Nairobi Nursery Unit

September 2010

Daily updates

September 2010








September 1st

On a beautiful September morning, the orphans left their Night Stockades for the bush, led by Shukuru who was followed by Murka. The Vet came to look at Maalim, who has been unwell, breathing heavily and off his food, as well as the head wound of Murka. Maalim had suspected pneumonia, and was given his first injection of Nuroclav. Murka was escorted to her Stockade to be sedated for her Veterinary examination, escorted by Suguta, who refused to leave her, and once Murka was inside the Stockade, Suguta kept pushing the Gate to try and get access to her. Murka was then sedated, whilst Suguta watched from outside the Gate, and as soon as Murka was revived, she joined Suguta and was escorted by her back to all the others. The Vet was very pleased with the progress of Murka’s spear head wound, although she still cannot use the trunk to suck up water.


Shukuru racing for her milk


September 2nd

A very cold morning turned hotter at mudbath time, so all the orphans enjoyed a wallow. Sities was up to her usual “showing off” prank, running up and down the cordon that separates the visitors, then into the mud pool, and out again to get the attention of the guests. Everyone was charmed, especially when Sities mobilized Shukuru for a game of soccer! When it was time to leave, Sities needed no prompting, fully aware of the usual procedure!

Shukuru playing in the mud

Sities having fun in the mud with the others

September 3rd

The sun came out at about l0.30, which pleased the orphans, who enjoyed warming up. At mudbath Sities was her usual playful self. As the Keepers were bringing the smaller elephants back to their Night Stockades in the evening, it suddenly began to rain, and the Keepers had a difficult time persuading Sities to return, because she just wanted to play in the rain. She and the others were escorted into Suguta’s Stockade for shelter from the rain, but Sities continued to roll in the wet mud, so the Keepers had to forcefully lift her out, not wanting her to get a chill which could turn into pneumonia.

Sities going in for a dip

Sities being looked after by Suguta

Suguta playing

September 4th

Since Maalim became unwell, he stopped sleeping under his mattress for the first time, but last night, he did, managing to come to the door for his milk, as before. Today was his last day of the 5 day Nuroclav injection, and he looks a lot better. Before leaving his stable, and returning to it at night, he insists on having a basin full of water, refusing to go in and out without taking water.

Maalim having a drink

September 5th

It was unusual when Shida pitched up at at 9.30 a.m., rather than his usual time of 11 a.m. Perhaps he had come across another wild bull rhino with whom he did not want to mix! Even after the usual 11 a.m. – 12 noon visiting hour, he refused to leave his Stockade, and spent the entire day inside. The door of his Stockade was closed for the 5 p.m. Foster-parent Visiting hour, but even when it was opened after all the visitors had left, Shida refused to leave. His permanent presence left Maxwell uncomfortable, who kept on trying to knock down the separating posts. Maxwell settled down when Shida left his Stockade at about 8 p.m. and went to sleep near the mudbath.


September 6th

As the orphans were wallowing at noon, some uninvited guests in the form of the warthogs barged into the pool. Suguta immediately drove them away, backed up by Olare, who stood beside the pool with her ears out, watching Suguta intently. This drew many questions from the visitors who were amazed to see the two elephants cooperating with one another in this way.

The warthogs at the Nursery


The orphans on the move

September 7th

Maalim was moved from his usual Stable into the Stockade next door to Olare today. He was brought back earlier than usual in order to assess how he would react to the move, because rhinos are creatures of habit, and don’t take kindly to any disruption of their normal routine. Some of the grass from his old Stable was spread in the Stockade, along with some of his dung, and, of course, his mattress, so that he would feel at home. Having taken water prior to entry, he was escorted into his new quarters, and after taking his milk, and inspecting his new home closely, he went straight under the mattress without any problem.

Maalim is guided into his new stockade

Maalim settling to bed in his new stockade

September 8th

The change of Stockades between Kibo and Olare caused some problem this evening when the elephants were brought back for the night. Kibo went back to his previous stable, and when he was brought out again, he ignored the Keeper who was calling him at the entrance of his new quarters, and instead went to try and snatch Olare\s milk from her, which, of course, was not popular! A fight ensued until Olare broke away and tried to get into her previous Stockade which was now occupied by Maalim! It took the Keepers some time to get each elephant into its proper place!

Olare on Suguta

Kibo squashing Kalama

September 9th

Kalama’s group was having a wonderful time during the mudbath hour until a warthog and her piglets arrive to disrupt events. Kalama, Mutara and Kudup took action against the intruders who merely circled the wallow, prompting Chemi Chemi and Makireti to reinforce the expulsion process!

Chemi Chemi

Kalama 3rd from front with Chemi Chemi beside her

Kalama chasing the ball in the water

September 10th

As soon as the elephant stable and Stockade doors are opened first thing in the morning, little Sities heads straight to Suguta’s stockade and if she finds the door still locked, she bumps against it trying to push it open, while Suguta comes to greet her favourite baby. As soon as Suguta emerges, Sities begins to suckle on her ears. Sities loves Suguta above all others, so Suguta has won her affections over Olare, who, for a long time was a rival in this respect.



September 11th

It was a very hot noon mudbath today, so all the orphans participated fully, rolling in the mud and plastering as much as possible on their bodies, Turkwel and Tano enjoyed a game of soccer inside the pool until Sities entered the fray and managed to kick the ball out, cheered by all the mudbath guests and school children. She ran towards the visiting African school children, which sent them off screaming fear.

Turkwel on the left with Tano & Chemi Chemi

Tano playing


September 12th

At around 5 p.m. there was a freak downpour of rain, which left Maxwell restless in his Stockade. He did the rounds spraying urine in every corner, which made us suspect that Shida was on his way, which proved to be so! As soon as Shida walked into his Stockade, he sprayed urine against the posts that separate his Stockade from that of Maxwell to advertise his presence. Thereafter they indulged in their usual battle between the posts which left Maxwell highly charged and excited. The presence of Shida is always the highlight of Max’s dark world!



September 13th

Murka, who arrived in the Nursery exceedingly aggressive having been mutilated so cruelly by tribesmen, has turned into a gentle individual and is happily settled in amongst all the other orphans, and trusting of the human family who have worked to hard on her body wounds, all of which have healed unbelievably well. She now takes her bottles of milk and water with ease, whereas previously she was very suspicious whenever close to a Keeper. Howwever, she does not like Kibo who once tried to mount onto her tender back as he does the others, so Murka never misses a chance to head butt him whenever he comes close to her.

Murka having milk


Murka playing in the water with her friends

September 14th

On the way out to browse today Tumaren, Melia, Olare and Kandecha confronted a group of impalas they encountered on the way. Tumaren and Melia took charge, encouraging the rest to join the charge which sent the impalas running away and leaving Tumaren and the rest highly charged, trumpeting, bush-bashing. The commotion drew the attention of Suguta, the Matriarch, who was busy with the babies. She rushed to the scene, followed by all the little ones, but could find nothing amiss . Tumaren approached Suguta with her ears out and rumbled to her, after which all the elephants exchanged greetings, intertwining their trunks and rumbling to one another before settling down.


Melia on the left with Tumaren

Tumaren on the left playing with Turkwel

September 15th

Having taken their 9 a.m. milk feed out in the bush, the orphans began to move further afield until Suguta, Tumaren, Olare and Kibo detected the presence of some buffalo in their path. The older orphans charged about, kicking bushes and trumpeting, backed up by the Keepers, until the buffaloes ran away. This encounter left the orphans in a high state of nervousness, prompting them to browse close to the Keepers for the rest of the day. Maalim’s condition has deteriorated again, so he has been on a long course of injectible Enrofloxacine along with a Bronchial dilator. His respiratory problem has been very persistent and a source of grave concern, compounded by the fact that he was born so premature and is therefore more prone than usual to respiratory problems. The injections have left him very lame as well so the Keepers have been rubbing his rump with Reparel Gel and Arnica Cream to try and bring some relief.



Maalim feeling unwell

September 16th

Once the orphans had emerged from their Night Stables first thing in the morning, Chemi Chemi and Turkwell, who are not on good terms with one another, began a pushing match which detiorated into a fight. Suguta took immediate action to separate them. She came in between them, her ears out and her trunk curled beneath her chin – a warning to them to behave! Chemi Chemi ran off to join Kibo, who was browsing nearby, while Turkwell went to hide behind Maxwell’s Stockade.

Chemi Chemi

Turkwel (left) & Kudup drinking water

Turkwel walks with Julius

September 17th

Murka, who usually prefers to remain isolated from the others when they embark on the morning games, decided to join in the fun. She invited Olare to a gentle pushing game. Conscious of the fact that Murka is still nursing her head injury, Olare was very gentle, allowing Murka to win. Meanwhile Suguta lay down to attract the smaller babies, Sities and Shukuru to come and climb on her, which they did happily, the only issue being that Sities was a little jealous of Shukuru enjoying the same treat!



Suguta leads the others in

September 18th

Kandecha and Tumaren have turned into gluttons for their milk, pushing and shoving at milk feeding times as though they are going to be denied their share! Kandecha is the worst offender – he screams and complains a great deal. At 9 a.m. when the Keeper was a little slow in presenting him with his bottle, he knelt down and took it up himself, downing it even before the Keeper could reach him!

Tumaren downing her milk

Kandecha running for his milk

Kandecha playing in the water

September 19th

It was a cloudy morning. Murka and Makireti decided to browse away from the main herd. All was well for about an hour until both Murka and Makireti came running back at high speed, Makireti bellowing at the top of her voice. The Keepers moved up to see what had frightened the orphans, and found an impala who had just given birth!

Makireti & Tano

Makireti running in the water

Murka browsing

September 20th

These days there seems to be dissention within the younger group of Nursery Elephants, Kalama, Kudup, Turkwel and Mutara. Although the youngest of the three females, Mutara wants to be the Leader, which is angering Kalama who is objecting! Turkwel relishes a scrap and has turned her attention from Chemi Chemi to Mutara. Mutara turned hurriedly to headbutt her aggressor, and accidentally got Kalama instead which triggered an angry reaction. Kudup, who was watching from a distance, came running to separate the warring parties, but Kalama stood her ground. The Keepers had to intervene to restore order!

Kalama playing

Kalama with Mutara next to her

Mutara at the water trough

September 21st

he orphans browsed peacefully in the forest, Sities sandwiched between Suguta and Olare enjoying the loving of both older girls. Sities then saw Chemi Chemi and Kibo playing a pushing game and decided to join them, running to come between the two boys and got pushed down by Kibo, who was targeting Chemi Chemi but got Sities instead. She screamed and within a second Suguta, Tumaren and Olare were there. Suguta went for Kibo who was standing over Sities as she was getting up, probably wanting to say “sorry”, but Suguta knocked him to his knees. Chemi Chemi wisely took off at speed to avoid being punished. During the mudbath hour, a lion came to the nearby rocks adjoining the forest, eyeing the warthogs who were near the elephants t the mudbath. The warthogs disappeared post- haste!

Chemi Chemi

Kibo climbing out the mudbath

Kibo mounting Kalama

September 22nd

After the noon mudbath, the day turned very hot and became unbearable for the babies. Suguta steered them all back towards the mudbath. Kalama was first in, followed by all the others. Little Sities began jumping up and down splashing water over all the others. Murka wanted to also jump in, but was fearful because all the older elephants were romping around in the mud and might barge into her tender body. Afterwards all enjoyed a dust-bath, Sities still jumping up and down happily.

Suguta playing in the water with the ball

Suguta playing with the ball

Tumaren on the left with Olare

September 23rd

Today a rescue alert came for a baby rhino, whose mother had been shot on Solio Ranch. The rescue plane landed at 4.30 p.m. to find that the calf was quite big and too strong to be airlifted back to Nairobi in its large crate, so the plane returned to Nairobi with one Keeper, leaving the other two to remain with the young rhino.

Milk for the orphans

The orphans playing


September 24th

A truck that could drive the young rhino and the two Keepers that remained with it back to Nairobi was sourced from Solio Ranch. The truck arrived at the Solio airstrip at midnight, when the crate was loaded and the journey to Nairobi began. It was a very cold journey, arriving at Nairobi at 5 a.m. in the morning. It then took sometime to unload the crate with the rhino inside, Robert having first managed to inoculate it standing on top of the crate using a syringe attached to a long pole. The crate was then gradually lowered using poles and rollers, and hauled into the Stockade abutting Maxwell’s quarters.


Dame Daphne Sheldrick checks on Solio

September 25th

The Keepers are still not able to handle the young rhino named “Solio” who is extremely wild and aggressive, charging at everyone with great force. Maxwell sensed the presence of a stranger and attacked the poles separating the two enclosures with immense force, repeatedly coming up to get close and having to be discouraged by the Keepers in with her. The little rhino was also very aggressive to Maxwell, but during the night she enjoyed playing with Kandecha, who was next door and who touched her gently with his trunk. Shida is also taking a great interest in the newcomer, stopping outside her Stockade every time he passes by.

Max sniffing the newcomer next door to him


September 26th

It was an eventful night, for 4 lions paraded around the stables and Stockades roaring loudly for many hours, terrifying the orphans, as well as the Night Milk Mixer who felt very vulnerable! Suguta trumpeted repeatedly to warn the babies. No one got much sleep during the night!

The Keepers taking milk to the orphans

Kandecha having fun

Orphans & Keepers walking

September 27th

At first light as soon as the stables were opened, Suguta ran to Sities stable to ensure that her precious baby was O.K. after the lion episode, Olare and Suguta with Sities sandwiched between, led the orphans out to browse, continually raising their trunks to try and detect any lion presence. Mutara also followed Suguta and Olare very closely, learning Leadership skills from them.

Olare on Suguta

Sities next to Melia during games

Shukuru racing for her milk

September 28th

The German Film Crew who have been filing the Orphans for an “Elephant Diaries” type series arrived early to film Suguta and Olare, the main Matriarchs of the Nursery Group, taking care of little Sities. However, Olare did not like the look of the Big Camera and kept pushing them and the Keepers away from Sities. Shukuru and Sities are very competitive of one another, since Sitites does not want to share the attentions of Suguta with Shukuru.

Shukuru jumping on Tumaren


September 29th

At about 1pm the office received a call from The Amboseli Elephant Trust staff about an orphan having been spotted alone in Amboseli. The rescue Team went on their way with a French film crew in tow. The calf was found about 20 km from the airstrip and captured by the Keepers before being flown back to the Nairobi Nursery. The calf arrived at about 8pm and was named Kitirua after the swamp in which she had been found.



September 30th

Kitirua, last nights new arrival, is a little nervous around the Keepers but is taking milk and water. The orphans were brought to meet her in the early morning and gave her a very warm welcome. Surprisingly Melia showed interest in the new arrival, reaching her trunk out to greet her. Mutara particularly outshined the other orphans in kind behaviour to the new baby, she gently reached to her and gave her a comforting hug. When it was time to leave she remained behind with Kitirua for a little while to give her support & comfort.

Kitirua is welcomed by all the orphans

The orphans comfort the new arrival

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