Kalama's latest photos

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Kalama leading

Kalama feeding


Kalama scratching her tail

Kalama in the lead

Kalama leads the group back to the fields

Kalama scratching

Kalama feeding

Kalama relaxing

Kalama in the fields


Olare and Kalama feeding

Kalama leading the group

Kalama completely covered in mud after a mudbath

Zurura and Kalama

Kalama leading

Kalama scratching

Kibo and Kalama

Kalama playing


Kalama in the water trough

Kalama leading

Kalama after mudbath


Kalama scratching

Kalama, Chemi Chemi and Ololoo on board

Kalama leading the run for milk

Chemi Chemi and Kalama

Mutara (middle) Kalama and Chemi Chemi playing

Chemi Chemi climbs on Kalama

Ololoo with Kalama and Peter


Tano with Kalama and Naipoki

Ololoo with Kalama

Ishanga hugging Kalama


Mutara, Tano and Turkwel with Naipoki and Kalama

Ishanga with Kalama

Sities lying on Kalama

Kalama browsing

Kalama browsing


Naipoki getting attention from Kalama


Kalama flapping her ear

Kalama browsing

Tano with Kalama

Kalama having a drink from a puddle

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