November 1st
Nasalot and her favourite, Orok were waiting at the door of the youngsters’ stockade early this morning. Once the door was opened all the youngsters rushed out, eager to get to the water trough. After taking water the Stockade games began – Tomboi ran around the compound with his trunk in the air and invited Ndomot for a pushing match, Buchuma enjoyed scratching his bottom against the unloading bay, while Lualeni, Chyulu, Zurura and Loijuk played a charging game. These activities lasted about half an hour until Wendi and Sunyei led the group out into the bush. All enjoyed the mudbath for about an hour after the younger elephants had taken their milk and until Galana and Sian led the group back out to browse around the slopes of Ithumba Hill.
November 2nd
On another cloudy morning, the orphans enjoyed their usual stockade games having been let out of their Night Stockades. Kenze and Sidai engaged one another in a pushing match which was being won by Sidai until Kora came in on the side of his friend, Kenze, and together the young boys defeated her. Yatta and Mulika quenched their thirst at the stockade trough while Sunyei encouraged Lualeni, Naserian and Loijuk to join her scratching against the unloading bay. Galana led the group out to browse today, all the others streaming behind her and settling down to feed at the Kanziku area. Kora led an advance party to the mudbath, joined later by Yatta and all the others. The afternoon browsing session took place at the Kasala roadside until it was time to return in the evening.
Yatta playing in the wet earth
November 3rd
Yatta and the older elephants were waiting at the stockade trough for the babies to join them in the early morning. The usual charged greeting of trumpets and rumbles took place after which the usual stockade games ensued – Sunyei and Lualeni enjoying a shoving game which was interrupted by Kinna when it began to get serious. Sunyei was annoyed by Kinna’s intervention, and knelt down digging her tusks into the ground in protest. Buchuma, who never misses an opportunity, noticed her bending down and rushed in to try and mount her, but Sunyei was in no mood for fun, and sent him on his way! Lualeni led an advance party to the mudbath where they were joined by all the others later. Afterwards they browsed around the slopes of Ithumba hill until it was time to return for the night.
Sunyei digging in the soil
November 4th
Yatta and the older elephants were not at the Stockade compound to meet the babies today, having spent the night out browsing. Galana took charge of the youngsters, standing in for Yatta as Matriarch. The youngsters were not in a playing mood today, so Galana led them out, following the older orphans’ tracks to the Kalovoto river, leaving Kora and Ndomot behind, quenching their thirst. As soon as the young boys realized that they had been left behind, they trumpeted and hurried after the others, joining up with them at the Kalovoto area. Meanwhile Yatta and her group arrived back at the Stockades. After taking a drink, Wendi and Buchuma led the older orphans to the youngsters. Kora led the first group of milk dependent youngsters, i.e.( Makena, Lenana, Loijuk and Chyulu) followed by the second batch led by Lualeni while Kamboyo brought the third batch. The older orphans joined them at the mudbath and all had fun together. When it was time to return in the evening, Kamboyo (the time keeper) led the orphans home.
November 5th
After the usual trumpet and rumbled greeting, the games began with Kora and Lualeni in a race heading for the bush. Soon all the others joined in the race,trumpeting with excitement as they followed, rapidly disappearing into the thickets. Once out in the field the youngsters split into two groups, Makena, Loijuk, Lenana and Chyulu being in one group while Galana remained with the others. Two hours later they met up again and browsed together until mudbath time. The mudbath lasted for a full hour before Sunyei led the babies to the slopes of Ithumba Hill. In the evening Kamboyo and Madiba led the youngsters back home.
November 6th
This morning in the absence of the Yatta’s older group, the youngsters were met by a teenage wild bull who was at the stockade waterhole. Kora, Challa, Ndomot and Rapsu rushed forward with raised trunks to demonstrate that they were coming in peace to greet their wild friend. However, before they reached the wild bull, they were met with a huge rumble, which deterred Challa and Kora, who diverted towards the Unloading Bay. Having quenched their thirst the youngsters left with the wild friend, who was becoming anxious because of the presence of the Keepers. It began to rain, so the orphans settled near the Kanziku road, where they began to play in the mud and puddles, the Keepers watching from a distance, because the wild bull was playing with them. They were not eager to stop playing and come for their milk at noon but in the afternoon they concentrated on feeding, having wasted a lot of time playing throughout the morning. Yatta’s group met the youngsters back at the Stockade in the evening.
November 7th
The orphans awoke to a stormy morning, so they all had great fun playing in the mud and puddles at the Stockade compound before Yatta and the older group led the herd out to feed. Wendi and Sunyei led the orphans to the noon mudbath after the morning feeding session, and Galana led them out for the afternoon session. In the evening Tomboi and Madiba tried to run ahead of the youngsters in an attempt to take their share of Copra, and had to be warned by the Keepers! Meanwhile Yatta and her group had separated from the youngsters, but turned up to join them later at the Stockade, before heading back rout for the night.
Zurura mud bathing in a puddle
November 8th
The orphans woke up in a jolly mood, with green vegetation and water in abundance following the rain. After having fun at the compound for about half an hour Sian led the youngsters out but once they began to feed Sunyei and Galana took control in the absence of Yatta and the older elephants. The youngsters enjoyed the mudbath, because it had become a waterhole having filled with rainwater. Yatta and her team arrived to join the youngsters at the mudbath. Nasalot was absent from the group, but her favourite, Orok, was present and having been once an Amboseli elephant who was used to going into the swamps, led the others deep into the waterhole. Later Nasalot arrived, welcomed joyfully on arrival by Kinna before joining the others in the pool. In the evening Sunyei led the herd out to feed, until it was time to return in the evening.
Yatta and Napasha at the mudbath
November 9th
As soon as the Stockade Gates opened, the orphans rushed to the Stockade waterhole which is the usual meeting and greeting point, when rumbles and trumpets drown out the birdsong. Today Sidai led the orphans out to browse along the Kanziku road until Kamboyo and Kora led the youngsters to the mudbath pool. There they were joined by Yatta and the older group, who received a warm welcome from Loijuk and Sunyei.
Napasha leaving the mudbath
November 10th
A heavy rainstorm began at 3 a.m. so by the time the orphans were let out in the morning, the Stockade compound was very muddy. Because it was so wet, the orphans refrained from playing, fearful of slipping. Yatta and the older orphans met up with the youngsters out in the bush and all the orphans fed together, enjoyed the mudbath pool at noon, and returned to the Stockades together in the evening. When Yatta’s group decided to leave to go to the bush for the night, Challa opted to join them.
The young group enjoying soft green leaves
November 11th
It was raining this morning so the orphans left for the field immediately having been let out, led by Sunyei. After feeding for about 2 hours, the youngsters took a break to begin playing charging games and rolling in mud games. After the mudbath Galana led the youngsters to the slopes of Ithumba hill for the afternoon feeding session, before returning to the Stockades in the evening.
November 12th
The weaverbirds were putting the finishing touches to their nests as the orphans left their Night Stockades, greeting one another with trumpets and rumbles. Sunyei led the youngsters to the Kanziku road area where they were joined by Yatta’s group. At around 11 a.m. Zurura led the first group of milk dependent orphans and Kamboyo the next lot. The older orphans joined the babies at the mudbath later, after which Selengai led the herd back to feed until evening, and it was time to return for the night.
November 13th
As soon as the youngsters were let out, they split into two groups to browse around the Stockade compound, Lualeni leading one group, and Sian the other. The older orphans joined the babies out in the bush later on in the day, the youngsters, led by Rapsu rushing forward to greet them as they approached, while Yatta and Nasalot likewise rushed to greet the youngsters. The greeting was highly charged with rumbling, intertwining trunks and trumpeting until the herd settled down to browse. The milk dependent youngsters went ahead to the mudbath venue for their milk, joined by the older elephants later. After the wallow, Galana led the group back to browse, and in the evening Madiba and Tomboi led the column back.
November 14th
There was the usual rumbling and trumpeting greeting at the stockade trough this morning amongst the babies, but Yatta and the older orphans were absent. Sian led the group towards Kone to feed, their journey out interrupted by two warring dikdiks who ran between them, putting them all in charging mode! After the milk and mudbath, the orphans headed to the Kalovoto area where they fed for the rest of the day until Kamboyo decided that it was time to return in the evening.
November 15th
Yatta’s group were absent again today when the youngsters left the Stockades in the morning. After the usual greetings they spent time playing at the compound, Kora rolling a stone around which encouraged Kenze to join him. This game soon turned into a pushing match. Today they settled down to feed along the Kanziku road until it was time for the noon milk feed followed by the mudbath pool. There the youngsters enjoyed swimming back and forth across the pool enjoying swimming races. In the evening they fed near the Ithumba Bandas at the base of the hill before returning in the evening.
Loijuk enjoying the water
November 16th
Yatta’s group was again absent today. After the usual stockade games, the youngsters fed along the road leading to the Stockade, since there is now green vegetation everywhere for them to enjoy. Challa, Galana and Naserian enjoyed stretching their trunks up to take leaves from the trees while the younger orphans enjoyed the fresh green grass. After the noon mudbath swim, the orphans went to the Kalovoto area to feed for the rest of the day.
November 17th
There was great excitement today because Yatta’s group were at the Stockade Gates to meet the babies as soon as they emerged. Yatta, Kinna, Nasalot and Mulika touched all the babies with their trunks amidst rumbles and trumpets. The usual stockade games then proceeded – Zurura and Lualeni scratching their bottoms at the Unloading Bay later joined by Makena, Loijuk and Lenana while Kenze and Naserian opted for a tree instead. Yatta led the group out to the bush. On the way Kenze, Lenana, Makena, Chyulu and Loijuk decided to roll around in the mud until Yatta came and rumbled to them suggesting that they quit. All the orphans spent the day together, enjoyed the mudbath together, and returned to the Stockades together in the evening, so it was a special day for the youngsters who always love being with their elders.
The orphans leaving the mudwallow
November 18th
After a peaceful night, the youngsters gathered at the trough amidst the usual greetings. Yatta then arrived to join them, and it was noticed that Tomboi was limping, having probably trodden on a sharp object during the night outing. The older elephants again spent the day with the babies, and returned with them to the Stockades in the evening. Tomboi remained behind in the Stockades because of his injury.
November 19th
Tomboi’s leg was still troubling him this morning, so he did not take part in the usual stockade games, and while Lualeni, Chyulu, Makena and Loijuk were busy chasing each other around in high spirits, Kora remained close to Tomboi to comfort him and Zurura and Naserian scratched their bodies against the unloading bay. Tomboi and the youngsters did not go far today to spare Tomboi the pain of walking on his injured leg.
November 20th
Tomboi has remained with the youngsters and is recovering well. The youngsters began feeding close to the stockades today, Lualeni and Kora feeding near the Stockade rock before they all gradually made their way out into the bush, led by Galana. Tomboi joined the babies at the mudbath, and all enjoyed themselves in the pool. Yatta’s group again did not show up today.
November 21st
It was another bright morning as the orphans left their Night Stockades, led by Loijuk to the trough where all greeted each other enthusiastically as usual. Madiba and Kora then went to the visitors who were there early to see the orphans before Galana led them out to feed.
November 22nd
Zurura was first at the water trough today, followed by Kora who managed to get his front legs actually into the trough, watched by Sian, Sidai, Kamboyo and Tomboi. Later they fed along the Stockade road, Kora and his friend Madiba sharing some leaves before engaging one another in a pushing game. An hour later Lenana, Chyulu, Makena and Loijuk steered the group towards the Kanziku area where they all fed until it was time for the mudbath. It was a hot day so the orphans spent a long time in the mudbath pool, after which they rested under shade, but sere soon driven out by the tsetse flies.
November 23rd
Having spent three days away, Yatta and her group were waiting eagerly at the Stockade Gates for the youngsters to come out this morning. Sunyei, who had been with Yatta’s older group for the past three days was very happy to be reunited with the youngsters. There was a great deal of joy as the orphans exchanged greetings. Only Napasha remained aloof, engrossed stuffing himself with green vegetation nearby. As the herd was heading out to the field Ol Malo and Yatta found a rock to scratch against and Tomboi invited Galana to a pushing game, now that his foot was better. Wendi noticed this encounter and rushed to join in, so Galana left her to take on tomboy. After pushing for a while Tomboi left to look for his good friend, Kora who was busy feeding in a marshy patch. They immediately began play pushing one another. Yatta and her group spent the entire day in the company of the youngsters which left everyone very happy.
November 24th
The youngsters scattered all over the compound this morning. Challa challenged Naserian to a pushing game that turned into a battle that only ended when Naserian knocked Challa down. Yatta’s group met up with the youngsters in the Kanziku area. With them was a large wild elephant cow, who departed rapidly once she spotted the Keepers. The orphans all went to the mudbath together, and fed throughout the afternoon, returning to the Stockade in the evening, led by Lenana.
November 25th
Today, it was Madiba who managed to stand actually in the water trough, watched by Ndomot, Kora and Challa, while Makena, Zurura and Loijuk rolled around in the mud beside the trough and Lenana and Chyulu scratched their bodies against a fallen tree. Galana led the group out to browse along the Kone area until Makena led the first milk dependent group to the milk and mudbath, followed by Lualeni and the second group while Kamboyo came with the third batch. Having taken their milk, all the orphans enjoyed swimming until Sidai and Ndomot led the orphans to the foot of Ithumba Hill, and Sian led them back home in the evening.
November 26th
When the very young babies were let out of their Stockade this morning, Lualeni led them to join Galana and Sunyei’ group who were already at the trough. The morning exercise involved Sunyei and Challa engaged in a pushing match, while Kamboyo did the same with Challa. Out in the field Kamboyo tried to mount onto Madiba, but was knocked off by Ndomot. After the mudbath, where the orphans spent a long time, Galana led the group to the foot of Ithumba hill for the afternoon feed, before the Keepers led them back for the night. Yatta’s group was again absent all day.
November 27th
After the usual greeting at the stockade trough, and games in the compound, Sian led the group out today to browse along the Kone road. At noon Kora and Kamboyo led the orphans to the mudbath, followed by Galana, Sunyei and Madiba who took the older group to the pool for a cooling swim and water games which went on for about half an hour. Late in the evening Yatta’s group arrived and went straight into their stockade for their Copra ration, before heading out again for the night.
Orok and Mulika scratching
November 28th
Galana and Sunyei led the column out to the feeding area, with Kora and Sidai guarding the rear. Since water and pasture are both abundant, the orphans feel as though they are in paradise, and enjoy every moment of every day. At 9 a.m. they came across a beautiful natural wallow which they all enjoyed, submerging themselves and tossing water up with their trunks. After the milk dependent youngsters had taken their milk, the orphans headed out again immediately, uninterested in another wallow at the usual venue
November 29th
After the usual early morning greeting, Kora and Ndomot engaged one another in a pushing match whilst Madiba was very busy chasing Challa all round the compound bent on mounting him. At 11 a.m. Yatta’s group joined the youngsters as they were heading to the mudbath and shared the mudbath with them, before leaving them again and heading out into the bush. They did not come to the stockade in the evening.
November 30th
The orphans left their Night Stockades in a very happy mood, because a rainstorm threatened. Kora and Ndomot played with one another as they headed out, Kora intent on challenging Ndomot, but Ndomot not taking up the challenge. At 8 a.m. something scared the group prompting them to rush back to their Keepers for protection. The Keepers were unable to determine what had upset them. The day turned very hot with wind driving the rainstorm towards the Yatta escarpment, so the orphans had a prolonged wallow. At 5 p.m. Loijuk led the youngsters back home. Yatta’s group had not been seen today.