September 1st
Kainuk has a very bad eye, having been playing out in the forest, where a twig probably pierced her eye. We have been administering antibiotic eye ointment, but the eye has developed a white spot, and she has lost her vision in that one eye. Turkwel, who loves her very much, has been comforting her. At the mudbath Ishanga head butted Kainuk, and Turkwel chased Ishanga out of the herd, angry at her behaviour towards little Kainuk.
Ishanga on the left with Mutara
September 2nd
Rombo is still in the Taming Stockade, becoming accustomed to his Keeper. As soon as the other orphans are let out in the morning, they come round to greet him, Ishanga, Kilabasi and Dabassa paying him particular attention. It was a hot day, so the orphans enjoyed their mudbath, Makireti and Mutara leaders in this respect. Turkwel, Ishanga and Kainuk then spotted the warthogs, who were awaiting their turn, and chased them deep into the bush. By the time the three returned, the other orphans had already left, so they ran after them to catch up, trumpeting as they went.
September 3rd
Before Solio left her Stockade in the morning, she spent time sparring through the separating poles with Maxwell, who lives for such moments. He became so excited that he ran up and down his Stockade, returning to do battle with Solio, until she decided that it was time to head off and browse in the forest. Maxwell always know whenever Solio is returning, and is ready and waiting for her, so that they can interact again. Such moments are the highlight of Max’s dark days.
Solio getting some loving from a keeper
Maxwell getting some Lucerne
September 4th
Kainuk’s eye still is showing no sign of healing and is obviously causing her a lot of pain. She is no longer as playful as she was. It was a hot day so the orphans enjoyed their mudbath, although Dabassa and Kilabasi kept their distance, and did not go in.
Naipoki at the front playing with everyone
September 5th
At 9 a.m. all the orphans were brought close to Rombo’s stockade to be fed along with him, after which he was allowed to join them. He was very happy to be free, bumping into the others joyfully. As is her custom with all newcomers, Ishanga paid him special attention, walking alongside him, and touching him with her trunk, accompanied by Kilabasi, Dabassa and Mutara. Later on Dabassa attempted to demonstrate his dominance over Rombo by pushing him. Dabassa was reprimanded by the Keepers. Rombo remained in the bush during the mudbath hour, reluctant to accompany the others due to the presence of so many humans. After the mudbath there was another rescue alert, this time from Tsavo, so the Rescue Team set off for the airfield as soon as they were ready. The new calf arrived at the Nursery at 3 p.m. – a 2 year old female, who was in very poor shape, with a large swelling on the belly and jaw. She was named “Mbuyuni”, the name of the area in which she was found.
Rombo out with the others having milk
September 6th
The newcomer, Mbuyuni collapsed at 5 a.m. this morning, and was put on a life supporting drip. She recovered briefly, but collapsed again at noon, and this time she was not able to recover. Very sadly she died at 7 p.m.
September 7th
Rombo is very happy to be part of the elephant family, always eager to remain very close to Ishanga, Dabassa and Kilabasi, who have embraced him into their clique. He is still anxious to avoid the mudbath public viewing hour, running back into the bush to hide, and await the arrival of the others afterwards. However, he accompanied the others to the 3 p.m. Private Viewing slot. He was moved from the Taming Stockade to the Stockade between Makireti and Dabassa.
September 8th
There was high drama in the Nursery today when a lioness seized a warthog by the head at 9 a.m. just a few paces from the Orphans’ Stockades, within sight of all the workers who were at hand to actually witness the drama. It took the lioness half an hour to actually kill the adult female warthog. Later she left the kill to go and fetch her three cubs to partake of her warthog prize. Earlier the lioness had chased a bushbuck past the orphans, scaring them all, especially Kainuk, who ran off screaming. The Keepers had a difficult time rounding them all up, especially anxious about Rombo, who might have run far. However, they all soon reassembled, and the rest of the day passed peacefully.
September 9th
There was a change in the sleeping arrangements today. Mutara and Shukuru were moved from their small stables to a larger Stockade leaving Naipoki next to Sities while the two boys, Dabassa and Rombo were moved to the Stockades previously occupied by Kalama and Chemi Chemi, both of whom are now at Ithumba. All seemed happy with the new arrangement, Sities delighted to have Naipoki next door in place of Shukuru. Ishanga has taken charge of Rombo, Kilabasi, Dabassa and Makireti, choosing to feed deeper in the bush leaving Shukuru, Mutara, Turkwel and the babies near the Keepers. Mutara enjoyed chasing the warthog family who usually follow the elephants into the bush, soon joined by Kainuk, who also enjoys this game. Seeing Naipoki by herself, Turkwel immediately went to be close to the baby.
Shukuru resting a foot on a rock
Mutara checks the milk bucket
September 10th
Early this morning, the Senior Warden of Mt. Kenya National Park, Robert Obrien, came to report the fact that his Rangers had rescued an orphaned calf from the Kihari area of the mountain. A Rescue was initiated immediately and the calf was collected from the Nanyuki airstrip, where a lot of local people had gathered to witness the rescue. By noon the newcomer was safely at the Nursery. She was named “Kihari”.
Kihari in her stockade after arrival
Kihari meets her neighbour
September 11th
The new baby spent most of the day sleeping, obviously very weak and tired. It is believed that the mother had been poached. The baby had been tied up and left at the place where she was found all night, hoping that the mother would return, but sadly that did not take place. She was put on life support in the evening, which gave her the strength to get to her feet and start charging the Keepers. The other orphans were brought round to reassure her, led by Tano.
The other orphans come to greet the newcomer
September 12th
Last night we moved Tano next door to Kihari’s stable, and this calmed the newcomer down, who was still aggressive towards the Keepers. Kihari started taking milk, and is feeding well on the greens as well. She will soon be able to join the others out in the bush. Rombo is now coming to the mudbath, along with the other orphans, and is settling down well. Sities and Kainuk do not get on well together. Sities remembers that Kainuk head-butted her when she first came into the Nursery, and is now settling the score.
September 13th
The orphans enjoy playing in the Compound as they gather together on being let out of their stables and Stockades. Ishanga led her group of Makireti, Dabassa, Kilabasi and Rombo off into the bush, while Mutara, Shukuru and Turkwel escorted the babies. Naipoki started a head-butting game with Ishanga, who ran after the baby, and having caught up, Naipoki stood her ground. Ishanga then ran towards Tano, and she became involved in the game. Soon all the orphans were rushing around trumpeting and playing the charging and head butting game. Naipoki then found all this a bit too much for her, and ran to the Keepers for protection!
Dabassa in the bush with the others
September 14th
It is a big day for Kihari, who will be allowed to join the other orphans after the 9 a.m. milk feed, which will take place near her stable. Kihari immediately tried to wrestle Naipoki’s milk bottle from her, but the Keepers helped Naipoki to keep a tight hold of it. At first Kihari began charging the Keepers, but having taken her milk, she left sandwiched in between all the other orphans. Once out in the browsing area Ishanga came to collect Kihari and take her to join Kilabasi, Rombo and Dabassa. Kihari seemed happy with this arrangement and the day passed peacefully without incident.
Kihari out with the others
September 15th
As soon as the orphans were let out, Shukuru rushed to meet up with Kihari, touching her with her trunk and rumbling to her. She led Kihari to join the other orphans, Ishanga left her usual group to go and try and get Kihari to join her when she saw Dabassa playing a Pushing Game with Mutara, but as soon as Dabassa saw Ishanga leave, he rushed after her and the four friends then went off together to browse. Mutara went to take Naipoki from Shukuru who was lying down to allow Naipoki to climb on her. Mutara then lay down to entice Naipoki onto her.
September 16th
Friday is the day for coconut oiling of the orphans, something that Kihari did not appreciate. She tried to run away, but the Keepers rounded her up. Having been oiled, the orphans all went to an anthill to rub off the excess oil and scratch their itchy bodies. Turkwel then led the orphans off to browse, leaving behind Naipoki and Sities at the anthill. Kihari was joined by Mutara, Kainuk, Turkwel and Shukuru and is feeling at home with her new found friends.
Kihari hiding in the bush
September 17th
Shukuru and Mutara waited outside Kihari’s stable for her to be opened up in the morning, joined there by Sities who came running to be amongst them. When Dabassa was opened up, he came out charging over Ishanga and Rombo, but Mutara stood firm, guarding little Naipoki and Kihari.
Mutara browsing in the bush
September 18th
A 6.30 a.m. the orphans began heading out to the forest to browse, Kihari in the lead, closely followed by Ishanga, who always takes care of newcomers. Kihari now knows the feeding hours. At 2.30 p.m. she led Ishanga, Dabassa, Rombo and Kilabasi towards the milk venue, but the orphans met up with some baboons on the way, and began screaming. The Keepers ran to ascertain what the problem was, and met the four who had sneaked ahead of the others. The Keepers calmed them down, but Kihari remained troubled thereafter.
September 19th
On a cool morning Mutara led the orphans out, followed by Kihari and Ishanga. Dabassa and Rombo, the two boys in the herd, often choose to feed slightly apart from the girls. At the 9 a.m. feed, the big girls, namely Mutara, Shukuru and Tano competed over who would escort Kihari to the milk. Mutara won out. For the first time today Kihari enjoyed the mudbath, since the temperature was conducive. This changed her colour to that of the others. The German Film Crew were with them all day, only finishing when they got Naipoki settling down for the night.
September 20th
For the second day the German Film Crew were here early, hoping to film the orphans leaving their Night Stockades and Stables, but the elephants were already out, Sities waiting at Naipoki’s door to collect her and escort her to her older peers. Kihari led the way to the forest, all the others trailing her, with Mutara at the back to ensure that no stragglers remained behind. Later the orphans played soccer for the film crew until it was time for the mudbath, Naipoki and Mutara the stars of the game.
Naipoki playing with the others
September 21st
Whilst enjoying the noon mudbath, Shukuru thought that she had been pushed by Ishanga, when in fact Turkwel was the culprit. Shukuru went to settle the score with Ishanga which turned into a tough fight in which the Keepers had to intervene.
The orphaned rhino Solio has a mind of her own, disobeying the Keepers and simply doing her own thing; even running back to the Stockade to seek Lucerne leaving the Keepers calling her and are searching for her out in the bush!
Solio relaxing in the bush
September 22nd
It was a wonderful day. The Keepers were in a happy mood anticipating the promised lunchtime Party organized by Thomas Topfer and the Rettet die Elefanten Afrikas Trustees who accompanied him. The excitement of the Keepers was picked up by the orphans, who were also in high spirits, especially as a pile of fresh red soil had arrived at the mudbath venue for them. Instead of running for their milk as usual, Shukuru and Kainuk went straight to enjoy a dustbath by which time the others had downed their milk and also went to enjoy the fresh soil.
After the mudbath, the Keepers went to their Party venue where Thomas Topfer and his Board Members were waiting for them. All the elephants surrounded them as they ate, very interested in what was going on and when it was over and everyone was replete, all had a smile, including the elephants!
Kainuk in the middle and Tano
September 23rd
The orphans left the compound in a jovial mood, trumpeting, downing shrubs and running around excitedly as they made their way out into the forest. Soon there was a call from the Voi Stockades that they had rescued a young elephant who needed to be flown to Nairobi, since he had a spear wound in the top of the trunk. He had been rescued from the Kasigau area between Tsavo West and East. The Rescue Team was mobilized and the new orphan was back at the Nursery by 3 p.m. He was about 2 ½ years old with short tusks and was too aggressive for anyone to be near, the wound at the top of his trunk having been cleaned before his legs were untied. He was named “Kasigau” after the area in which he was rescued. The other orphans were brought back to meet him in the evening. All were anxious to touch him and were very excited to have a new member.
Kasigau had a spear wound on the trunk
The orphans come to meet Kasigau
Kasigau meets the orphans
September 24th
Today the new elephant began taking milk, first from a bucket, and then from the bottle held by a Keeper beyond the bars of the Gate to his Stockade, for he was still too aggressive to risk closer contact. The weather was more conducive to a wonderful mudbath today.
Solio again caused her Keepers problems, wanting to run back to the Stockade for Lucerne, rather than browse out in the Park. She is very disobedient and becoming more independent daily!
Solio gets a scratch from a keeper
September 25th
Dabassa is turning into a very naughty, pushy boy, especially at milk feeding times, always targeting Rombo, who still does not have the strength to retaliate, even though he has short tusks whereas Dabassa does not. At the private viewing time, once Dabassa had downed his share, he went for Rombo, pushing him down in order to try and steal his share, and the Keepers had to intervene.
September 26th
Kihari is settling down well, but has chosen to attach herself to the wrong group, namely newcomers Dabassa, Kilabasi and Rombo, who prefer to feed apart from the others and their Keepers. As the first group came to the mudbath for their milk today, Kihari sneaked away to join Rombo who still chooses to hide in the bush rather than face the visitors, so his milk is usually taken out to him. Kihari has become extremely fond of him and was allowed to remain with him. Before going in for the night all spent time near Kasigau who is still in the Taming Stockade and still too aggressive to be handled by humans, although he will suck a finger through the bars.
Rombo gets some greens from a keeper
September 27th
Rombo wisely prefers to give Dabassa a wide berth! But he spotted Dabassa heading towards Kasigau’s Stockade and ran to try and push him away until the Keepers intervened. Once Rombo gets his strength back, we hope he will teach Dabassa a lesson! During the night Naipoki obviously had a nightmare. She began screaming, which unsettled both Sities and Mutara, neither of whom got much sleep. The Keepers could not determine what had upset her.
Sities reaching for greens
September 28th
Mutara is a very proficient Nursery Matriarch. She won’t head out into the forest before establishing that any newcomer is still alright, running to Kasigau’s enclosure, rumbling to him and wrapping her trunk around his face and neck to comfort him. At Private Viewing time (3 p.m.) Mutara sneaked away even before taking her milk to go and see how Kasigau was getting on. She always loves the mudbath, even more so than Kalama, who used to be the best mud-bather.
Kasigau gets attention from Adan
September 29th
Mutara again led the orphans to greet Kasigau, putting her trunk in his mouth and he did the same to her. It was a big day for him since his legs had begun to swell and it was decided that he should be allowed out to benefit from more exercise, after spending the past 6 days in his enclosure. All were fed their 9 a.m. milk feed beside the entrance to his Stockade, after which he was allowed out. At first he had eyes only for anything white, hoping it might be more milk, but later settled down in amongst the group, approached initially by Ishanga, who always takes a special interest in newcomers. However, Kasigau head butted her away, and after that she left him alone! The Keepers then led the entire herd into the bush, and everything went well, apart from Dabassa and Rombo who kept head butting Kasigau whenever he came close, be still being too feeble to retaliate.
At the mudbath hour Rombo, Kihari and Kasigau remained in the bush. All was well until after the Private Viewing at 3 p.m. when Naipoki and Tano began to compete with each other to be closest to the leading Keeper. Thinking that they were running from the men, Kasigau took off at speed, pursued by a Keeper who fell over a stump. Meanwhile Shukuru, Mutara, Makireti and Dabassa, believing that it was all part of a fun charging game, took to rushing around the bushes, trumpeting which scared Kasigau further, and sent him running at speed off into the bush. Later, all the Keepers went in search of him, and eventually found him hiding in a thicket with his trunk curled beneath his chin. The Keepers surrounded him, while others went to round up the other orphans who were still involved in their charging game! All this chaos upset Solio who happened to be feeding nearby, and who also took off at speed, reluctant even to return to her Stockade in the evening until enticed back with a bundle of lucerne! It was an afternoon and evening of high drama!
Kasigau having milk with the others
September 30th
It was a chilly and drizzly morning, which disrupted the usual routine, since the small elephants could not be let out on time. Kasigau has been warmly welcomed by the other orphans, especially Mutara, the Matriarch, Shukuru and Ishanga who always affords newcomers special loving, and even Tano and Sities. He is calming very quickly with the influence of the other orphans, but has still not been taken to the Public Viewing, but remains in the forest with Rombo and Kihari, of whom he is especially fond.