Voi Reintegration Unit

September 2007

Daily updates

September 2007









September 1st

At 6 a.m. Mweya escorted Mweiga to the western side of Mazinga Hill on a very windy morning which promised to turn into a very hot day. The other orphans were all still up the hill where, an area they favour at the height of the dry season, since the only green shoots are to be found there. By noon the independent orphans were ready descended to come and drink at the Stockades after which Natumi and Edie led the group to join up with Mweya and Mweiga. They fed together for the remainder of the day.

Mweya waits for Mweiga

September 2nd

Mweiga and Mweya left the Stockade early in the morning without the others, who had spent the night out. Since the day was hot, the two went to the waterhole at l0.40 a.m. where Mukwaju came alone to join them for a wallow. Natumi’s group as well as that of Thoma, who are now together joined them after 20 minutes, and all had a wonderful noon mudbath together. The orphans then drifted slowly feeding towards the hill, making a stop over at the base where they remained for the rest of the day. Mweiga was so happy to be amongst them there. They all returned to the Stockades to see Mweiga and Mweya put in for the night, and after hanging around for a while returned to the hill.

Mweiga & Mweya at water hole

September 3rd

Both Natumi and Thoma’s groups came down the hill, where they had been feeding the previous night, to join Mweya and Mweiga in the waterhole at noon. Mweiga had arrived earlier and had already enjoyed a wonderful bath so she left the waterhole to the playful youngsters as she went to take her extra supplement of replacer reinforced with coconut, barley and laced with aloe vera and immune boosters to assist with her weak condition. The other orphans spent a long time around the waterhole playing games, and then fed slowly towards the Stockade, Burra in the lead. Having enjoyed their Copra ration they left once Mweiga and Mweya were in for the night.

Burra in the lead

September 4th

The day was fairly cool, so the orphans were not eager to go into the mudbath at first. They circled it testing the temperature of the water with their trunks. Eventually only Mweya took the plunge while Solango and Morani hesitantly sprayed it behind their ears, but decided it was too cold for their liking. They all fed nearby for the afternoon and as usual returned for their share of the Copra hand-out.


September 5th

All was well throughout the day with the older orphans linking up with Mweiga and Mweya. Natumi’s gang and that of Thoma are very comfortable together and have established new drinking areas along the Voi river and also along the Mombasa pipeline. They fed well on the lower slopes of Mazinga Hill with the new orphan, “Msinga” appearing less stressed by the presence of the Keepers. As usual they all returned for the share of Copra and then returned to the hill to feed furing the night.


September 6th

Thoma and Natumi’s group were seen feeding high up the hill in the early morning, which was cool, so they were in no hurry to come down. They came down in the afternoon to join their colleagues Mweiga and Mweya. On the way back in the evening, there was tough competition between Solango and Burra as to who should lead the column so they took it in turns. Back at the Stockades they enjoyed a spectacular playing session before wandering off to feed during the night.

The orphans drinking at the stockade

September 7th

Mweiga and Mweya left the stockade early in the morning for the base of Mazinga hill where they fed until noon when they paced slowly towards the waterhole. Upon arrival, Mweya heard a trumpet from the others who were approaching them and she happily charged forward to welcome them. Athough the weather was cold, Mweya dived into the water, as the others stood around watching her wallowing antics. Later, have wandered towards the northern side of Mazinga hill to feed, they turned round and headed back to the stockades in the evening.


September 8th

Mweiga and Mweya left the Stockades early as usual and having browsed all morning made their way to the waterhole, where they spent a long time hoping that the others would turn up. However, they were disappointed today, but did meet up with them back at the Stockades in the evening. Today Morani volunteered to go in with Mweiga, releasing Mweya who went off with the others for the night.

The orphans heading back to the stockades

September 9th

Morani and Mweiga left the Stockades early and fed throughout the morning without contact with the others. In the evening, after they had returned to the Stockade, the others turned up with Emily’s group and the new orphan Msinga, who seems happy with Emily’s bunch. Uaso was with them, and he and Laikipia had a wonderful game teasing each other in a pushing match. All left the Stockade heading for the Eastern side of Mazinga Hill.

Laikipia & Uaso at stkd

September 10th

Natumi and Thoma’s two groups joined Morani and Mweiga at the noon mudbath without Emily’s group. There was great happiness with Mweiga swinging her trunk from side to side in a welcoming and playful ceremony. They took a wonderful noon mudbath and then fed on the lower slopes of the western side of Mazinga Hill, returning to the Stockade in the evening, when Burra lagging behind to keep Mweiga company. He spent the night in the Stockade with her.

Burra at the water hole

September 11th

The older orphans never turned up today to join Burra and Mweiga. The older group was seen feeding down at the Voi river, returning to the Stockade at 6.30 p.m. for their Copra ration, after which they left again.

The orphans drinking at the stockade

September 12th

Mweiga and Burra were out again at dawn, and enjoyed a brief soil dusting session at the Stockade compound before leaving. Today the others were absent throughout the day, turning up at 7 p.m. Uaso was with them

Mukwaju & Uaso (1)

September 13th

Again Natumi and Thoma’s units did not meet up with Mweiga, but were seen feeding high up on the Northern side of Mazinga Hill. They eventually came down for their Copra hand-out, minus Uaso


September 14th

Again, Burra and Mweiga spent a day without the others, who returned briefly in the evening, but soon left again, having taken their Copra ration and had a drink at the Stockade trough.


September 15th

Lissa and her three calves came to drink at the Stockade waterhole. They have recruited a middle aged young cow into their unit. They spent some time at the Stockade, Lissa allowing her babies to play with the water. There was no sign of the others today.

Lissa & her calves drinking at the stkd (2)

September 16th

Today, only Loisaba and Mvita turned up for a drink at the Stockade, two members of Emily’s group. However they didn’t tarry long, so we assume that the rest of their group was nearby. They moved off towards the Eastern side of Mazinga Hill. Lissa and her small group again came for a drink at the Stockade at 6 p.m. and also headed towards the eastern side of the hill.

Lissa & her calf Lugard leaving the stkd

September 17th

Burra and Mweiga again were disappointed not to have met up with their colleagues. However they were all there at the Stockade when they returned in the evening, including Emily’s group, so the orphaned family was briefly intact for a while prior to Mweiga having to go into her Night quarters.

Emily at the stkd

September 18th

All the orphans were still feeding high up on the hill when Mweiga and Burra left the Stockade in the morning. Aitong with all the others came down to drink at the Stockade at l0.40 a.m., leaving Emily, Salama, Edie, Solango, Loisaba and Ndara up the hill. Having taken water Aitong led her gang back to join the others up the hill and in the evening at 5 p.m. the entire orphaned herd all came down again for a drink. They then left for the eastern side of the hill again.

Aitongs left tusk is broken

September 19th

Mweiga and Burra spent the day feeding together without making contact with any of the others today. Only Mukwaju and Lolokwe came to the Stockade to drink water during the day and soon left. All the others never turned up.

September 20th

Today Edie, Mukwaju, Mpala, Mweya and Lolokwe arrived at 9.10 a.m. for a drink at the Stockade and then left to join Mweiga and Burra out in the field. Later Natumi and all the others except Laikipia, Salama and Emily’s group emerged from the northern end of Mazinga Hill and joined the others in the field, all coming back together to the Stockade in the evening and leaving having taken their supplements.

Edie at the mudbath

September 21st

Thoma and Natumi’s group came to the Stockade to drink at 4.45 p.m. and hung around until Burra and Mweiga arrived. Later they left heading towards the Voi River circuit taking Burra with them and leaving Mweya back to keep Mweiga company. Msinga was still with Emily’s group.

Mukwaju takes at the back

September 22nd

Mweiga and Mweya enjoyed a quiet day, feeding close together, without any contact with the others. The others never turned up either at the waterhole or at the Stockade today.

September 23rd

Natumi’s and Thoma’s group came to drink at the Stockades at 4 p.m., but soon left again, so did not meet up with Mweiga and Mweya who were again alone throughout the day.

September 24th

Mweiga and Mweya left the Stockade early in the morning and headed for the foot of the hill where Mweiga took a rest, scratching herself against a rock. Mweya waited calmly with her. Natumi and Thoma’s group came to drink at the Stockades at 5.15 p.m. but left soon afterwards.

September 26th

Natumi’s group, along with that of Thoma, joined Mweiga and Mweya out in the feeding grounds, where Mukwaju and Mpala took time to enjoy a soil dusting session. They all later moved on to join the others who were feeding towards the northern side of the hill. All enjoyed the mudbath together, before resuming to feed and returning with Mweiga and Mweya to the Stockade in the evening. Once the two were safely ensconced, the others left.

September 27th

Mweiga and Mweya spent the day alone, without making contact with any of the others, who did not turn up either at the mudbath or at the stockades for the entire day.

September 28th

Thoma and Natumi’s two groups were seen feeding together high up on the hill in the morning. Meanwhile a newly rescued month old baby who had fallen through a manhole on the Mombasa pipeline arrived, arrived at the stockade. She had been named “Dida” and whilst awaiting the arrival of the rescue plane, wandered calmly around the Stockade, eventually falling asleep. When she was being loaded onto the truck in order to be taken to the airfield, she screamed and immediately Natumi and Edie quickly led all the orphans down the hill to investigate what was happening. However, they missed seeing the baby, who had already left by the time they arrived, so after a drink of water, they climbed the hill again.

September 29th

Natumi and Thoma’s groups were absent throughout the day, seen feeding on the northern end of Mazinga hill. Today the took water at the pipeline break pressure tank overflow near the Voi Safari Lodge.

September 30th

Thoma and Natumi’s group were feeding on the top of the hill this morning, but Solango, Edie, Sosian and Mvita came down to take water at the Stockade at 8.30 a.m. They then went off to join Mweiga and Mweya at the mudbath after which the six orphans fed calmly until they joined up with the rest of Natumi and Thoma’s group back at the Stockades in the evening. Once Mweya and Mweiga were in for the night, the four joined their group and left with them.


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