Emoli feeding on grass
Emoli and Maisha browsing
Emoli finds a green shrub to pluck leaves off
Emoli with Maisha after his tussle with Musiara
Emoli steering clear of Kiasa after milk feed
Emoli browsing
Poor Emoli doesn't like the rain
Shukuru, Emoli and Maktao
Maktao, Kiasa and Emoli
Emoli having his milk
Maisha, Mapia and Emoli
Emoli, Maisha and Murit morning browsing
Murit and Emoli head down to mud-bath area
Tagwa with Emoli
Emoli, Malima and Kiasa in the mud
Ambo wasn't very nice to Emoli
Emoli with Tagwa behind
Emoli browsing
Maktao and Emoli
Emoli browsing
Emoli at the mudbath
Emoli scratching
Emoli browsing
Emoli enjoying soft green grass
Emoli enjoys the lush grass after the rains
Maisha and Emoli walk to the mud bath
Emoli learning to browse
Maisha and Emoli find a quiet browsing spot
Emoli standing near his keepers
Emoli walking out
Maisha and Emoli avoided their playful friends
Maktao with Emoli behind
Poor Emoli wearing his blanket
Maisha and Emoli behind
Maisha and Emoli