Voi Reintegration Unit

October 2009

Daily updates

October 2009









October 1st

The Voi orphans welcomed another day in a jovial mood, romping around the Stockades until it was time to head out to browse. Today they went into the main Park, where they browsed happily until it was time for the mudbath. All enjoyed the mudbath, especially Lesanju, Mzima, Wasessa and Tassia. Mzima then went to scratch his body against the walls of the mudbath, where he was joined by Tassia. The orphans then spent the afternoon on the Eastern side of Mazinga Hill.

Mzima scrathching against the mud bath

Tassia drinking water from a the mudbath

October 2nd

The orphans fed along the Eastern side of Mazinga Hill today, where Wasessa and Tassia separated themselves from the others to enjoy time together, Tassia every now and then suckling on Wasessa’s ears. In the evening Shimba and Lesanju led the group back home.

Orphans come down mzinga leaving a trail of dust

Shimba browsing as others rest

October 3rd

Today the Keepers motored to Rukinga Ranch to try and find Natumi’s group, who have not been seen for many months, but who were reported to be at the ranch. Unfortunately, the Keepers could not find them.

Voi orphans relaxing in the shade

October 4th

Lesanju led her unit to the foot of Mazinga Hill today where a wild herd of elephants was also feeding close by. However, our orphans were not interested in joining them. As it was a cool day, the orphans opted out of a mudbath, but simply continued to feed until it was time to return in the evening.

Lesanju feeds on a dry twig

October 5th

Shimba and Wasessa enjoyed a drink at the Stockade waterhole as soon as the Stockade gates were opened, and then led the other orphans into the main Park to feed, closely followed by Siria and Mzima. As they were heading towards the mudbath area, a large wild bull approached the orphans, who were scared and ran to their Keepers for protection! The Keepers then steered them to the waterhole, where they played and splashed water over themselves. They then fed around the waterhole, Tassia sticking close to the Keepers having had a scare from the huge wild bull!

The Voi orphans enjoying their daily mud bath

October 6th

Today the orphans chose to feed at the foot of Mazinga Hill with a herd of buffaloes and impalas in attendance nearby. At their noon milk feed, Sinya, Lempaute and Taveta played a rolling game while Tassia took a rest lying down under shade. Sinya and Lempaute had a boisterous time in the mudbath, after which the orphans returned to the Eastern side of Mazinga hill where they fed until the evening. Lesanju and Shimba then led the group back home for the night.

Sinya scratchs her stomach on the ground

October 7th

Today, having taken a drink at the Stockade trough, the orphans fed around the Stockades until it was time for the noon milk and mudbath. In the mudbath Mzima sprayed water over Shimba as though trying to clean him, and this attracted the others, who joined in happily. In the afternoon Shimba and Siria relaxed under shade while the others browsed nearby and as dusk approached, all headed back for the night.

Voi orphans drinking water at the stockade

Voi opharns on their way back to the stockade

October 8th

Having taken their morning milk feed, the orphans headed to the foot of Mazinga Hill to browse, led by Lesanju and Lempaute. Today Lesanju was very attentive to Tassia, feeding close to him until it was mudbath time. Later all headed to the Eastern side of the hill where they fed watched by a group of zebras who were also feeding nearby, until Mzima and Lempaute led the group back home for the night.

The orphans feeding off of dry twigs

Tassia sniffing

October 9th

The orphans again fed at the base of Mazinga Hill, Tassia returning to check on his Keepers from time to time. Wasessa was first into the mudbath after their noon feed, soon joined by Siria and Mzima and Tassia. All the elephants then enjoyed themselves at the mudbath. The remainder of the day was spent feeding until it was time to return in the evening.

Voi orphans mud bathing

October 10th

Having browsed along the foot of Mazinga hill during the morning, all the orphans had a wonderful mudbath, spending a long time playing in it. They then returned to browse at the Eastern side of the hill until it was time to return in the evening.

Lesanju leads the others out to browse

October 11th

Lempaute and Shimba led the group out to browse on the Western side of Mazinga hill today. It was a cold day, so none were interested in a mudbath, concentrating instead upon browsing until evening.

Shimba scratching against a trench

October 12th

The orphans spent a cold night in the Stockade, and were not in a happy mood when they emerged in the morning. Siria and Mzima engaged one another in a pushing match. At the mudbath the orphans were joined by Robert Carr-Hartley and his clients, so the elephants put on a good show for the visitors. Lempaute tried to snatch the milk of one of the other orphans, pushing the Keeper in the process, so she had a finger waggled at her as a warning for bad behaviour. The orphans then returned to the main Park to feed for the rest of the day.

Siria and Mzima measures each other's strength

Siria scratching and browsing

October 13th

Tassia is very fond of Wasessa, so he and Taveta were following the older elephants closely as they headed out in the morning. It was a hot day, so the Keepers took the orphans early to the mudbath. Tassia enjoyed submersing himself entirely in the waterhole, soon joined by Mzima and Siria, all of whom seemed to be competing to out-do one another. The Keepers watched from a distance, laughing loudly, and this encouraged the swimmers!

Mzima having a complete mud bath

October 14th

It was a cloudy morning as the orphans, led by Shimba with Siria with Mzima hot on their heels. At noon there was loud thunder which scared all the orphans who ran to their Keepers for protection. This preceded a heavy downpour, so Lesanju and Lempaute decided to head for home, trailed by all the others.

Lesanju peels a branch to feed on it's bark

October 15th

The day began with heavy clouds in the sky, and a rescue report from Sala Gate where a baby orphaned elephant had wandered into a tourist camp the previous evening. Some of the Keepers immediately set out for Sala Gate for the rescue, while others went again to Rukinga ranch to look for Natumi’s group, (again fruitless) leaving just a few Keepers to accompany the orphans to browse around Mazinga hill. At one point Lempaute (the naughty one) bellowed loudly, probably telling Lesanju that she wanted to move elsewhere because the orphans then separated, Taveta, Tassia and Wasessa heading in one direction, while Lesanju, Lempaute, Siria and Mzima took another, and Shimba decided to remain where he was! During the afternoon it began to rain again and was still raining as the Keepers and the orphans returned in the evening.

The keepers helping a weak elephant get up

The calf with its rescuers

The calf sucking a keepers fingers

October 16th

Lesanju and Lempaute led the group to Mazinga hill to browse until it was time for the mudbath, where Mzima, Taveta, Wasessa and Siria showed their bathing skills. Later Lesanju led the orphans back to browse until it was time to return in the evening.

Lesanju leads the others out in the morning

October 17th

On a cool morning the orphans went out to feed on the fresh growth brought on by the recent rains. Taveta was obviously thirsty, so he led the group to the waterhole where Mzima (the play-boy) immediately plunged in for a swim. All then joined him submersing themselves fully. Later they enjoyed feeding on soft new vegetation brought on by the rain until the evening.

Taveta browsing

October 18th

The orphans enjoyed showing off to some visiting foster-parents this morning, chasing each other around the compound. During the morning, Edie and her calf, who was showing signs of being weak, accompanied by Mweya, Mpala, Irima and Morani paid a visit to the stockade where they greeted their former Keepers, met the new resident orphans, and enjoyed a hand-out of Dairy cubes and Copra. Wasessa was besotted by Edie’s little calf, desperately trying to entice the baby into her group, which did not go down well with Edie, who pushed Wasessa away. All the youngsters loved the little calf, laying their trunks gently across the baby’s back in a gesture of affection. The entire herd then left the Stockades to browse as one group, and towards noon Mweya and Irima escorted our orphans to the mudbath. Whilst the youngsters were busy taking their milk, Mweya and Irima wallowed happily whilst Edie and her calf watched from a distance along with Mpala. Having had their milk feed, the youngsters joined Mweya and Irima in the mudbath where Mzima and Siria put on a fine performance and Mzima scratched his buttocks against the mudbath walls. Irima attempted to mount Siria after a prolonged wallowing session and this prompted an exit of the pool. Mweya and Irima went to join Edie and Mpala, and the older ex orphans then headed off while the Youngsters continued to browse around the waterhole. When they returned in the evening they were delighted to find Edie’s group back at the Stockades, tucking into the cut greens and supplements. The youngsters returned to their Stockade for the night, and Edie’s group hung around outside.

Edie and her calf near voi stockade

Edie and younger opharns feed together

October 19th

Tassia was an interested spectator as the Keepers were taking their breakfast today and the other orphans were busy at the water trough quenching their thirst. Today the orphans went to the Northern side of Mazinga hill to feed until Sinya and Lempaute led them for their noon milk and the mudbath, after which they then fed peacefully for the rest of the day until the Keepers returned them to the Stockades for the night.

Wasessa scratchs as Taveta watches

October 20th

The orphans began their day by playing hide and seek around the stockades, after which they moved to Mazinga hill to feed. The vegetation had turned green so they had a lot of choice, and did not want to proceed to the mudbath area. Wasessa, Tassia and Taveta, as good climbers, were soon at the top of the hill, and it took the Keepers some time to get them down for their noon milk feed. All had a wonderful mudbath, Wasessa and Siria then rushing to the nearest stump to scratch themselves. All had a peaceful and wonderful day in the bush until Lesanju took her group back for the night.

Wasessa peeps out from behind a bush

Sinya and the others mud bathing

October 21st

The orphans again fed on the Northern side of the hill today until Mzima and Lesanju led them to the mudbath area. All loved their time in the waterhole, Wasessa putting her head under water and blowing bubbles, while Mzima spun round and round, watched by Lempaute, Shimba and Sinya. After an enjoyable day, all returned to the stockade in the evening.

Taveta enjoying mud wallowing

October 22nd

While Tassia and Taveta played a chasing game, the others went to the water trough to drink. They then fed along the Northern side of the hill until it was time for an exuberant mudbath characterized by trumpets and mounting games. Lesanju led them back home in the evening.

Taveta and Siria walking alongside each other

October 23rd

Today, the orphans fed along the Eastern side of Mazinga hill, playing in the rain puddles until it was time for a proper swim in a bigger waterhole, where Wasessa dominated the play. All then fed for the rest of the afternoon, returning in the evening as usual.

The orphans enjoy mudbathing in a huge waterhole

October 24th

There was a big rainstorm during the night, which filled up the red waterhole below the Headquarters, where the orphans were taken by their Keepers at noon, the Keepers being anxious to see whether the two youngsters, Tassia and Taveta, knew how to swim in such a large pool. However, the two youngsters, Tassia and Taveta, plunged right in, so there was nothing for the Keepers to worry about in this respect. The day was marked by the return of Emily and her calf, Eve, who were spotted near the Voi Safari Lodge. Mishak, who knows Emily well, went with some other Keepers to try and bring Emily and her baby back to the Stockades because the calf was very weak and kept on lying down. All the lodge visitors were amazed to see the Keepers going up to and talking with a large elephant with a calf! Because little Eve was so weak, it took Mishak and the Keepers with him about 6 hours to get Emily and her baby safely back to the Stockades, where everything had been prepared for them - freshly cut greens, Dairy cubes and Copra cake to supplement Emily’s milk and nourish her weakened calf. As the calf became stronger over the next two days, it kept on trying to charge the Keepers, but was calmed down by Emily and soon seemed to understand that the Keepers were helping. Emily spent the next two days at the Stockades, feeding on all the supplements, and her calf quickly began to regain strength. She was delighted to greet the Stockade inhabitants and meet up again with Edie’s group. (She was later joined by Ilingwezi, Ndara, Sweet Sally and Loisaba as well as Laikipia.

A hungry and weak Emily and her calf

Emily shows her calf how to chew bran cubes

Keepers greet emily after a long time

October 25th

It was a cool morning as the orphans were let out. They were not interested in a mudbath or swim today, because it was cloudy and cold, so the Keepers took them to the Eastern side of the hill to feed until the evening.

Keepers giving orphans their bottles of milk

October 26th

Having emerged from their Stockades on a cold and cloudy morning, and greeted Edie’s group who were feeding nearby, the orphans headed out to the Eastern side of Mazinga hill to browse. Some of the Keepers remained behind to prepare the supplements for Edie and Emily whilst our orphans had fun with pupils from Mwatunge Primary School who came to visit them at noon, Taveta proving the pupils’ favourite, because he was so friendly towards them.

Keepers prepare cubes for Edie's group

Irima near stockade the water hole

October 27th

The day began overcast with showers as the orphans headed out to the Western side of Mazinga hill for the day’s browsing session. At noon they were delighted to have another audience, this time pupils from Maili Kumi Primary School who had come to see them take their noon milk feed. Julius gave the pupils a talk about elephants as the orphans hovered around, and later after the pupils had left, the orphans returned to feed in the main Park until it was time to return.

Mkuki, Chia and Aruba browsing near voi stockade


October 28th

Today the browsing took place on the Eastern side of the hill. At around 11 a.m. the orphans moved to the mudbath to enjoy their milk, watched curiously by some nearby giraffes. All enjoyed the mudbath today, especially Siria, who immersed himself completely as Tassia scratched himself and wallowed nearby. Later they returned to feed for what remained of the day.

Orphans resting in the early morning hours

Wesesa and Taveta scratching along a gulley side

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