Voi Reintegration Unit

September 2003

Daily updates

September 2003








September 1st

Today Kinna and Salama played together in the noon mudbath, mounting on each other. Lissa’s group joined the orphans at 2 p.m. Her elder daughter Lara helped Ndara charge a nearby tortoise.

September 2nd

Edie spent the entire day browsing next to Morani, pulling him to her side with her trunk whenever he looked like detaching himself!

September 3rd

All the orphans ran to their Keepers for protection at 8 a.m. when a wild bull who was amongst three others bellowed loudly. Later the orphans joined this wild group, parting on their way to the noon mudbath. Nyiro and Seraa had a wonderful dustbath today after the noon mudbath. Their fascinating game was interrupted by Mukwaju.

September 4th

At 7 a.m. Lissa’s group joined the orphans. Ilingwezi played pushing games with Lara (Lissa’s first calf). Emily was pushed aside by Lissa when she came to join Ilingwezi in the game. At l0 a.m. Laikipia mounted onto Sally’s back, but fell off like an empty sack. All the other orphans surrounded him to help him up. He came up limping,but recovered later in the day.

September 5th

Thoma and Mpala had an altercation when both wanted to scratch their tummies on the same anthill. The Keepers intervened to restore the peace. The orphans charged and tried to scare off a group of about 2,000 buffaloes who past close by at noon. However, upon realising that the buffaloes were undaunted, the orphans pulled back.

September 6th

The orphans joined a wild group of 8 elephants at 8.30 a.m. Sosian, Laikipia and Mweya played pushing games with wild agemates, but the game ended when Mweya was pushed down by the wild friend. After this the orphans left the group and proceeeded to the mudbath. Edie escorted the small babies to the milk tractor at nopon, standing beside Mpala, and then taking him back to join the others.

September 7th

Sally browsed close to Aitong all day, suckling Aitong’s ears from time to time. She remained behind with Aitong when the other babies left for the Stockades in the evening, returning with Aitong in Emily’s group.

September 8th

After a wonderful mudbath, Nyiro, Lolokwe, Salama and Burra played a game of hide and seek. The game ended when Loisaba joined in and began pushing Nyiro. In the afternoon, the orphans harassed an old buffalo they found browsing at the base of Mazinga Hill. They engaged him in a running battle.

September 9th

Sosian had a tummy ache today, lying down in distress. Emily kept a close watch on him, and browsed near him all day. We gave him colloidal silver, and he improved later in the day. Today the orphans joined a group of 10 wild elephants at noon. Natumi, Sally, Icholta and Tsavo paid great attention to a wild baby of about 4 months, wanting to entice him away, but his mother recovered him.

September 10th

Sosian was very happy today, playing pushing games with Nuiro. His happiness was interrupted when Loisaba gave him a hard shove.

September 11th

At 4 p.m., Emily took Loisaba, Tsavo, Ndara and Mukwaju from the other orphans and browsed with them alone apart from the rest. They joined the other orphans later. Sweet Sally charged and chased off an ostrich, but retreated rapidly when she realised that she had no back-up from the others!

September 12th

Kinna bellowed loudly during the noon mudbath when Mvita mounted her and pinned her down. The Keepers went in to rescue Kinna and Emily also went in and threatened to kick Mvita.

September 13th

Light showers of rain this morning made the orphans very happy. They ran here and there excitedly, rolling in the damp earth. The wild group led by Eleanor’s friend, Catherine joined the orphans at 9 a.m. Laikipia and Salama greeted Catherine by “kissing” her mouth with their trunks. Morani and Tsavo enjoyed playing with wild age-mates within the wild group.

September 14th

Edie and Loisaba ran to take Morani immediately after coming out of their Night Stockade in the morning. Their efforts were fruitless when Morani went instead straight to Aitong! Aitong and Morani joined a wild group of 6 at 9 a.m. leaving them to join the others at the noon mudbath.

September 15th

Burra and Morani enjoyed a wonderful mudbath, rolling about together. Their game ended when Nasalot stepped on Burra’s damaged ear, causing him to scream loudly, and bring Emily to the rescue.

September 16th

Today, it was very hot, so the orphans took an extensive mudbath. Seraa, Tsavo, Mulika and Ilingwezi chased off 2 warthogs that wanted to join them and take a drink at the mudbath.

September 17th

Aitong ran back to keep Mweiga company, when she was left behind when the other orphans went for the noon mudbath. The two joined the others, running and trumpeting excitedly.

September 18th

At 8.20 a.m. Icholta played a game of hide and seek with Aitong. The game ended when Aitong broke a dry tree which fell on Icholta’s back. She screamed so loudly that Aitong had to calm her by holding her with her trunk. Today the orphans joined a group of 7 wild elephants. Emily played a pushing match with a wild friend of her age, whom she pushed down. This brought the wild Matriarch along, who chased Emily off.

September 19th

Edie was not amused when Sosian splashed water on her at the mudbath. She wanted to take revenge, and the Keepers had to intervene to rescue Sosian!

September 20th

After a wonderful and extensive noon mudbath, Loisaba placed her trunk on Mulika’s back and dozed with closed eyes. When Mulika moved, she almost fell down. Laikipia and Salama broke up a fight between two male waterbucks.

September 21st

Lissa and her two children, along with Uaso and Mpenzi, joined the orphans today. Aitong enjoyed testing her strength against Uaso, but Uaso proved stronger. The orphans were very happy today, taking dustbaths whilst out feeding, and rolling a dry tree trunk around on the ground.

September 22nd

The orphans loved their mudbath today. Ndara, Loisaba, Salama and Laikipia ran in and out, splashing water around and trumpeting. At 1 p.m. the orphans joined a wild group of 8 elephants, and spent the rest of the day with them, leaving them only to return to their Night Stockades.

September 23rd

Natumi and Aitong were in competition today about who should have Morani, a tussle that Aitong won.

September 24th

It was hot today, so the orphans went to the mudbath at l0 a.m. where they joined a wild group of 12 elephants who were already there. Ndara and Sosian enjoyed pushing matches with their wild age-mates.

September 25th

At 8.20 a.m. Nyiro and Seraa enjoyed a game of hide and seek, spoilt by Nyiro when he tried to mount Seraa. Lissa and her two babies, Mpenzi and Uaso turned up at the Stockades at 5 p.m. They greeted the other orphans happily when they returned, stretching out their trunks to caress them.

September 26th

Tsavo and Sosian were so engrossed in a test of strength that they found themselves left behind when the others left for the mudbath. They came rushing along trumpeting to join the others. Emily took her favourites, Loisaba, Tsavo and Ndara to join a group of 6 wild elephants at 4.30 p.m. The other orphans were unwilling to join them but Emily and her three favourites joined the orphan group at 5 p.m. when they were on their way back to the Night Stockades.

September 27th

The orphans cornered, and chased, 2 waterbucks that ran towards their waterhole at l0 a.m. They chased the antelope for about 2 kms but stopped at the mudbath, where they wallowed extensively.

September 28th

Sally’s left leg was entangled by a dry branch this morning, and when she went to join the others, dragging the branch, they all fled to the Keepers! They stood calm beside the Keepers, watching them untangle Sally’s leg.

September 29th

At l0 a.m. the orphans joined a herd of 6 zebra, and fed peacefully amongst them, not attempting to chase them off. The day was partly cloudy so the orphans only took a drink of water at noon, and did not want to go into the mudbath.

September 30th

After a wonderful mudbath, Natumi lay down to allow Mpala to climb onto her tummy. However, she got up rapidly when Lolokwe wanted to do the same! At 2 p.m., the orphans joined a wild group of 12 elephants when Natumi and Edie showed great interest in a wild baby, touching it gently with their trunks. Meanwhile, Laikipia, Salama and Icholta were busy playing pushing games with their wild friends. The interaction came to an end when Aitong got punished by a wild cow for attempting to take her baby away from her.

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