Voi Reintegration Unit

September 2013

Daily updates

September 2013








September 1st

Shimba, Mbirikani, Panda and Mudanda – the foursome who browse close to the Stockades, enjoyed their noon milk feed and later had a lot of fun at their Stockade mudbath, Panda rolling and wallowing while little Mudanda sprayed water behind her ears, stepping out to avoid being sandwiched by the other three. After the usual dustbath, Mbirikani led the group back to browse. Back in the field, the older orphans, led by Kenia, arrived at the new artificial mudbath to quench their thirst and cool down having been up and down Mazinga hill in search of browse, Kenia, Taveta, Layoni and Ndii the first to jump in followed by the older orphans. Later Kivuko initiated the dustbath, blowing dust over with her trunk, which attracted all the others, so that soon the entire area was covered in red dust. At 4.15 p.m. the herd began their journey back to the Stockades.

Panda enjoying the mudwallow

Mudanda spraying water

Kivuko dustbathing

September 2nd

A sad day at the Voi Stockades, for during the night we lost poor little Kajire, rescued from the Sagalla Ranch last month. Her body was taken by the Vet for a postmortem to determine the cause of her death which turned out to be due to a lung infection, coupled by kidney and stomach problems. Although the usual leader of the Stockade Hospital Group is Panda, today Mbirikani and Mudanda initiated the mudbathing session, having tested the temperature of the water with their trunks. Later Shimba walked over to the Stockade drinking trough and sprayed water over himself repeatedly to cool himself down rather than risk being bumped in the mudbath by the others.

Mbirikani having her milk bottle

Shimba spraying water at the water trough

Dabassa mounting Kivuko

September 3rd

The orphans left their Night Stockades at 6.15 a.m., the Hospital foursome having had their milk and handout ahead of the others. When it was the turn of the older elephants Wasessa as usual was selfishly pushing the others away so that she could have the lion’s share, but when she spotted Taveta running after little Mudanda, she rushed after him, thinking that he would try to mount the baby. In fact, Taveta just wanted to greet the baby, so when Wasessa heard the friendly rumble, she left Taveta to comfort little Mudanda, who then followed her back to the handout pile. The older orphans browsed the slopes of Mazinga hill, Lesanju leading her group to the new wallow at 3.15 p.m. to quench their thirst and cool off. Taveta and Rombo put on a spectacular display as usual, while Dabassa monopolized the dustbath. Later Lesanju led her unit eastwards.

Wasessa browsing with the others

Taveta walking past a rock

Ndii wallowing

September 4th

Having taken their morning handouts, the older orphans headed West to browse in a depression near the top of the hill. Having been frightened by roaring lions a few nights ago, Lesanju tested the air by lifting her trunk to assess if there was any sign of the Big Cats, and then checked that all her group were present and correct before climbing up the hill. Kenia led the milk dependent orphans to get their milk, and escorted them back to the browsing area afterwards. When Kenia, Ndii and Kivuko stopped to share a tiny bush on the way, Tassia and Taveta took over the lead and continued to climb, while Wasessa and Sinya remained further down. The orphans browsed there for the rest of the day, until it was time for the younger set to return in the evening, led by Kenia, Ndii Dabassa and Taveta. Rombo, Layoni, Kivuko, and Tassia followed later, and Lesanju, Sinya, Wasessa, Mzima and Taveta came even later, taking water before going into their respective Night Stockades.

Lesanju leading the group up the hill

Kenia in the lead

Rombo finds a green bush

September 5th

All the orphans enjoyed their morning handout together today. Mudanda spotted the approach of a dikdik and charged the tiny antelope, backed up by Panda and Wasessa. The dikdik disappeared beneath the electric Compound fence, and Wasessa rapidly moved ahead to prevent little Mudanda from being shocked by it! Amidst rumbles and excited screams, Mudanda was escorted back to the handout pile. Upon finding Wasessa and Sinya selfish over sharing the Lucerne, Layoni picked up a big pile and disappeared away from view to feed on it in peace. Later Sinya led the group out to browse.

Mudanda at the stockade

Wasessa in the field

Layoni eating Lucerne

September 6th

After the morning handout, Lesanju led her group half way up the western side of Mazinga hill to browse. Boys Taveta, Tassia, Layoni, Rombo and Dabassa joined Mzima in eating dry acacia pods that had fallen from the parent tree – an all boys affair, leaving the girls browsing the hill. Later Kenia, Ndii and Kivuko walked over to the boys so that Dabassa and Rombo could join them back at the Stockades for their noon milk feed, which they downed rapidly, and having splashed themselves with water, returned to browse until late evening.

Tassia feeding on the slopes

Dabassa in the field

The orphans at the foot of the hill

September 7th

The orphans opted for Stockade games before taking their morning handout today, Mzima charging around the compound trumpeting, while Taveta and Rombo engaged one another in a wrestling match. Dabassa invited Tassia to a Pushing Match, but Tassia obliged him only briefly before going over to the Lucerne pile. Leading Taveta and Rombo still wrestling, Lesanju led the others out but when the two saw their peers disappearing, they raced after them, trumpeting to catch up! Meanwhile, the Hospital foursome thoroughly enjoyed their Stockade mudbath at noon.

Mzima ready to charge

Rombo and Taveta wrestling

Tassia and Dabassa strength testing

September 8th

The orphans hurried out to Mazinga hill today while it was still not too hot, grabbing what they could en route. Sinya and Tassia settled to feed in the valley below the hill joined by Wasessa, Lesanju and Lempaute leaving Kenia in charge of the milk dependent group. By l0 a.m. the orphans had to take to shade, sheltering in the shade of a large tree where Lempaute took a nap, surrounded by the others. They remained there while the milk dependent group returned to the Stockades for their milk and a brief wallow, before re-joining their peers at the hill for the remainder of the day.

Sinya browsing

Lempaute browsing

Orphans drinking at the stockade

September 9th

At the morning Lucerne handout Kivuko, Tassia ,Ndii and Dabassa each picked up a bunch to eat apart from the Big Girls, who tend to be somewhat greedy and possessive over edibles. Lesanju monitored the side eaters to ensure good behaviour. Kenia was first to leave for the hill, while the others remained behind and Mzima put on a good display of exercising, doing stretching, sit-ups and lying down and rolling around repeatedly. Later Lesanju led them to join Kenia at the base of the hill. At noon Mbirikani led the Hospital group back for their mudbath, but Panda enticed Shimba and Mudanda to the dustbath area where all three had a wonderful dustbath. Meanwhile Mbirikani, somewhat upset that her friends did not join her, went to take a dustbath at a different place to the others.

Heading to the field

Mzima playing

Shimba dustbathing

September 10th

Having spent about an hour taking their Lucerne, the orphans headed to the valley at the western side of the hill where they browsed today. Just before l0 a.m. a wild cow who was browsing up the hill, came down with her family to greet the orphans. She was obviously known to the orphans, because Mzima and Kenia moved forward to greet her excitedly. The wild cow rumbled a greeting and walked over to where Wasessa and the Big Girls were sheltering under the shade of a tree. They made way for her, and the other small orphans came to mingle with her and her family. The wild cow looked as though she were in the final stages of pregnancy, due to the size of her belly. All the orphans touched her all over with their trunks, and all then browsed alongside her. Soon a teenaged wild elephant came to join them, possibly an older calf, because the wild cow greeted him warmly, and he was also obviously familiar with our orphans, who also greeted him. At noon the orphans parted company with their wild friends to return to the Stockades for their milk and a mudbath.

Wild cow browsing with the orphans

Kenia having her milk

Orphans at mudbath

September 11th

Lesanju led the orphans back to the same valley that they browsed yesterday, hoping to meet up again with their wild friends, but they had moved on in search of pasture. Kenia and the milk dependent youngsters returned to the Stockades for their noon milk feed and a mudbath, but the youngsters just took their milk and rushed back to join their older peers who were resting under shade, tossing dust over themselves to cool their bodies down. Later, when temperatures dropped, they continued to browse along the base of the hill until it was time to return in the evening.

Browsing in the field

Orphans eating Lucerne

Dustbath time

September 12th

After the morning handout Layoni and Kivuko took a drink at the trough while Dabassa engaged Tassia in a thrilling test of strength which Tassia won easily, closely watched by Kivuko who does not have much time for Dabassa. Lesanju again led her unit to the valley at the west side of the hill. At noon Panda led the hospital gang to the stockade mudbath and gave them a demonstration of how to roll and wallow in the mud at the edge of the pool, which encouraged Mbirikani and Mudanda to follow suit. Shimba challenged Panda to a Pushing Match, but she declined because although he is still weak following the lion mauling, he does have long tusks!

Layoni with ears flared

Panda entertaining the hospital gang

Mudanda,Mbirikani ,Panda & Shimba in the mudhole

September 13th

Due to the arid nature of the Park these days, the orphans enjoy seeking the few green shoots that grow between the rocks at the top of Mazinga hill which hitherto had been occupied by unfriendly wild herds. However, the wild elephants had moved on, so the orphans seized the chance to investigate what was left. Suddenly, the all screamed and came rushing down the hill, but when the Keepers went to investigate the cause of their concern, all they found was a troop of baboons up the trees! However, the orphans decided to feed around their Keepers at the base of the hill again, wary of any commotion, especially as the lions had been roaring around the Stockades during the night. The older orphans are extremely fearful of the lions after what happened to Shimba. Whenever Lesanju leads her group in the bush, she constantly lifts her trunk to test the scent. Following the baboon commotion, the older elephants returned to the Stockade mudbath with the milk dependent youngsters, where they met up with Panda and her team. That afternoon the Keepers decided to take the Hospital unit to the valley, which is not far, which was very popular with the Big Girls, all of whom were eager to cosset and protect little Mudanda.

Mudanda, Dabassa, Panda and Lesanju

Mudanda and Ndii

Orphans browsing on the slope

September 14th

Ndii led the Orphans out to browse today, all searching in between the rocks of Mazinga hill for snippets to eat. Half way up Ndii, Taveta, Kenia, Kivuko and Layoni found a tasty bush behind a large boulder, and silently began to stuff as much of it as they could into their mouths. However, their monopoly was shot-lived, because after Layoni and Kivuko began pushing for space, Kivuko head butting Layoni hard making him scream. This brought the Big Girls, who instantly took over the tasty bush. As it turned hot, Lesanju led her group to shade, while the Youngsters returned for their milk.

Ndii near some green shoots

The orphans cooling off

Kivuko and Layoni browsing together

September 15th

Layoni and Kivuko led the Orphans out to the valley today. Climbing the hill is no easy task, for they have to navigate boulders and stumps, so Lesanju took over the lead at this stage. Their reward came at the top of the hill where they found some greenery to eat. Having browsed for about an hour three quarters of the way up, Rombo and Dabassa climbed higher where they found soft shrubs to feast on. They fed very quietly, not wanting the Big Girls to usurp their find. On the way back to take their milk, Kenia and her group took to their heels all scattering in different directions when a herd of impala ran past them. The Keepers had a difficult time rounding them up again. They calmed them down, and they continued the journey to the Stockades, where they took their milk and enjoyed a cooling mudbath. The Seniors then turned up for water and a wallow.

Lesanju having a drink

Kivuko browsing on the hill

Layoni splashing at mudbath

September 16th

The snared leg of Mbirikani is healing slowly, but she likes to take her Lucerne ahead of the others for fear of being pushed, after which she waits for her group behind the electric wire. Little Mudanda has not yet acquired a taste for the Copra and is puzzled as to why it is so popular with the older group! Shimba takes his share on the verandah of the Mixing Room, in order not to be shoved around. Whilst Layoni was scratching himself against a rock Tassia came to engage him in a Pushing Game, but Layoni rolled away rapidly, and then got to his feet to take on the Big Boy, watched closely by Wasessa, Rombo and Dabassa. Ndii escorted Panda, Mbirikani and little Mudanda to their feeding patch, before rejoining the others as they headed out to browse.

Mbirikani washing her wound

Mudanda playing

Layoni and Tassia playing

September 17th

Best friends, Rombo and Taveta led the way to the top of Mazinga hill, finding a tasty bush between the rocks on the way, which they began to browse. However, Sinya were curious as to why the two boys had halted behind a rock and went to take a look, butting Taveta from behind, who did not notice her approach. He bellowed which brought Wasessa, who joined Sinya in feeding on the bush! At mudbath time Ndii and Kenia (also good friends) led the milk dependent Youngsters to the new mudhole where all had a marvelous wallow, initiated by Wasessa and Taveta. Following this all enjoyed a wonderful dustbath, tossing clouds of dust in the air. Today, the orphans decided to take a second mudbath before heading back to browse for the rest of the day.


Taveta in the lead

Wasessa having fun at mudbath

September 18th

Little Mudanda was embraced by all the Big Girls this morning prior to the Lucerne handout. They comforted her by laying their trunks on her back, and rumbling lovingly to her. While the Big Girls monopolized the Lucerne pile, Rombo and Taveta enjoyed a friendly Pushing Match while Dabassa and Panda chased off the baboons attempting to access the handout area. Shimba decided to follow Mbirikani to their browsing area, both invalids eager to avoid being pushed around during competition for the handouts, since Mbirikani’s wounded leg is still healing, and Shimba remains fragile after the lion mauling. Lesanju then led her group to their favourite valley on the western side of Mazinga hill, where all browsed seriously for the rest of the day.

Ndii with Mudanda

Shimba eating breakfast

Rombo and Taveta in pusing games

September 19th

It was a hot day, so at l0.30 a.m. the younger orphans took a break to shelter under shade before Dabassa initiated the trek to the mudbath venue, where they met Lesanju and the older orphans, who had preceded them. A light shower of rain eased the heat of the day, so Sinya and Tassia tested the temperature of the water, and opted for a dustbath. Rombo then push Dabassa from behind, forcing him into the mudbath but he quickly emerged, and splashed himself with water instead, as did Layoni and Rombo. Later Wasessa led the orphans back to the valley where they browsed until 2 p.m. before taking another break, cooling themselves by showing dust over their bodies and fanning their ears. Rombo and Taveta had a Pushing Match, which the others watched, Rombo emerging the winner. When things had cooled down, the orphans returned to browse before heading back at the end of the day.

Tassia dustbathing

Sinya scooping copra cake

Rombo infront of a rock

September 20th

The invalid set returned for their noon milk feed, and enjoyed standing in the mudbath, splashing water over themselves, Mbirikani plastering mud on her snared foot. Meanwhile the older orphans again browsed the western side of Mazinga hill Wasessa Lesanju Lempauge, Sinya and Tassia following Mzima to the top of the hill while Kenia, Ndii, Rombo, Dabassa, Kivuko and Layoni remained further down. At l0.15 a.m. Mzima brought his group down to join the others before heading for the mudbath, the older orphans spending time under shade on the way while the babies hurried ahead to take their milk. They then ran back to join the older group under shade.

Mbirikani in the mudwallow

Panda after a mudbath

Mzima browsing behind a rock

September 21st

It was a long day for the orphans sourcing vegetation on the hill opposite the Stockades until 3 p.m. when Kenia, Lesanju and Sinya led them down to quench their thirst, wallow and take a dustbath. Meanwhile the tractor had brought 3 bowzer loads of water to top up the mudbath and fill the drinking bins, so the orphans enjoyed the fresh water in the mudbath, and some drank that in preference to that in the bins. All enjoyed a good wallow, Lesanju demonstrating how to widen the hole, using her tusks to gauge out the banks. When the others left for a dustbath, Kivuko and Rombo remained in the mud much longer.

Kenia leading the others

Lesanju walking along a rocky path

Filling the waterhole

September 22nd

Dr. Poghorn, the KWS Vet attached to the Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit informed us that there was a baby elephant in need of rescue at the Taita Sisal Estate, since her mother, whom he had treated three times suffering from a bullet wound in the shoulder, had collapsed having lost a great deal of condition being handicapped. She was now unable to get up, and the calf was still guarding her, surviving by having to drink her urine. The Vet directed the rescue team to the area, where they were met by the Sanctuary Manager, Kevin Carr-Hartley, who helped them capture the l0 month old calf, driving her to the Taita airstrip to await the arrival of the rescue plane which could only come at 5.20 p.m. since another rescue was in progress that same day. The calf was rescued near a hill named Zongoloni, and this became the name of the new orphan who arrived at the Nursery soon after dark.

The calf watching over her mother

The rescued calf

The calf loaded in the plane

September 23rd

There was a lot of variety and activity at the mudbath today, Kivuko crawling out of the pool and rolling back in which prompted Mzima and Layoni to copy her several times before lying along the edge to rest, each facing in the opposite direction. Kivuko then engaged Tassia in a wrestling game, which was copied by Taveta and Rombo.

Kivuko having fun at the mudbath

Layoni wallowing

Mzima and Layoni enjoying a wallow

September 24th

There was the usual shoving at the Lucerne handout this morning, Shimba taking his share on the Canteen verandah, while Mbirikani left after taking milk, and had hers in the Invalid browsing area. Little Mudanda enjoyed being loved by Ndii, protecting her from Dabassa and Rombo, who enjoy bullying the younger orphans. Shimba, Panda and Mudanda then went to join Mbirikani. Later Lesanju led the older orphans to the Eastern side of the hill today where they browsed until noon when they headed for the mudbath. Later they returned to browse for the remainder of the day.

Ndii, Layoni and Mudanda

Mbirikani and Mudanda by the stockade rock

Shimba, Mudanda & Panda drinking

September 25th

At around 5 p.m. there was a report of another very small elephant calf, aged between 1 and 2 weeks, who had been found wandering along the Mombasa highway near Mackinnon road and had been taken to Buchuma Gate. The Rescue team arrived there soon after 6.40 p.m. and found the tiny bull in the care of the Rangers at the Gate. The Keepers gave him some water and milk before loading him onto the Pickup and driving back to the Stockades, arriving there at about 8 p.m. The baby was put in a Holding Pen close to Mbirikani, Panda and Mudanda, covered in a blanket to keep him warm, with another hanging so that he could feel something large close.

The tiny calf is rescued

Panda in the bush

The orphans resting

September 26th

At around l0.30 a.m. another Rescue Report was brought by a tourist who said a baby elephant was stuck in the mud along the Mzima water pipeline. The Keepers rushed to save yet another very young life, directed to the place by the tourist van. Upon arrival they were shocked to see a tiny trunk waving helplessly in the air with no evidence of older elephants around. The Keepers had no option but remove their shoes and get into the mud themselves in order to extract the calf. Having wiped his eyes clear of mud he was loaded onto the Pickup and driven back to the Stockades where he was washed and given water and milk, before meeting the new baby rescued last night. The two babies flew together to the Nursery.

The two young calfs on the way to the airstrip

Leaving the stockade

At the airstrip

September 27th

After the usual stockade games and handout feast, Taveta engaged Dabassa in a test of strength while Tassia took on Layoni. Later Lesanju led them to the slopes of Mazinga where they browsed until noon, before she led them to the mudbath where they enjoyed a wonderful wallow before returning to browse for the rest of the day.

Dabassa and Taveta wrestling

Tassia takes on Layoni

Lesanju and Sinya sharing a green bush

September 28th

After the usual Stockade activities, scratching of bodies against rocks etc., it was rare to see Kivuko and Dabassa playing a Pushing game, since these two orphans are not overly fond of one another. Lesanju then led them to the hill to browse, all spreading out searching for anything green to eat until Wasessa led them to the mudbath. When the orphans arrived there, they found a wild herd wallowing in their new waterhole, so they halted, wondering whether or not it was safe for them to join in. Lempaute, Lesanju, Wasessa, Sinya, Mzima and Taveta ganged up to try and go in, but the wild Matriarch chased them away, so the Keepers intervened, chasing the wild elephants away so that the orphans could enjoy a wallow.

Layoni having a scratch

Rombo scratching

Wild eles at the waterhole

September 29th

Having had their morning handout, the orphans were ready to head out at 8 a.m. led by Lesanju to the hill where they fed until mudbath time. Wasessa was first in, swinging her trunk and kicking the water with her legs, followed by all the others. All wallowed only for about 6 minutes before taking a dustbath and heading back to browse for the remainder of the day.

Wasessa sitting at the endge of the mudbath

Kivuko, Kenya and Dabassa

Lempaute bringing up the rear

September 30th

Shimba is becoming very weak. He had to be assisted up from a lying position this morning. The orphans scoured the hill for fodder today, before heading for their daily mudbath. In the evening a lone bull came to drink at the Stockade water trough before the arrival of the orphans. He hung around the Stockades for a while, but then left before the Orphans return. Remarks:- Emily’s Ex Orphans have not returned this month, nor have they been sighted during our various motorized patrols. However, knowing that they would return if in trouble, we are confident that they are O.K. The orphaned baby eland bull is doing well, and wanting to make friends with Lualeni the zebra, who so far is not keen to interact with him.

Shimba in the field

Wild bull coming for a drink

The baby Eland

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