Faraja's latest photos

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Faraja having a dust bath

Faraja browsing

Faraja browsing on acacia leaves


Faraja playing with a branch

Faraja after a mudbath

Faraja after the dustbath

Faraja playing with Lima Lima

Faraja playing with grass

Faraja relaxing at the dustbath

Faraja standing in the mudbath

Faraja smelling the air

Faraja and Ngasha browsing

Faraja mudbathing

Faraja & Ziwa at the waterhole

Faraja and Lima Lima in the field

Faraja playing with Quanza

Lima Lima drinking and Faraja

Faraja at the water trough

Faraja with Jasiri


Faraja walking with Ziwa

Faraja and Shukuru

Sonje running from Faraja

Faraja and Ziwa


Faraja hugging Ngasha


Faraja and Ngasha playing

Faraja following his friends

Faraja browsing

Ngasha and Faraja eating pellets

Lima Lima and Faraja

Faraja leading the way

Faraja looking for something good to eat

Lima Lima and Faraja playing

Ziwa and Faraja splashing mud

Faraja and Ngasha competing for water

Faraja browsing on some green branches.

Faraja and some of the boys in the field.

Ziwa and Faraja play fighting in the morning.

Lima Lima and Faraja at the water trough.

Jasiri and Faraja within the Kibwezi forest.

Faraja playfully mounting Ngasha in the waterhole.

Faraja scratching his belly with his foot.

Faraja returning back to the stockades after he had spent some time with his wild friends.

Faraja peeling some bark off an acacia tree.

Ziwa and Faraja following one another whilst in the field.

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