok in the rain
Kamok and Murit with Oltaiyoni
Kamok likes to be with the babies
Sweet Kamok can be very naughty
Kamok playing in the mud
Kamok heading to rejoin the orphans
Kamok and Murit
Kamok browsing
Kamok having mik
Kamok in a playful mood
Murit, Kamok and Kauro browsing together
Mbegu playing with Kamok
Kamok feeding
Kamok after playing with Siangiki
Mbegu and Kamok were keen to greet Ngilai
Kamok in a naughty mood
Ashaka and Kamok waited for the babies to emerge
Kamok chased the warthogs for more than 1km
Kamok and Mbegu after meeting Hamsini
Faraja, Murit, Kamok and Ashaka feeling subdued
Murit and Kamok together
Kamok after his pushing game with Mbegu
Kamok and Ashaka sharing a juicy branch
Kamok preparing to enter the wallow
Kamok coming to greet Chehe
Kamok playing on the ground
Kamok with ears flared
Kamok and Murit
Sweet Kamok
Kamok having milk
Mbegu and Kamok
Kamok and Murit
Kamok & Ashaka looking very dull
Kamok trying to get Murit's attention
Kamok exploring the forest
Kauro and Kamok playing
Ashaka and Kamok
Kamok always watchful over her mini herd
Kamok and Ashaka growing up fast
Ashaka and Kamok exploring
Kamok walking alongside his keeper