Faraja's latest photos

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Faraja with Jasiri behind

Tundani and Faraja browse in the bush

Faraja with the others

Kithaka and Faraja play at the mudbath

Balguda and Faraja comfort Mashariki

Faraja playing

Faraja and Naipoki

Ngasha with Faraja climbing on him

Jasiri and Faraja

Ngasha and Faraja get ready for a pushing match

Kihari gives Faraja a bump

Faraja enjoys the mudbath

Faraja shows off his football skills

Lemoyian, Faraja and Kithaka on top

Faraja and Jasiri tussle it out

Faraja behind Kithaka and Jasiri

Faraja kicks up the dust

Faraja at the public viewing

Faraja picks a leaf

Barsilinga & Faraja browsing


Faraja having milk


Barsilinga and Faraja strength testing

Faraja at the visiting hour

Faraja browsing

Faraja and Ngasha

Faraja and Ngasha browsing

Faraja at the public viewing

Faraja leading the orphans to the mudbath

Faraja leading the way

Faraja chewing on a stick

Faraja with Jackson


Faraja is much lighter than the other elephants


Faraja at the mudbath

Faraja getting a hug from Naipoki

Faraja chewing on a stick

Faraja having milk

Faraja's first outing

Faraja with Mutara

Faraja with Ishaq-B


Faraja and Naipoki

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