Bada and Mudanda playing together
Bada hiding behind Mzima's legs
Wasessa with Bada and the others
Bada left and Wasessa
Bada drinking at the stockade water trough
Wasessa coming to take Bada and Ndoria
Bada after mudbath
Ndoria following Bada
Bada following Ndoria
Wasessa with Bada
Lesanju with Bada
Bada and Ndoria browsing together
Kihari showing off for Bada and Ndoria
Bada coming to greet Ndoria
Bada in the big water hole
Kenia trying to snatch Bada from Wasessa
Bada welcoming Wasessa
Bada enjoying a milk bottle
Ishaq-B and Bada enjoying a scratch
Bada escaping from the bigger orphans
Bada running for milk
Wasessa spraying Bada with water
Wasessa dusting with Bada
Bada squeezing himself under Wasessa
Bada rock scratching
Wasessa with little Bada
Kivuko and Bada rock scratching
Bada suckling Wasessa's teats
Bada enjoying the mudbath
Bada left and Sorka browsing together
Bada at the stockde
Sorka standing next to Bada in the mudbath
Bada leaving the waterhole
Bada milk feeding in the stocakde
Bada with Kivuko
Bada at the stockade reaching her trunk forward
Bada sitting on the edge of the mudbath
Bada heading into the bushes
Panda and Bada
Bada in his stockade
The orphans greeting Sorka and Bada
Bada still shying away from the other orphans
Bada finally able to drink his milk in peace
Bada & Sorka together with the other orphans
Bada interacting with the other orphans
Bada out in the bush before being rescued