Dupotto and Namalok
Early morning for Kauro, Sapalan and Dupotto
Pare scratching and Dupotto
Dupotto feeding with Ukame
Dupotto scratching her bottom
Naseku and Dupotto share a branch
Dupotto Maramoja and Siangiki
Dupotto and Roi taking a break from the heat
Dupotto and Galla find wet soil to roll in
Dupotto finds a tree to scratch against
Rapa, Oltaiyoni and Dupotto
Dupotto and Roi
Dupotto followed by Siangiki and Oltaiyoni
Maramoja and Dupotto in the shade
Roi and Dupotto
Wild bull with Pare, Maramoja and Dupotto
Karisa, Wanjala and Dupotto
Dupotto soil dusting
Naseku overtaking Dupotto
Dupotto and Oltaiyoni
Roi, Naseku and Dupotto
Dupotto and Lemoyian
Kauro, Karisa and Dupotto
Naseku, Roi and Dupotto in a mini mud bath
Dupotto scraches her belly
Dupotto wall scratching games
Dupotto relaxing with Tusuja
Shukuru scratching on Dupotto
Dupotto with Karissa
Dupotto eating with Kibo
Boromoko pushing Dupotto
Dupotto looking lovely in the bush
Galla and Dupotto
Dupotto and Ukame
Dupotto relaxing in her stockade with Benj
Madiba sniffs at Dupotto
Off loading Dupotto
Dupotto playing on the ground
Dupotto offloaded and put in a stockade
Kamok and Dupotto scratching
Dupotto Karisa and Roi
Dupotto safely in her stockade
Dupotto having her milk
Dupotto and Kamok scratching their chins
Dupotto and Kamok relaxing
Kamok, Dupotto and Roi
Little Dupotto with Kithaka
Dupotto with Mbegu