October 1st
Suguta's group in the company of six wild elephants reported at the stockade early in the morning for some water. At six o'clock, the juniors were let out and after finishing their morning milk Garzi went straight to his favourite rock for a scratching session before letting Orwa have a turn. A little while later Mulika’s, Yatta’s and Lualeni’s groups arrived and joined the juniors for a spell before Mutara led them to the browsing fields.
In the morning, Kainuk fed close to Orwa while Orwa scratched his ear Kainuk put her trunk to Orwa's mouth communicating something we couldn’t to him. On the way to the mud bath, Bongo led the way, but was overtaken by Teleki who had a chewing stick in his mouth.
When the orphans arrived at the mudbath they were greeted by a sight of 70 ex-orphans and wild elephants. The juniors didn't have much freedom and only Bongo, Laragai, Narok and Orwa were brave enough to join the wild group in the mudbath. Kanjoro and Mutara tried to join the bulls for a drink but were chased away but a wild bull. Orwa and Narok took some time to lie down and relax at mudbath and later played a friendly pushing game with Orwa standing while Narok was still on the ground. Sities came across a protruding root and tried to pull it but she didn't manage. After mudbathing, Bongo had a scratching exercise before joining his colleagues who had started to return to the browsing field. In the afternoon Orwa felt rather hot and took refuge under a tree coming out only once he felt a drop in temperature
Kainuk communicating with Orwa
October 2nd
Mutara and Kanjoro left the stockade first and headed to the compound where they scratched on the rocks as they waited for the others. Shukuru and Vuria also joined Mutara and Kanjoro for an early morning scratch on the same rocks. Shukuru and Laragai then led the orphans to the water trough and thereafter to the browsing fields. The orphans settled to browse on rocky terrain up until mud bath time when Vuria led the first group to the mud bath.
At mud bath time, the weather was chilly and none of the orphans dared to step into the water; not even Bongo who loves mud bathing so much. The orphans drank their milk and headed straight to drink water with Orwa picking up a stick on the way which he tried to chew, but it was so dry and he had to drop it. At the water trough Turkwel pushed Laragai unnecessarily which caused a disturbance. Later, Bongo had a friendly pushing game with Teleki and then engaged Vuria in a pushing game, doing what bulls love to do, their strength testing games.
At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the clouds cleared giving way to beautiful sun shine. Bongo and Kanjoro felt the heat and flapped their ears continuously as they browsed. Shukuru found a suitable tree that she stood underneath to escape from the heat of the sun. In the evening, Garzi had a lovely time of testing his strength against a tree but however hard he pushed the tree, he didn't succeed in bending it.
Vuria scratching on a rock
October 3rd
Early before six o'clock in the morning, Yatta and Mulika’s ex orphan groups reported at the stockade and headed straight for water followed by five wild dogs who also passed by with an intention of quenching their thirst. The wild dogs had a tough time as Zurura and Rapsu didn't allow them to drink and the two ex-orphans charged and trumpeted as they charged towards them. The wild dogs had no alternative and took off in the opposite direction. After that, Zurura and Rapsu had a friendly pushing game feeling rather pleased with themselves and what they perceived as a victory. Orwa had a brief fight with Mwende before Mulika intervened and warned Orwa to keep away from Mwende.
After the orphans and the ex-orphans left, 27 wild elephants checked in, but left immediately after having their water fill. In the browsing field, Teleki and Bongo had a strength testing exercise, pushing and shoving, while Shukuru lent up a tree and enjoyed a good scratch dislodging the ticks.
At mud bath time the orphans were joined by Suguta’s group, Lualeni and Ololoo. Chaimu played with Vuria and later with Teleki. The orphans returned back to the browsing field where Vuria browsed close to his friend Garzi. Later, Laragai separated the two by pushing Garzi away. Bongo as usual browsed a good distance from the others.
As the day progressed, the temperatures sky rocketed forcing the orphans to converge under a tree with good shade for a cool off. There they waited for the temperatures to drop before they resumed with their feeding routines. It feels like the rain is now close.
Wild dogs coming to the stockade
Zurura charging the wild dogs
Rapsu playing with Zurura
October 4th
Today at Ithumba we started our duties as usual with the orphans having their milk at 6am. We then let them out for Lucerne but after a while a group of over 50 wild elephants came to the Stockade Area which intimidated the orphans who quickly left for the bush for browsing, together with ex orphans Kilaguni, Mulika and her baby Mwende who were among them.
At 11am, we left for the mudbath where we found 12 wild bulls, one of which had two wounds. We reported the matter to the DSWT management and he was later examined by the Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit funded by DSWT.
It was a very hot day and all the Orphans had a good mudbath. Teleki and Vuria had wonderful fun by rolling on the ground and rubbing each other. There later came a big group of wild elephants with two young Babies and the orphans quickly left back to the bush where they browsed until 5pm.
Wild elephants at the stockade
Mulika and Mwende having a drink
Teleki entering the mudbath
October 5th
Semi independent orphans Kilabasi, Kasigau, Ishanga and Makireti joined the juniors at the compound soon after they departed from their night stockades. 35 wild elephants were occupying the water trough area at the time and since all the wild elephants could not fit around the trough, the juniors had to queue for their turn. Later the rest of Suguta’s group, in the company of Kamboyo, checked in and joined the queue for water. Garzi was scratched on the nearby rocks with a wild baby and its mother looking on with interest. The wild baby had a brief strength testing game with Bomani which ended when the mother warned Bomani to keep his distance by pointing her trunk towards him. The baby then returned to its mother to suckle and looked on from under the safety of its mothers tummy.
In the browsing field, Vuria and his friend Garzi were feeding close to each other and Vuria kept placing his trunk into Garzi's mouth. At one time Teleki had a soil dusting exercise as he waited for mud bath time and was then joined by Vuria and Kanjoro.
At mud bath time, the sun was hot and Bongo, Teleki, Narok, Kainuk and Laragai participated fully in the mud wallowing exercise. Orwa stood under the acacia tree for his cool off. Narok rotated in the mud for some time before finally getting the momentum to get up. After mud bathing, Bongo used one of the acacia trees in the mud bath area to scratch against and at soil bath time Bongo together with Teleki, Kainuk, Turkwel and Mutara enjoyed the soft cool dust on their muddied bodies. On their way from dusting, Shukuru had a scratching exercise against one of the trees on the way getting rid of the tickles. When Shukuru was done with scratching, Teleki took over, then Bomani and lastly Narok who pushed Bomani out of the way - clearly the mud drying on their bodies was itching them.
Back in the browsing field, Mutara had a soil bath lying down on a dusty patch while Vuria, Garzi, Narok and Kainuk squeezed themselves into a tiny pace so that they too could enjoy some soil dusting themselves.
At two o'clock in the afternoon, there was change of weather that brought most welcomed rain. The orphans were happy as the temperatures dropped and some of them like Teleki, Turkwel, Kainuk and Narok started frolicking on the wet soil celebrating the breaking of the rain. The rain then broke for awhile but began again throughout the night with 20mm recorded.
Makireti at the stockade compound
Suguta's group having some water
October 6th
It was still wet in the morning following an additional 2mm of rain received at night. Soon after leaving the stockade, the orphans settled for lucerne with Narok starting the day’s activities by scratching on the nearby rocks. Kanjoro then pushed Narok away from the rock and Kanjoro scratched on the rock for a long time, only leaving when he had enough of scratching. Garzi who was standing close to Bomani decided to scratch his head against him and after that, Bomani, instead of going to scratch on a rock, turned to Garzi and used him as scratching post.
In the browsing field, there was so much water lying around from the rains that night that the orphans had a joyous day. Narok and Bongo at one time got into a water hole to play and were reluctant to leave. Bongo decided to pluck the leaves off a tree that was growing at the edge of the water hole. After chewing the leaves, Bongo wallowed again until he and Narok finally had enough and resumed browsing. Shortly before mud bath time, Sities and Teleki also participated in sliding and slipping around on the wet earth. The orphans were smiling throughout the day.
At mud bath time, the orphans only took their milk then headed to the water trough where instead of drinking water, Mutara, Turkwel, Kainuk, Vuria and Sities were blowing bubbles into the water; the reason being that in the bush the orphans had done enough mud bathing and drinking. Vuria and Bongo had a brief friendly pushing game as they were leaving the water trough, the usual boy behaviour. Later, Kanjoro led the way back to the browsing field.
In the afternoon it was all quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing but in the evening Narok was in charging mood and playful mood, and charged at the bushes.
October 7th
The orphans finished their morning milk breakfast and went straight to the lucerne where there was a lot of competition. When Bongo realized that the Lucerne was almost finished he carried with him a big share in a full mouth and settled to eat. Bongo then became agitated when Laragai tried to snatch his cherished snack. Narok was simultaneously eating Lucerne and scratching on a rock whilst Vuria was happy just scratching on a rock in different positions trying to reach every area. The morning rock scratching is a routine that prepares and readies the elephants for the day, dislodging unwanted passengers – the ticks.
In the bush Vuria continued scratching on rocks while the others browsed. Bongo & Sities were competing for green pasture & Garzi used a shortcut by climbing on a rock to reach the green pasture as fast as he could. Bomani was very busy browsing whilst also scratching on rocks. The orphans were less active at mudbath time because of the chilly winds today. Orwa and Teleki had a good sleep early in the stockade after their evening milk. The feasting and playing of the past days had caught up with them.
October 8th
After this morning’s breakfast, all the orphans went straight to the Lucerne except Garzi who diverted to the scratching rock and had a good scratch. On seeing this Shukuru became jealous and pushed Garzi away so she could have a good scratch on the same rock. When Shukuru left, Bomani started scratching and Orwa later accompanied him on the same rock but at a different position. Later 15 wild elephants with seven ex-orphans as well as Mulika with Mwende came to the stockade.
In the bush Garzi was scooping and tossing soil onto his back & head. Teleki copied him whilst Orwa was watching on with interest.
On their way to mudbath, they passed by a small dam which Garzi, Narok, Laragai and Bongo were happily playing in and eventually emerged from incredibly muddy. Huge chunks of red earth stuck all over their bodies, tusks and ears. After mudbath, Bongo started taking away some food from Garzi's mouth whilst he was eating much to Garzi’s annoyance. Vuria was also trying to mount Garzi to play so Garzi was having a tough time. Their love for the new look Ithumba (Green) delayed them returning to their evening stockade.
Shukuru scratching after pushing Garzi away
October 9th
This morning we were visited by the ex-orphans Lualeni, Ololoo, Kora, Tomboi, Kenze, Madiba, Rapsu, Meibai, Mulika with her baby Mwende and three wild bulls. Our ex orphans had clearly been enjoying the wet season and all the joy this time of year brings them. Meibai and Madiba got involved in some serious pushing games which the dependent eles viewed with interest and awe at these much bigger elephants showing off so much power and strength.
The orphans soon came across a little dam and started having an early mud bath. The most playful elephants were Kanjoro, Bongo, Laragai, Vuria, Garzi, Narok & Mutara who continued to play with water, the mud, the dust and then sticks and anything available.
At the noon mudbath, Teleki was scratching on a tree stump after having good mudbath and was the most active elephant of the day. Out in the bush, Ololoo and Lualeni met the group and took them to a shallow dam where they enjoyed yet another mud bath swim. The atmosphere now is all about play with not so much concentration on feeding. The ex-orphans then left the dependent babies when it was time for the orphans to head to their night stockades accompanied by their keepers in the evening.
Teleki scratching after mudbath
October 10th
There were over 15 elephants at the compound this morning when the orphans came out from their night stockade. Nine of them were ex-orphans, including Mulika with her wild born baby Mwende, in the company of six wild elephants. As usual, Garzi was the first one to start having a scratch whilst the others were eating lucerne. When the orphans left to go into the bush they left poor Orwa behind and by the time he noticed he was very much alone and freaked out. He was able to follow their route and eventually caught up with his group.
Orwa & Narok had good communication today whereas Sities became frustrated and unsettled after being frightened by a dik dik who leapt out in front of her in the thick undergrowth. She took awhile to finally settle down and concentrate on Narok’s company. Bongo started tossing soil on his head and back and Orwa seemed happy with the soils colour, texture and so copied Bongo and threw soil on his head as well.
Bongo later led the group to the mudbath where Teleki was the extremely playful engaging the other orphans Garzi, Vuria, Orwa and Bongo in the mudbath. The day was another fun filled one with happy elephants everywhere.
In the evening six wild elephants together with big boy Tomboi, and ex independent orphans Makena, Sunyei, Loijok, Taita, Lualeni, Nasalot, Ololoo, Sidai, Buchuma, Orok, Napasha and Challa came to the stockade, drank water and communicated with the little ones before heading off into the thickening and now very green bush.
Mulika drinking water with the orphans
Narok and Orwa relaxing together
October 11th
The orphans came out of the stockade to the lucerne area field as usual and they met the ex-orphans Makireti, Kasigau and Kilabasi. All the elephants interacted together and had fun with the keepers.
In the bush Lualeni was very playful and active and started charging around. This is usually a sign that she is trying to cause enough distraction to steal a young baby for her group. She is targeting Bongo, Kanjoro and Orwa but the keepers are switched on to her antics and watched her closely and did not fall for her kidnapping moves.
They were all very active in the mudbath today with Vuria and Teleki being the most playful. Bongo and Vuria started a little wrestle which later became more serious and developed into a fight and the keepers were forced to intervene.
In the bush, Sities was kissing Narok, Orwa was mounting Laragai and Turkwel was using Kainuk as a scratching wall. After a lovely day, with the herd intact despite Lualeni’s tricks the dependent group of orphans returned happily home to their night stockades with their trunks swinging with joy
Makireti, Kaisgau, Kalama and Kilabasi
Bongo and Vuria strength testing
Turkwel and Kainuk scratching
October 12th
When leaving the stockade today, the orphans were welcomed by ex-orphan Tomboi who had the previous night chosen to sleep around the stockade area. Later on Chemi Chemi, Ishanga and Kalama also came to join the dependent orphans. They then set off into the bush together accompanying the baby group. This always makes the dependent babies feel very good about themselves having the company of the big orphans.
Back in the stockade, Chaimu, Chemi Chemi, Kitirua, Kalama, Ishanga, Kandecha, Murka, Olare and Kibo with the older ex-orphans; Kora, Buchuma and Orok joined the juniors. Finally, four wild elephants, Sunyei and Mulika with her baby Mwende came for a visit and for some water too.
Ishanga coming to join the orphans
Kibo and Kanjoro enjoying lucerne
October 13th
The sky was clear in the morning as the orphans left the stockade; an indication of a hot day ahead. The orphans settled for lucerne and then passed at the water trough before leaving for browsing. Towards ten o'clock in the morning, the weather changed to cloudy though the temperatures remained high.
At mudbath time, after taking their midday milk, the orphans performed different activities. As usual Shukuru sucked her trunk whereas Teleki, Laragai, Narok, Orwa, Vuria, Garzi, Kanjoro and Sities headed straight for the mudbath. Bomani went to the concrete bench where he scratched his buttocks and later shifted to a tree a few meters away and started working on his belly. Orwa left for soil bathing soon after he was through with wallowing. Shortly later, Kina, who is heavily pregnant, in the company of Wendi, Challa, Kenze, Buchuma, Zurura and Madiba checked in at mudbath for water. At the water trough they were joined by Laragai and Narok. After taking enough water from the water trough, Madiba and Kina walked down to join Teleki, Bongo, Vuria and Garzi that were still mudbathing. The orphans quit the mud bathing to give way to Kina and Madiba since they could not all fit in the mudhole. Narok went to drink water, and then walked a few meters away and lay down to play. Her game was cut short by Kanjoro who came and started pushing her to stand up.
On the way to the browsing field, Turkwel, Sities and Kainuk took a break to feed on a shrub that had lovely juicy new shoots. After sharing the leaves, the three orphans followed the others. Bongo also had a good time of soil dusting and later lay down to roll before following his friends. The ex-orphans were left at mud bath and later headed to the slopes of the hill. In the afternoon, the clouds cleared; giving way to sun shine. Shukuru and Kainuk opted to feed under a tree that had a good shade. In the evening the temperatures were still high so the orphans passed at the mudbath for an evening cool off. Shortly before five o'clock in the evening, Napasha, Mulika, Kilaguni, Lualeni, Sunyei, Kenze and Mwende in the company of fifteen wild bulls showed up at the stockade. After taking enough water, the group left except Lualeni and Kenze who remained behind engaging in a strength testing exercise. They left twenty minutes later and followed their group back into the bush for the night.
Shukuru sucking her trunk
October 14th
Big boy Tomboi reported at the stockade just before six o'clock this morning. Kanjoro was the first to leave the stockade to meet Tomboi and they had a brief moment of entwining their trunks and catching up on events. Kainuk pushed Orwa out of the way as she hurried for lucerne while Shukuru and Laragai continued to suck their trunks as they walked slowly towards the Lucerne area. Tomboi joined the orphans in feeding on lucerne as Shukuru headed to the usual rock that the orphans prefer to scratch on. Later Tomboi went to the water trough where he was immediately joined by Kanjoro. The others followed but five minutes later, Mutara led the group away to the browsing field except Orwa who remained behind for some time with Tomboi. Orwa eventually followed his friends and Tomboi remained at the water trough until he was joined by Madiba. The two ex-orphans had a strength testing exercise briefly before disappearing off into the bush. At eight o'clock in the morning, Kamboyo in the company of the semi independent orphans in Suguta’s group, reported for water at the stockade.
In the browsing field, Bongo and Narok were feeding close to each other as the one tusked Sities browsed a few meters away from the rest. Moments before the arrival of the orphans at the mudbath, Mulika, Mwende, Rapsu, Sunyei, Napasha, Kijana and six wild elephants checked in. Teleki, Laragai, Vuria, Bongo and Kanjoro were brave enough to join the ex-orphans in the mudbath. Two wild bulls had a pushing contest while in the water as another one scratched on the walls of the mud bath. Shukuru joined four wild bulls that were taking water but quickly left them soon after she finished drinking and moved a few meters away where she joined Teleki. Kanjoro, Mutara, Kainuk and Teleki then plucked up the courage and joined the bulls at the water trough and Bongo moved to a tree that had good shade and scratched against it watching on with interest. As he was scratching, Laragai came charging up to engage Bongo in pushing games. Vuria and Bomani shared new browse from the same shrub as they waited for their friends to finish with their antics.
In the evening out in the bush while browsing, the orphans were joined by Suguta’s group along with a few wild bulls. The wild bulls almost kidnapped Bongo but luckily the keepers spotted them before they disappeared altogether with him. The keepers ran towards them calling Bongo and the wild bulls ran away. Bongo remained but he did continue to follow them. At last the keepers caught up with and managed to persuade him to join the rest. Bongo is definitely thinking about a wild life.
Tomboi playing with Kanjoro
October 15th
Numerous ex-orphans along with wild elephants started checking in for water. By six o'clock in the morning, the stockade compound was flooded with 85 elephants. A stunning site as the sun rose over the horizon and the bird song began. Since they couldn't all fit around the water trough, the water was being taken in order of seniority. As the juniors in rank waited, they kept themselves busy by engaging in various activities which included pushing and shoving, trunks twisting, some feeding and dust bathing.
Ex-orphans Kasigau engaged Zurura in a pushing game while Ithumbah engaged Meibai in sparring. When the orphans left their night stockade, the compound was packed with much larger elephants than themselves and therefore they opted to go straight to the browsing fields leaving the ex-orphans to happily interacting together. All the ex-orphans seemed in a boisterous mood this morning; Orok engaged Tomboi in a strength testing exercise and two junior wild bulls pushed each other a few meters away while Kinna and Nasalot enjoyed a gentler shoving game. Later, Naserian played with Ithumbah as Buchuma hung out with a junior wild bull, enjoying sparring with Galana joyfully playing with Taita. After Galana quit playing with Taita, Napasha interrupted and entwined his trunk with Taita’s and the two of them spent a good long time sparring. All the elephants were in a frivolous mood thanks to the recent rain and plentiful food and water. It is interesting to see that the wild elephants have remained despite good rain falling for miles around.
In the browsing field, Bomani and Shukuru had a good time of scratching against the trees while Narok and Turkwel browsed close to each other. Later at eleven o'clock in the morning, Vuria led the first group to the mudbath where six wild bulls were taking water. Teleki, Bomani and Vuria were in the first group and headed straight for the mudbath after their milk. Orwa, Kanjoro and Mutara walked to the mudbath while swinging their trunks whereas Shukuru, as usual, walked sucking her trunk. She really is a trunk sucker. Soon after mud bath, Sities, Orwa, Kainuk and Turkwel scratched their necks against the walls of the mud wallow. Later our group of orphans was joined by another 11 wild elephants emerging from the western side of the mud wallow. They arrived and immediately cooled off, oblivious to the presence of the Keepers.
The orphans returned back to the browsing fields in the afternoon and seemed more serious about enjoying the delicious green grass and abundant food. By three o'clock in the afternoon the sun was extremely hot and Shukuru and Turkwel stood under different trees with shade as they continuously flapped their ears in an effort to cool themselves down. At four o'clock in the evening just like Shukuru and Turkwel, Sities also went under a tree to cool off. They were done for the day and just took it easy until evening time when they filed home back to their night stockades contentedly.
Ex-orphans and wild elephants at the stockade
Kasigau and Zurura playing
October 16th
Kanjoro was the first one to leave the stockade followed by Mutara this morning. The stockade compound was clear for a change with no wild elephants or ex orphans. The babies settled into their fill of Lucerne. Shukuru stopped a few meters from the stockade where she was comforting herself by sucking her trunk. Bomani, Garzi, Kainuk, Orwa, Shukuru and Vuria all had a scratch on the nearby rocks at different times. As the orphans were busy feeding on lucerne, two wild bulls emerged from the East looking for water and so it was as usual they were joined by wild company.
After the two bulls satisfied their thirst, one of the bulls briefly joined the juniors before following his friend back into the bush. Laragai on seeing that the water trough was clear, headed straight to have a drink, preferring to drink alone. Kanjoro and Teleki had a brief pushing game that ended as soon as Teleki surrendered. When it was time to leave, Orwa decided to remain behind for some reason until the keepers called him to join his friends. Kamboyo in the company of Suguta’s semi independent group showed up at eight o'clock in the morning.
In the browsing field, Turkwel was feeding close to Kanjoro while Vuria and Teleki were feeding back to back. Later Kanjoro walked to where Vuria was feeding and pushed him aside. Mutara was feeding all alone in a rocky area and when the sun became hot she along with Teleki walked to a shady tree a rested,
The eleven o'clock mudbath show started a bit early today with 16 wild elephants and all the ex-orphans present. This was a very impressive sight. Only Suguta’s group and Kamboyo were missing from the action. As the orphans checked in, they found the area full of elephants and so their milk feed was rather distracted to begin with. Makena escorted the baby orphans to join the ex-orphanelephants in the mudbath. This was a very extravagant affair, with the mudbath brimming with action. After mudbathing, the orphans intermingled with the ex-orphans but only Bongo was bold enough to go up to the water trough to share water with the big wild bulls who were visiting. Teleki and Vuria began scratching near the mudbath as Orok mounted Sunyei much to her displeasure. Later, Vuria shared shade with Ithumbah, Meibai, Nasalot, Sunyei and Galana as they hung out quietly, flapping ears and generally enjoying the shade and the cool. The curtains closed at midday as the orphans returned back to the browsing field while the ex-orphans and the wild elephants left one by one in different directions. It was another spectacular midday session.
In the evening shortly before five o'clock, 26 wild elephants reported for water at the stockade. Yatta, Kinna, Yetu, Ithumbah, Makena, Wendi, Napasha, Orok, Sunyei, Challa, Buchuma, Meibai, Nasalot, Chyulu, Madiba, Kenze, Loijuk, Lualeni, Ololoo and Naserian also came to the stockade and waited until the wild ones were done with the water before they too had their fill and then hung around just for the company of the Keepers and the little ones.
October 17th
Kalama, Makireti, Kasigau, Kilabasi, Rapsu, Galana, Chaimu and a wild elephant reported at the stockade compound early before six o'clock in the morning. Kanjoro headed straight to the water trough after leaving the stockade. A wild bull that was drinking water at the same water trough left to join the juniors for lucerne. Kainuk left the stockade with a stick in her mouth while Narok rolled on the ground enjoying the dust and giving herself a massage. Kasigau learned some pushing tactics from Rapsu by engaging him in a strength testing exercise. Shukuru as usual sucked her trunk for some time before joining the juniors for lucerne.
After feeding on lucerne, Laragai led the way out into the browsing fields, Teleki, Laragai, Vuria and Bomani browsed close to each other as Mutara and Turkwel fed far away from the others. The Keepers all the while having to keep an eye out for the wild baby snatchers or Lualeni!
At mudbath, similar to yesterday 30 wild elephants reported half an hour earlier and waited for the water trough to be filled up by the water bowser. Lualeni, who had joined the orphans just before eleven o'clock in the morning, escorted the first group to the mudbath. The sun was hotter than normal and all the orphans joined the wild elephants in mudbathing even Mulika’s, Yatta’s and Lualeni’s group reported for mudbath time. After enjoying the mudbath, Vuria, Kanjoro and Kainuk went for soil dusting and then Vuria had a brief moment of playing with a rock that he used as a football as Napasha scratched against a nearby tree. Moments later, Vuria joined Teleki in a scratching exercise. Just a few meters from the mudbath, Napasha joined Sities in an extensive soil dusting as Orwa and Narok scratched against shrubs working off the mud clots from their bodies.
It was Teleki who led the way back deep into the bush to feed, but he was then overtaken by Bomani. In the browsing field, Turkwel fed a distance away from the rest and Teleki kept on flapping his ears as he browsed under a tree. Vuria and his friend Garzi browsed together as Mutara and Kanjoro shared the same shrub. In the evening, Teleki and Bomani competed over who was going to lead the group back to the stockade and they kept overtaking each other all the way back to the stockade.
October 18th
Yatta’s group consisting of Yetu, Wendi, Kina, Taita, Buchuma, Galana, Loijuk, Naserian, Madiba, Zurura, Ithumbah, Makena, Rapsu, Lualeni, Kora, Challa, Kenze, Lenana, Meibai, Sidai, Nasalot, Napasha and 20 wild elephants were at the stockade compound early before six o'clock in the morning. Galana and Buchuma kept themselves busy by engaging in a pushing game while Wendi picked a piece of stick and used it to scratch her breasts. Moments later, Taita picked Wendi to have a pushing game with but it only lasted for few seconds. Buchuma quit playing with Galana and engaged a junior wild boy in a strength testing exercise. When the orphans left the stockade, Yetu was at the entrance and tried to challenge Garzi. Garzi wasn't interested since he knew that Yetu's mother might punish him. Yetu then headed to where Mutara was and tried to insert her trunk in Mutara's mouth and Mutara pushed her away.
A year old wild baby was challenging Narok to a strength testing game but when Narok won the exercise the wild baby decided to return to his mother, and we wondered whether Narok would be disciplined, but clearly the mother felt everything was fair and above board. Kanjoro had a strength testing exercise with Kibo who had just arrived with Suguta’s group. Since there was no freedom for the orphans at the stockade compound, the juniors opted to leave for browsing. The independent group of orphans that was left behind turned the area into a playground. Tomboi played with Kenze, Napasha played with Taita while four bulls engaged each other in a strength testing game. Towards seven o'clock in the morning, Yatta and her group left followed by a few wild elephants. Moments later, another 16 wild elephants checked in to the stockade compound to drink water and join in the antics. It was action all around.
Soon after starting browsing, Orwa came across a suitable rock that he used to scratch on. Sities, Turkwel and Kainuk were feeding together as Bongo fed far away from the group. The mudbath was quiet with only the dependent orphans present. Sities and Shukuru suckled their trunks after taking their milk as Narok and Laragai headed straight for mudbathing while the rest headed for water. Narok then decided to start scratching soon after mudbathing. Bongo and Kanjoro were the last to arrive at the mud bath and went straight to drink. Bongo used the drinking water to cool himself down by splashing water behind his ears before going down to the mud wallow to play with the mud and scratch his neck against the walls of the mudbath.
In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse at Kanziku area. Bongo and Vuria took some time off from feeding to play together. Kanjoro and Turkwel were feeding together before Kanjoro shifted to relax under a tree with good shade. Later, all the orphans joined Kanjoro under the same tree and relaxed for a while until the temperatures dropped. Once the temperatures had cooled down, Sities teamed up with Teleki for feeding while Shukuru opted to scratch against an acacia tree. At four o'clock in the evening the juniors were joined by Suguta’s group and browsed together up to five o'clock in the evening when they, escorted the juniors back to the stockade. At the stockade compound Suguta’s group was joined by Kijana, Lualeni, Loijuk, Meibai, Kora, Madiba and three wild elephants. Murka and Meibai had a brief strength testing before the wild elephants led the group away.
Wendi using a stick to scratch
October 19th
The weather was cloudy in the morning and Ithumba hill was partially covered by mist as Lualeni, Loijuk, Orok, Kora, Madiba, Meibai, Zurura, Meibai and Lenana reported at the stockade. At six o'clock in the morning, the orphans were let out and joined the ex-orphans who were waiting outside the stockade, all except Orwa, Bomani and Shukuru who seemed reluctant to get up this morning. Finally the three ambled out ready to face the day.
At mudbath, Shukuru, Sities and Laragai suckled their trunks taking time out and just relaxing after taking their milk whilst Narok and Laragai headed straight for mudbathing and thereafter scratched themselves on the walls of the mud wallow. Garzi enjoyed a good rub on a nearby acacia tree which now over the years has been rubbed beautifully smooth by elephants. Teleki and Turkwel enjoyed each other’s company while scratching and dislodging the mud and parasites on two broken trees. As the orphans were preparing to leave, Mulika and her baby Mwende arrived at the mudbath which caused the dependent babies to hang around and enjoy their company. Later the two ambled off in the opposite direction obviously to join up with the other independent orphans. Bongo was the last to leave as he was left by his friends while scratching on one of the fallen trees.
In the browsing field, Orwa and Kainuk relaxed under a tree for some time before joining their friends feeding on greens. Towards three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was still hot so Laragai took some time off from feeding to relax under a tree as Bongo decided to feed under trees with shade. Orwa kept on flapping his ears and at one time decided to do soil bathing.
In the evening, at around five o'clock, 20 wild elephants reported for water at the stockade. Later, Kamboyo and Ololoo showed up at the stockade and Ololoo forced his way amongst the wild bulls to take water. Kamboyo opted to wait until the bulls cleared from the water trough and as he waited patiently he kept himself busy by engaging a junior bull of his size in a strength testing exercise.
Zurura with the youngsters
October 20th
Kenze, Kijana and a wild elephant reported at the stockade compound early before six o'clock in the morning and were joined by Kanjoro, Mutara and Laragai. Soon the others joined as well with Bomani enjoying their company. As the juniors were leaving, Suguta’s group in the company of totally independent orphans Napasha and Kamboyo reported for water at the stockade and to hang out with their little friends.
In the browsing field, Bomani and Narok chose to pair off and feed together, as Sities hung out with Bongo a few meters away. Later, the sun became too intense and Kanjoro searched for shade where he relaxed while as Kainuk scratched against a nearby taking respite from the suns unforgiving heat.
At mud bath time, Challa, Tomboi, Buchuma and Rapsu, in the company of ten wild elephants, were drinking water at the mudbath water trough when the orphans checked in. Buchuma and Rapsu had a brief strength testing exercise near the wild bulls, showing off as bulls do. One of the wild bulls warned them not to go on by just pointing a trunk at them, clearly he was tied of the disturbance. Teleki, Laragai, Sities and Shukuru walked towards the mudbath with trunks in their mouths and as Rapsu walked towards the orphans Narok and Sities raised their trunk to greet him, delighted to be in his company. The sun was hot but only Teleki, Bongo, Narok, Orwa, Mutara and Kanjoro participated in mudbathing today. Soon after mudbathing, Bongo went up and squeezed himself amongst the wild bulls so as to share water and they were happy to accommodate him; Narok scratched her trunk on the walls of mud bath while Shukuru scratched herself against an acacia tree. Sities charged at the water bowser as it passed near her while heading to stockade after delivering water into the mud bath. Ears out and trumpeting she was clearly enjoying herself.
In the afternoon, Bomani and Vuria were feeding together as did Kainuk and Kanjoro while Bongo and Narok fed on grass a short distance away. Vuria and Bongo then had a brief strength testing exercise that was cut short by Turkwel who intervened by pushing the two boys away.
In the evening, Yatta’s group consisting of Yatta, Nasalot, Kina, Tomboi, Taita, Napasha, Sidai, Yetu, Galana, Meibai, Buchuma, Rapsu, Sunyei, Chyulu, Lenana, Orok, Ithumbah, Madiba, Makena, Kijana and two wild elephants came for water. It was lovely to see them all so well and they seemed pleased to all meet up with the babies again. Napasha engaged a wild bull in a pushing game, Buchuma played with Orok, and Galana played with Rapsu as Tomboi tested his strength with Taita. A wild bull interrupted proceedings by pushing both Taita and Tomboi away which calmed their games down. Yatta left with her whole group few minutes later.
After Yatta’s group left, Suguta’s group arrived consisting of Suguta, Chaimu, Kandecha, Tumaren, Melia, Kitirua, Murka, Kibo, Naisula, and Olare joined two bulls that were taking water at the stockade water trough. Then Kamboyo, Makireti, Kilabasi, Chemi Chemi, Kasigau and Ololoo joined them following a little further behind. It appears that Lualeni's group has dissolved since it's permanent member, Ololoo has joined Suguta’s group and for several days now, Ololoo has been spotted with Suguta and company. At the water trough, Ololoo engaged Kibo in a pushing game. As Suguta’s team prepared to leave, Mulika’s group of independent orphans arrived consisting of Mulika, Mwende, Wendi, Lualeni, Kora, Zurura and a wild bull reported for water and stayed at the stockade till dark.
Napasha with Suguta's group
Sities and Bongo feeding near one another
October 21st
Challa, Ishanga and four wild elephants reported at the stockade early before dawn. The wild elephants left after they took enough water but Ishanga and Challa remained behind so as to share Lucerne with the juniors. The orphans left the stockade at six o'clock in the morning after taking their milk and joined Challa and Ishanga for Lucerne. Shortly later, a herd of six wild elephants and a one year old baby checked in for water. The baby, mother and a sister to the baby joined the juniors. The baby had a joyful play with Orwa but when he tried to play with Mutara, Mutara pushed the baby away. Shukuru, Narok, Bomani and Orwa had a scratching exercise before being led away Laragai leaving the wild herd at the stockade.
In the browsing field, Vuria and Shukuru came across a fallen tree and instead of going round it they decided to go over it. Sities then took a big stick that she used to scratch herself. At the mudbath, 30 wild bulls were taking water or bathing when the juniors arrived for their midday milk. Shukuru, Teleki and Narok were in the first group and joined the bulls in the mud bathing after finishing their milk. The other orphans joined and after mud bathing, Vuria went up to scratch against a tree, Orwa scratched on the walls of the mud bath while Kanjoro and Bongo joined some bulls drinking water. Narok and Sities enjoyed soil bathing before leaving for browsing. Shortly after the orphans left for browsing, another 20 wild elephants arrived at the mudbath making a total of 50 wild elephants around the orphans stockade compound. It is a humbling sight and one that we keepers feel proud and privileged to observe.
In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse on rocky terrain where Teleki and Laragai spent some time scratching on the rocks. In the evening, Yatta and Mulika groups of ex orphans arrived in the company of 20 wild elephants. The day ended with the elephants consuming more than 20,000 liters of water.
Challa and Ishanga at the stockade early morning
Challa enjoying Lucerne with the orphans
Orwa plays with a wild baby
October 22nd
Only three wild elephants and Ishanga were at the stockade compound early before six o'clock in the morning. The wild elephants left immediately after quenching their thirst leaving Ishanga behind who joined the juniors today. A herd of five wild elephants checked in for water followed later by 10 wild elephants. Kanjoro and Teleki observed proceedings from a distance while scratching on the nearby rocks. As Teleki was scratching, Orwa came and pushed him away so as to scratch himself. As the orphans were feeding, Kilaguni emerged from the east and settled for water.
After drinking enough, Kilaguni left without bothering to say hi to the juniors. Shukuru approached Orwa who was scratching on a rock and pointed her trunk at him. Orwa quit scratching as Shukuru took over and when Shukuru had enough of the scratching, she started climbing up the rocks. After feeding on Lucerne, Ishanga led Turkwel and Mutara to the water trough where they joined the 10 bulls in drinking water. After drinking water, the orphans left for browsing.
At nine o'clock in the morning, Bomani had an itch in his ear and used his trunk to scratch it. It was clearly troubling him. Vuria came close to Bomani and they browsed together for some time before Vuria moved away. Kainuk browsed with her ears spread out as Bongo and Narok browsed together while Kanjoro and Mutara browsed from the same tree.
At mud bath, 20 wild elephants reported earlier than the orphans. After the orphans had water, Shukuru and Sities suckled their trunks while Orwa and Vuria went to relax under an acacia tree as the rest participated in mudbathing. One bull kept watch over the orphans while mud bathing and another wild elephant only mudbathed after the juniors had finished. In the afternoon Mutara and Kanjoro were feeding together and were joined later by Sities while Turkwel and Narok browsed together. In the evening, Yatta, Mulika and Suguta’s group reported for water at the stockade.
Bomani scratching his ear
October 23rd
Challa was at the stockade compound when the orphans were let out early in the morning and he joined the juniors in their morning feeding on Lucerne. Shortly later, Madiba and Zurura also arrived as Bomani started the day’s activities by scratching on rocks. When the orphans were through with the Lucerne, Laragai led the way to the browsing field. The orphans settled at Kalovoto area and scattered everywhere with each orphan feeding on their own. Towards eleven o'clock in the morning, Shukuru broke a big branch that she fed on as she walked. When she was through with the branch, she dropped it down and it was quickly picked up by Teleki. Teleki carried it in his mouth as he tried to remove the remaining back of the branch.
At mud bath time, only four wild bulls showed up. The orphans headed for mud bathing after taking their milk but only Laragai, Narok and Bongo fully covered themselves in mud. A warthog that tried to get into the mud was charged at by Shukuru and made a quick getaway. Orwa and Mutara went up to the water trough to drink and Orwa kept on stretching his trunk and putting it in Mutara's mouth. Teleki was scratching against an acacia tree and later performed a soil dusting exercise. Vuria went to relax under a tree that had good shade and was joined by Sities, Garzi, Orwa and Kainuk. Shukuru led the way back to the browsing field and as she passed some red dirt she performed a soil dusting exercise with Kanjoro before proceeding for browsing.
In the afternoon, Sities took some time off from feeding and did soil bathing before resuming browsing. Vuria hid himself from the scorching sun by feeding under a tree while Laragai and Narok browsed close to each other as Mutara dug some cool soil to throw on her head. Bomani and Garzi fed on grass together before Garzi shifted and started feeding on leaves. In the evening shortly before returning back to the stockade, the juniors were joined by Suguta’s group who escorted the juniors back to the stockade and teamed up with Mulika’s and Yatta’s groups in the company of 30 wild bulls that had come for water at the stockade.
At the stockade compound many elephants paired for pushing games as they waited for their turn to drink water. Kenze played with Kamboyo but the game ended when Orok intervened and engaged Kenze in a pushing game. Orok quit the game and went to engage Tomboi in a strength testing exercise. As the game went on Kamboyo came to intervene and picked Tomboi to play with as Half Trunk and another wild bull engaged each other in a pushing game some meters away. To close the chapter of the day, it was Lenana and Kibo that kept themselves busy with a strength testing exercise.
Bomani scratching on the rocks
Shukuru carrying a branch
October 24th
12 wild elephants were at the stockade compound when the orphans were let out this morning. Vuria left the stockade with his trunk in his mouth. Soon after settling on Lucerne, Bomani as usual was the first to engage himself in a scratching exercise. One of the younger wild bulls joined the juniors in feeding on Lucerne and refused to leave even after the keepers shouted at him. Shukuru, Orwa and Garzi had a nice scratch on the rocks before Laragai led the way to the browsing field where it was all quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing.
At the mudbath 17 wild bulls, Zurura, Ololoo and Lualeni were relaxing waiting for the water bowser which arrived and delivered drinking water to the elephants and they drank water happily. After taking their milk the orphans headed for the mudbath where Laragai, Narok, Teleki and Kanjoro were the best mudbathers of the day. When they had all finished playing Narok, Shukuru and Bomani scratched on the walls of the mud bath. Orwa and Turkwel stood under an acacia tree with their trunks in their mouths as Vuria scratched his neck against another acacia tree some meters away. Mutara scratched her neck against Bongo who then complained bitterly by rumbling loudly. Kanjoro went close to Zurura and stretched his trunk several times trying to sniff at Zurura.
In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse in the Kalovoto area. Since the sun was so hot, Sities browsed for some time under thickets that had good shade. Orwa developed an itch ear and used his trunk to scratch it. Vuria tried to push past Orwa in the browsing field and Orwa warned Vuria not to misbehave by pointing his trunk towards him. Teleki and Kainuk fed close to each other and then Bongo joined them and entwined trunks with Teleki. Bomani at one time decided to feed with his ears spread out so as to trap the wind for a cool off. In the evening, a herd of eight wild elephants and a one year old baby reported at the stockade for water. Soon after taking enough water, the herd left heading towards east of the stockade.
Wild elephant enjoying Lucerne with the youngster
October 25th
Zurura, Ololoo and Lualeni in the company of 13 wild elephants were at the stockade early before dawn. At six o'clock in the morning, the juniors were let out and were immediately joined by the three ex-orphans. As the other orphans were busy rushing for Lucerne, Bomani was busy doing his favorite exercise which is scratching. After some time, Shukuru, Garzi and Vuria stopped feeding on Lucerne and went to scratch on the rocks until Laragai led the way to the browsing field. Yatta’s group showed up at the stockade and joined Zurura, Ololoo and Lualeni. Chyulu had a friendly pushing game with Zurura and afterwards Zurura engaged Makena in a friendly strength testing exercise.
In the browsing field Bomani concentrated on feeding on the lush new grass while Kanjoro had a brief moment of soil dusting. Kainuk fed close to Orwa and at one time Kainuk put her trunk in Orwa's mouth trying to warn him of something we didn't understand.
At mudbath 20 wild bulls were waiting for water as the orphans checked in for their milk. After the milk, all the orphans headed for mudbath with Shukuru as usual walking with her trunk in her mouth. Laragai, Teleki, Narok, Sities and Bongo had a prolonged wallowing session. Soon after mudbath, Bomani enjoyed soil dusting and later lay down in the hot sun to relax. Vuria scratched on Sities but Sities was not happy about it and pushed Vuria away. Bongo, the water baby, was the last to leave the mudbath. A few meters from the mud wallow Narok was scratching against a tree but Teleki came and pushed her away to use the tree for scratching herself. Turkwel and her friend Kainuk were scratching side by side happy to share the same tree. Bongo joined the bulls briefly in drinking water.
In the afternoon, Mutara, Sities and Shukuru were feeding together. Shortly later, Shukuru started a soil bathing game and Sities and Mutara quickly joined in it. Mutara quit the exercise and went to feed near Turkwel. At around four o'clock in the evening, Bomani, Teleki, Orwa, Garzi and Bongo in the middle converged under a tree. Bongo instead of standing idle opted to keep himself busy by soil bathing. Sities walked over to where Turkwel was feeding and she put her trunk in Sities mouth as she tried to communicate with her. Later, Shukuru led the way back to the stockade.
Zurura strength testing with Chyulu
Wild elephants at the mudbath
October 26th
Ishanga in the company of ten wild bulls were at the stockade early before six o'clock in the morning. When the juniors left their night stockades, they joined Ishanga. Orwa was the first one to start the day’s activities by scratching on his favorite rock and thereafter followed by Garzi and Shukuru as Turkwel played a different game of lying down. Mulika and her baby joined the orphans and later 12 other wild elephants joined the 10 wild elephants that were taking water at the stockade water trough. After they all had enough, the herds left and the orphans finally got an opportunity to drink. Ishanga led the way to the browsing fields and met up with Suguta’s group and returned with them back to the stockade leaving the dependent orphans and their keepers to head out for the day.
The orphans settled to browse at the Kone area today. The independent Bongo fed separately from the others whilst Kanjoro and Sities fed together as Bomani fed close to Kainuk.
The mudbath was quiet as not a single wild elephant showed up. The orphans headed for the mudbath soon after their milk. Bomani was the first one to quit the mudbathing and went to scratch on the walls of the mud wallow followed by Shukuru and Vuria. Narok, Laragai and Teleki enjoyed the mudbathing the most. They had a prolonged wallowing and left with mud all over their bodies. Kanjoro and Orwa went up to scratch against the acacia trees whereas Kainuk had a good roll on the ground before going for scratching. Kanjoro and Teleki had a score to settle by engaging in a pushing game. Teleki quickly surrendered and went to scratch against one of the acacia trees. Kanjoro picked a piece of stick and used it to scratch in between his front legs as Turkwel was scratching her bottom a few meters away. In the afternoon, Turkwel relaxed under a tree because the sun was hot. Vuria and Narok were feeding close to each other while Kainuk broke a branch and walked round the other orphans with it in her mouth. On the way back to the stockade, Bomani led the way.
In the evening Napasha, Madiba, Lualeni, Kora, Makena, Sunyei, Loijuk, Kenze, Lenana, Nasalot, Galana, Meibai, Rapsu, Zurura, Orok, Sidai, Challa, Ololoo, Taita and two wild elephants came to the stockade. After drinking enough water, Loijuk engaged Madiba in a pushing game while Zurura and Rapsu tested their strength a few meters away. Napasha and a wild bull just relaxed at the water trough.
October 27th
20 wild elephants were at the stockade early in the morning. The orphans left the stockade and settled for Lucerne before Mutara led the way to the browsing field. Shukuru and Sities browsed on the same shrub as Bongo sniffed the air from time to time.
At mudbath 21 wild elephants came for water. Shukuru was in the first group and walked to the mud wallow while suckling her trunk. The sun was hot and all the orphans participated in wallowing with even Half Trunk our wild friend joining the orphans in mudbathing. Vuria, Orwa, Shukuru and Bomani scratched on the walls of the mudbath before heading to drink water. Kanjoro walked towards the bulls with his trunk raised as he tried to find out if there was any one he knew. After some time, Kanjoro changed his mind and walked away. Turkwel went up to scratch on a broken tree and Mutara scratched her ear against an acacia tree whereas Bongo scratched himself using his trunk. Vuria and Teleki were happy to share and used the same tree to scratch against. Garzi and Bomani headed to the bush where they scratched on shrubs. Shukuru enjoyed a good soil bathing session in the field before resuming browsing. Turkwel and Sities saw what Shukuru was doing and joined in the soil dusting before resuming browsing. Teleki and Bongo browsed close to each other as Laragai and Kainuk fed side by side.
In the evening, the sun was still hot and the orphans passed the mudbath where they had an evening cool off after which mudbath Narok went for soil bathing and then Teleki led the way back to the stockade.
Wild elephants at the stockade
Wild elephants at mudbath
October 28th
The stockade compound was flooded with elephants in the morning. All groups of the ex-orphans were present plus 22 wild elephants. The orphans left the stockade at six o'clock in the morning after drinking their milk and headed straight to the browsing field. In the browsing field, Bongo, Shukuru and Orwa came across a fallen tree that had been knocked down by a wild elephant during the night. They feasted on the green leaves before shifting to another place. Sities and Mutara browsed on the same tree.
At mudbath time, only six wild elephants were present when the orphans arrived. The sun was hot and Garzi ran to the mudbath after taking his milk. Orwa, Teleki and Vuria swung their trunks sideways as they followed Garzi while Shukuru as usual walked with her trunk in her mouth. Bomani scratched his buttocks on the wall of the mudbath and was then joined by Orwa, Shukuru and Vuria. Kanjoro headed straight to join the bulls that were drinking at the water trough. Shukuru led the group for red soil dusting but only Narok and Teleki decided to lie down and roll on the soil. Bongo and Kainuk just dusted themselves using their trunks. After soil dusting, Narok, Teleki, Mutara, Bongo and Sities passed a nearby tree where they scratched as they left for browsing.
Soon after getting back into the browsing field, Turkwel had a brief moment of soil dusting as Kainuk concentrated on feeding on grass. In the evening, Narok picked a piece of stick that she used to scratch herself with whilst Mutara developed an itchy foot and kept on scratching it on a tree stump.
Ex orphans drinking with wild elephants
Sities and Mutara browsing together
October 29th
All the ex-orphan’s groups were at the stockade compound in the morning. Mulika and Mwende went into the stockade when the gates opened for the juniors. Orwa met Mwende on the way out and blocked her and pushed her out. Orwa tried to be careful not to be seen by Mulika otherwise things would have been bad for him. Mutara left with a branch in her mouth to feed on as she waited for the keepers to give them Lucerne. Shukuru stood at the gate with her trunk in her mouth for some time and later joined her friends. At the time of leaving, Kanjoro tried to follow a wild herd but the keepers called him to turn back. Bomani scratched against the only remaining acacia tree at the stockade compound while a junior wild girl chased Bongo.
At nine o'clock in the morning Suguta’s group returned back to the stockade and Kitirua and Kasigau engaged each other in a pushing game. In the browsing field, Orwa fed close to Kainuk while Bomani fed close to Laragai. At ten o'clock in the morning Shukuru browsed with her ears spread out due to high temperatures while Mutara opted to feed on a rocky area.
After their midday milk bottle Vuria, Laragai, Sities and Shukuru suckled their trunks as the orphans headed to drink water at the water trough. Bongo, Shukuru, Narok and Laragai then went down for a mudbath. Bongo saw two warthogs that were attempting to go into mud bath and charged at them. The two warthogs ran a few meters away and waited for the orphans to leave. As Laragai was leaving the mud bath, she saw the two warthogs waiting; she charged at them. Shukuru and Narok scratched their necks on the walls of the mud wallow and then Shukuru scratched her neck again on Kainuk whilst Narok went up to scratch against one the acacia trees at the mud wallow. Vuria and Sities did not step into the mud bathing water, preferring to scratch their bellies against the acacia trees. Shukuru winded up the mud bath activities by soil dusting in red soil.
In the afternoon, the sun was hot and Teleki relaxed under a tree for a cool off as Kanjoro browsed under a tree that had good shade. Later, due to escalating temperatures the orphans converged under a tree to relax. In the evening, 25 wild elephants reported for water.
Kitirua and Kasigau strength testing
October 30th
Twelve wild bulls were at the stockade compound early before six o'clock in the morning waiting for water. At six o'clock on the dot, the sun rose from the east as the orphans strolled nonchalantly out from the stockade. As the orphans waited for Lucerne, Bomani as usual kept himself busy by scratching on his favorite rock. The lorry filled up the water trough with water and then a fight erupted between two wild bulls. The war ended when the wild elephant with short tusks gave up. Teleki scratched on the same rock as Bomani was scratching on but was pushed away by Orwa. Orwa then used the rock to scratch his belly. As the orphans were busy feeding on Lucerne, Yatta and Mulika’s groups joined them and started competing for Lucerne with the juniors. The juniors decided to leave for browsing but Bongo hid in the midst of the ex-orphans so the keepers could not see him. As the group was leaving, the keepers noticed Bongo was missing and they came back for him. Bongo saw the keepers coming for him and so he ran before the keepers caught up with him to follow his group. Suguta and her group showed up at around eight o'clock in the morning.
In the browsing field the orphans concentrated on feeding without any major observation. Teleki browsed with Laragai while Kanjoro fed close to Vuria. After their midday milk bottle Vuria and Turkwel suckled their trunks as Sities and Kainuk rushed to the water trough with the entire group joining them shortly after. No wild elephants showed up when the orphans were at the mudbath. After drinking water, Bongo, Shukuru, Laragai, Teleki and Mutara went down for mudbathing. Narok lay down to play just close to the mud bath and Orwa walked to where she was lying and placed his trunk on her. Bomani was scratching against an acacia tree while Shukuru scratched her chest on the wall of the mud bath. At the time of leaving, the orphans passed at the pile of red soil where Shukuru, Kainuk, Vuria, Kanjoro and Garzi soil dusted themselves. Mutara and Sities scratched against the same tree as they exited the mud bathing venue, later Orwa relaxed under the tree for some minutes before following his friends.
In the afternoon the sun was hot and Shukuru, Orwa and Narok relaxed under the same tree with Shukuru plucking leaves of the tree from time to time. Bongo and Laragai were feeding close to each other under shrubs that had shade while Vuria browsed far away still under shade. Later the orphans converged under the same tree for a cool off as they continuously flapped their ears. When the temperatures went down, the orphans resumed to browse except Narok who performed a soil dusting exercise using her trunk before resuming to browse. At the time of returning back to the stockade Vuria led the first group while as usual Bongo tailed in the last group.
October 31st
It was a busy morning with 30 wild elephants at the stockade compound. The wild elephants were with Mulika’s group that consisted of Mulika, Mwende, Lualeni, Kenze, Tomboi, Madiba, Lenana, Galana, Buchuma, Orok, Nasalot and Zurura. Later Suguta and her team also showed up, making the compound even busier. Kanjoro and Mutara left the stockade with branches in their mouth since, from the look of things, they wouldn't get any Lucerne because of the congestion of the wild elephants and the ex-orphans. Only Garzi managed to scratch on the rock as the others were scared of being pushed by the bigger groups. Leaving the stockade compound was hard as some of the wild elephants tried to block the way for the orphans. The keepers shouted at the wild elephants to step aside so the juniors could make their way to the browsing field. Vuria got lost in the midst of wild elephants and the keepers had to come back for him after realizing that he was missing from his group.
In the browsing field Vuria and Garzi had strength testing exercises in which Garzi lost to Vuria. Sities at one time took some time off from feeding to participate in a soil dusting exercise. Bongo dodged the keepers and went to feed in between two hills and it took the keepers two hours before finally locating him. The mudbath time was quiet given that the weather was cool and only Bongo participated in wallowing. In the afternoon Mutara, Sities and Garzi were feeding together when Sities made the mistake of pushing Garzi in front of Mutara. Mutara disciplined Sities by driving her away from where they were feeding. Sities then went far away to feed independently up until it was time to return back to the stockade. In the evening only Mulika and her group came for water at the stockade.
Bongo feeding apart from the others