Ithumba Reintegration Unit

October 2013

Daily updates

October 2013








October 1st

As the Orphans were browsing the Kanziku area this morning, they were joined by the Ex Orphans. When it began to rain, and the Keepers sheltered under trees, the Ex Orphans took the Juniors away. When the rain stopped the Keepers began tracking the Elephants, and they found the Juniors at 5.30 in the evening, without the Senior Ex Orphans, and on their way back to the Stockades for the night.

Orphans mudbathing

Yatta followed by Mwende

Kasigau and Makireti

October 2nd

The Juniors left as usual, having taken their supplement Lucerne and Dairy Cubes. At 9 a.m. the Ex Orphans came to the Stockades along with 17 wild elephant friends. Ex Orphan Bull Madiba joined the Juniors at their mudbath until Shukuru led the Juniors away to browse. Later in the evening Ex Orphan Nasalot came to join them and escorted them back to their Night Stockades.


Shukuru leading

Melia browsing on a hill top

October 3rd

Having spent the previous night at the Stockades, Nasalot was at hand to greet the Juniors the moment they were let out in the morning. Later 2 wild Bulls joined the Juniors and took water. Shukuru led the Juniors out again today, while Ex Orphan Nasalot spent the morning with them. After the Juniors had left the mudbath the Ex Orphans turned up at the mudbath venue with 2 wild Bulls. They the followed the Juniors and joined them out in the bush, remaining with them until 3 p.m. when the Ex Orphans parted. Lualeni opted to remain with the Juniors. Missing from the Ex Orphans were Madiba and Tomboi.

Nasalot with the juniors

Shukuru at the dustbath


October 4th

Having spent the night at the Stockades, Lualeni joined the Juniors, sharing the Lucerne with them. Turkwel led the Juniors out today. At mudbath the Big Wild Bull named “Mshale” with 6 wild friends turned up ahead of the Juniors, who then arrived and shared the water trough with the Big Boys. Mutara then led the Juniors back to browse, and the Ex Orphans with wild elephant friends,( amongst whom were Madiba and Tomboi who were missing yesterday), came to join Mshale and the Big Bulls at the Mudbath water trough.



Mshale coming with friends

October 5th

An unusually quiet morning, since no wild Elephants or the Ex Orphans showed up. Kanjoro led the Juniors out to browse once they had finished their morning supplements. The Ex Orphans and 12 wild Bulls came to join the Juniors at their noon mudbath. Turkwel then led the Juniors back to browse for the remainder of the afternoon.

Kanjoro in the bushes

Ex orphans and wild elephants at the mudbath

Murka in the lead

October 6th

Another quiet day for the orphans, with only Makena turning up to join them briefly before moving off alone. Kandecha led the Juniors out for the morning browsing session, and Sities led the first milk dependent group to the Mudbath venue.



Melia scratching

October 7th

Another quiet morning for the Juniors. Out in the bush the Juniors separated into two groups, one led by Suguta and the other by Mutara. With Suguta’s group were Junior bulls Kilaguni, Kandecha, Chemi Chemi, Ololoo, Sabachi and Kibo and girls Tumaren and Olare who managed to dodge the Keepers, and never even showed up at the Mudbath, but turned up at the Stockades in the late evening.


Mutara leading some of the orphans

Chemi Chemi running

October 8th

Ex Orphan Sunyei joined the Juniors to share their Lucerne this morning, but then left. The Juniors browsed the Kalovoto area during the morning. At the mudbath they were joined by the Ex Orphans who were with l0 wild Bulls, but missing were Kora, Lualeni, Madiba and Lenana. Only Mutara wallowed with the Ex Orphans, while the others just took a drink.

Mutara enjoying the mudbath

Orphans at the stockade

Wild eles and ex orphans coming for the mudbath

October 9th

Out in the field the Juniors split into two groups. Mutara, Shukuru, Kilabasi, Sities, Turkwel, and Kainuk had Junior bulls Ololoo and Kanjoro with them and browsed close to the Keepers while the rest of the Juniors led by Suguta browsed further away and again did the disappearing trick not showing up at the mudbath. At around noon Mulika with her baby Mwende came to the Stockades with Makena. In the evening Suguta returned with her group, ahead of Mutara’s group who were with the Keepers.

Kilabasi browsing

Sities browsing

Ololoo enjoying lucerne

October 10th

This morning at the stockades the Juniors were joined by the Ex Orphans (minus Lualeni and Kora) and l0 wild Elephant friends. Shukuru led the Juniors eastwards leaving the Ex Orphans and their wild friends at the Stockades. At 9 a.m. Suguta took a group away leaving Mutara, Shukuru, Kilabasi, Sities, Turkwel, Kainuk and Kanjoro who were the only ones at the mudbath. Suguta and those with her returned to the Stockades only in the late evening.

Ex orphans at the stockade

Shukuru leading

Kainuk contemplating getting into the water

October 11th

Mulika and Mwende, who were with a few of the Ex Orphans, joined the Juniors at the Stockades in the morning. Chemi Chemi then took the Juniors away for browsing leaving the Ex Orphans at the Compound, but all turned up at the Mudbath venue, including Kora and Lualeni who had been missing previously. Lualeni opted to remain with the Juniors when the other Ex Orphans left, and escorted the Juniors back in the evening.

Mwende and Mulika

Chemi Chemi browsing


October 12th

Lualeni joined the Juniors as soon as they were let out of their Night Stockades. Turkwel led them out to browse but Lualeni browsed in amongst them all morning, and led them to the mudbath venue at 11 a.m. Meanwhile the Ex Orphans turned up at the Stockades. After the mudbath Lualeni took Ololoo, Suguta Tumaren, Sabachi, Kibo, Kitirua, Melia, Kilaguni, Chaimu, Kalama, Chemi Chemi, Makireti, Murka and Ishanga off with her, leaving the rest with the Keepers. At 6 p.m. all but Lualeni and Ololoo returned to the Stockades, Lualeni having decided to again snatch Ololoo for a wild night out, something she has done several times before.



Ishanga browsing

October 13th

Lualeni returned Ololoo to his peers in the morning, joining the Juniors as they were heading out to browse. She remained with the Juniors all morning. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by Mulika, her baby Mwende and a group of Ex Orphans who joined the Juniors at the dusting session, before leaving. Later in the afternoon Kilaguni and Kandecha joined Yatta’s Ex Orphan group. At 5 p.m. Kilaguni returned alone without Kandecha, who came back much later only at 9 p.m.

Ololoo and Lualeni

Mulika at mudbath with the orphans

Kilaguni returning

October 14th

Mulika and her group joined the Juniors to share their Lucerne in the morning, leaving Lualeni behind with them when they left. Kilaguni and Kasigau enjoyed a vigorous Pushing Match which was won by Kilaguni. It was a hot day so all the orphans enjoyed a lengthy wallow at noon, followed by a dust bath. Lualeni then led them back to browse for the afternoon, returning them to the Stockades at dusk.

Kasigau enjoying lucerne

The orphans in the mudbath

Shukuru enjoying the mudbath

October 15th

The Ex Orphans and some wild Elephant friends showed up at the Stockades in the morning. Turkwel then led the juniors out to browse, where they were joined by Lualeni, who again “snatched” her favourite Ololoo. The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors for the mudbath. Meanwhile Lualeni and Ololoo spent another night away.


Turkwel scratching

Yatta and others at mudbath

October 16th

It was a very quiet day for the Juniors, since neither the Ex Orphans or any wild Elephants turned up either at the Stockades or at the Mudbath.

Sabachi holding his trunk


Olare standing in the shade

October 17th

The Ex Orphans came to the Stockades with more than 30 other wild Elephants this morning, some of the wild Elephants remaining with the Ex Orphans who then headed for the mudbath, meeting up with the Juniors on the way. Again Lualeni did not return Ololoo to the stockades in the evening.

Ex orphans reporting to the stockade


Kandecha shares cubes with Mwende

October 18th

It seems that Ololoo has at last been persuaded to upgrade himself to the Ex Orphan herd, having showed up in amongst all the Ex Orphans, and showing no signs of wanting to rejoin his Junior peers. At mudbath the Juniors wallowed with the Ex Orphans and some of their wild friends.

Ololoo and Nasalot

Olare after a dustbath

Sabachi by a rockface

October 19th

The Stockade compound was flooded with wild Elephants and Ex Orphans this morning, and the same happened at the Mudbath Venue. The Juniors greatly enjoyed mingling with both the Senior Ex Orphans and their wild Elephant friends.

Wild elephants and ex orphans at the stockade

Tumaren sniffing

Kitirua passing some green vegitation

October 20th

An hour after the Juniors had left the Stockade compound, Lualeni and Ololoo came with all the Ex Orphans who were with Wild Bulls Rafiki, Half Trunk, Mshale and l0 others. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by Nasalot, Mulika and Mwende, Wendi, Makena, and Naserian and all enjoyed a Soil Bath together. Later that afternoon Kilaguni and Chaimu left with the Ex Orphan group, but Mulika returned them to the stockades before 5 p.m. where they awaited the arrival of their Junior peers.

Half trunk and a wild friend


Kanjoro enjoying the mudbath

October 21st

The Ex Orphans came to the Stockade water trough with 20 wild Bulls this morning and later on Mshale and a few wild Bull Friends came to the mudbath venue.

Ex orphan and wild elephants reporting

Kibo enjoying a dustbath


October 22nd

Ex Orphan Lenana came with the Yatta’s wild attachment named “Mgeni” to partake of the Juniors Lucerne this morning, and went with them out to browse. Later Mgeni left on his own, but Lenana remained with the Juniors and escorted them to the Mudbath Venue where they were joined by the wild Bull who fathered Mulika’s baby, Mwende plus two other wild Bulls. After the afternoon browsing session Lenana escorted the Juniors back to the Stockades where she was joined by the other Ex Orphans who came for a drink and left with her.


Lenana with the juniors

Mwende at the dustbath

October 23rd

The Juniors shared the Stockade water trough with l0 wild Bulls today. At noon the Ex Orphans came for a drink.

Orphans drinking water with wild eles

Naisula enjoying lucerne

Orphans dustbathing

October 24th

This morning as the Juniors were taking their Lucerne supplement, a wild Elephant cow brought her hours old baby to the Stockades. Upon seeing the tiny calf Makireti and Murka went to it, the mother being watchful over the calf to ensure that it did not follow one of them, which it almost did, but the mother was quick to regain control of her baby. At 3 p.m. the Ex Orphans and 20 wild elephants came to the Stockades to drink. Shortly before 6 p.m. the mother came to drink again, along with her tiny newborn calf.

The wild calf

Makireti with the wild baby

Mother with her newborn calf

October 25th

Mulika and her baby joined the Juniors at their Lucerne today and remained there when Suguta led the Juniors off to browse. Shortly afterwards the Ex Orphans along with 30 wild friends came to join Mulika and Mwende. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by Half Trunk and another wild Bull, who remained at the mudbath when the Juniors left, led by Mutara.

Suguta at the stockades

Mutara leading the others away

Mgeni with the ex orphans

October 26th

Just as the Juniors were leaving for the field, led by Turkwel, the Ex Orphans plus 30 wild friends turned up at the Compound and came to the Mudbath Venue ahead of the Juniors, who then joined them. After a dusting session, Shukuru led the Juniors back to browse.

Turkwel going into the water

Shukuru in the lead

Ex orpahns and wild elephants at mudbath

October 27th

There was just 1 wild Elephant at the Stockade Compound this morning, followed by 3 Wild Dogs. At the mudbath the Juniors had it all to themselves today since no wild visitors showed up. At around noon about 40 wild elephants came to drink at the Stockades in amongst the Ex Orphans.

Wild elephant drinking with the juniors

Wild dogs at the stockade

Ishanga heading to mudbath

October 28th

Turkwel led the Juniors out today and later the Ex Orphans with more than 30 wild elephant friends came to the Stockades to drink, and later joined the Juniors at their noon mudbath. The Juniors left the Ex Orphans and their wild friends at the mudbath venue, but they all came to the Stockades again that evening.

Turkwel scratching

Tumaren scratching after a dustbath

Kasigau coming to the mudbath

October 29th

The Juniors were joined by a young elephant bull at the Lucerne pile, and a while later by all the Ex Orphans. Turkwel led the Juniors out to browse later. It was a hot day, so the Juniors enjoyed their noon wallow.

Naisula enjoying a dustbath

Kainuk scratching while the others enjoy lucerne

Kalama in a playful mood

October 30th

The Ex Orphans and their wild friends came to the Stockades after the Juniors had already left. With browse now so scarce, the Juniors had to concentrate on trying to find sufficient fodder to satisfy themselves. At the mudbath they were joined by the Ex Orphans and a host of wild elephants until Shukuru led the Juniors away to browse for the rest of the afternoon.

Shukuru submerging herself in the mudwallow

Kilabasi browsing


October 31st

The Ex Orphans came to the Stockades after the Juniors had already left today. Among them was the new mother and her tiny newborn calf. It was quiet at the mudbath venue today. Whilst the orphans were soil dusting, Turkwel charged some guinea fowl who came to drink, but when they took no notice, she decided to leave them in peace.

Mother with her baby and other wild eles

Tumaren enjoying lucerne

Turkwel charging at guineafowl

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