Ambo after the Keepers led him back to browse
Ambo in a playful mood
Mapia and Ambo in the mud
Sattao browsing with Ambo
Sattao and Ambo eating
Ambo and Musiara head to forest
Ambo after being told off by Tagwa
Ambo with a browsing buddy
Little Ambo
Ambo browsing
Malima going to play with Ambo
Shukuru with Ambo close by
Malima after Ambo pushed her out of the way
Mapia after fighting off Ambo
Ambo with Kiasa
Funny little Ambo
Ambo wasn't very nice to Emoli
Ambo sees his friend Jotto
Ambo drinking from the trough
Ambo browsing
Mbegu lying down and Ambo getting out
Ambo always fun to play with
Ambo browsing around the rocks
Ambo having a drink at mudbath
Murit and Ambo
Ambo drinking from a stream
Ambo leads orphans to the mudbath
Ambo browses
Ambo at the mud-bath
Ambo waiting for the 9am milk feed
Malima, Esampu, Kuishi and Ambo
Ambo was in a happy mood as well
Ambo is more shy of the water
Tagwa came running to help Ambo
Ambo leads the orphans for the morning browsing
Ambo flapping ears to cool down
Ambo was not very happy Maktao pushed him!
Ambo ready to push Maktao
Ambo chewing on a stick
Ambo gets all of Mbegu's attention
Sweet little Ambo
Ambo caused some drama today over his milk
Ambo in a playful mood
Ambo did not like their pushing game
Ambo following Mbegu
Ambo wanted to push Pare away
Ambo always stands up for himself!
Mbegu with Ambo