November 1st
Unlike the usual pushy bull behaviour, today Kora was very caring of little Zurura, standing close to him. Up until now, Lualeni has been anxious to take charge of Zurura, but Zurura prefers the company of Kora, so Lualeni has accepted that.
Lualeni & Kora browsing together
November 2nd
On the way home in the evening, Makena was leading the Nursery orphans, followed by Naserian, when Rapsu rushed to take the lead. Naserian was angry with Rapsu and pushed him very hard, forcing him to the back of the column again, so that her baby, Makena, could again be Leader.
The orphans & their keepers head into the forest
November 3rd
Buchuma is a loner, choosing to spend the day apart from the others. Even when the Keepers change location, he remains behind, and does not want to be urged to follow. He is very pushy with the small babies.
November 4th
Rapsu put on a good display at the mudbath, chasing away all the warthogs who were anxious to get into the mud because it was very hot. This excited Kora, who joined in the chasing game, much to the delight of all the visitors.
The nursery orphans & their keepers
November 5th
Zurura is a funny little elephant, already quite pushy with the Keepers. He insists on having the blanket over his head whilst he feeds, and until things are correct, he shoves the Keepers around.
Zurura's feeding technique
November 6th
There was drizzly rain in the morning, so Zurura and Makena had to be kept in their stables when the other elephants left. They did not like this. When the rain stopped at 10 a.m., they were allowed out to join the others.
November 7th
Zurura is very curious about the little blind baby, Ndololo, who is in the next door stable at night. He stretches his trunk through the partition, puzzled as to why Ndololo does not respond, not knowing that the baby cannot see the greeting.
Zurura out in the bush under the shade of a tree
November 8th
The orphans were scared today by a herd of running impala. They ran back to their keepers, bellowing. We changed direction, not knowing what had frightened the impala.
Shida at the noon mudbath
November 9th
Zurura was very hungry for his milk today, so we had to feed the big elephants fast in order to attend to him. Zurura even knocked one of the Keepers to the ground because he was so impatient. He is a very pushy baby, although he is only about 6 weeks old.
Zurura in the lead followed by Rapsu
November 10th
It was a wet and rainy day, which made the orphans very happy. The Keepers had a difficult time trying to restrain Zurura and Makena from rolling in the puddles and getting wet, which is not good for tiny ones. They also wanted to eat the mud, which also is not a good idea. Naserian did not like the Keepers interfering with the little ones’ games.
The orphans having fun in the mudbath
November 11th
Zurura kept following Naserian, but she only wants Makena near her, and keeps pushing Zurura back. When he began to play with Makena, Naserian pushed him away and drew Makena towards herself. Eventually Zurura joined up with Kora, who is his friend.
Zurura, Makena & Naserina
November 12th
It began to rain hard at about 10 a.m. so Zurura and Makena had to be returned to the shelter of their stables. The Keepers had difficulty in separating Makena from Naserian, and once in the stable, Makena protested loudly, bellowing often. When the rain stopped, the two babies were able to join the others out in the bush.
November 13th
Kora and Zurura are friends, but today Kora misbehaved by trying to mount onto Zurura, who screamed, and ran to Naserian for protection.
Zurura plays with a stick
November 14th
Zurura was again very impatient for his milk today, and knocked the Keeper down before accepting his bottle.
Some of the Trust's keepers
November 15th
Today, Ndololo enjoyed a soil bath which was made for him not far from his stable. He enjoyed rolling in the red earth very much, until a passing vehicle scared him, when he ran towards his Keeper, using his sense of smell.
Ndololo with his keepers and the blind stick
November 16th
There was drizzling rain in the morning, so Zurura and Makena were kept inside their stable. Makena kept on protesting, which brought Naserian back to try and collect her. When the rain stopped the two babies were allowed out. Today, a new baby came in from Ziwani in Tsavo West. He is called Challa, the name of the place where he was found in amongst a herd of cattle. He is very thin, and quite wild, so he was put into Rapsu’s stable, where there is an escape platform for the Keepers. During the night, he calmed down, and by the morning the Keeper was able to be with him, and he was taking weak milk.
November 17th
After the mudbath, the orphans were taken to meet the newcomer, Challa, but Rapsu kept on pushing him. Challa was taken outside to be with the others, where Kora kept pushing him away. Eventually, because Challa is very weak, we returned him to the stable.
Challa meets the other orphans
November 18th
Shida, the young rhino, was very suspicious today, and kept on looking in one direction. The Keepers went to see what was troubling him, and a female giraffe emerged with her twin babies
November 19th
Lualeni would love to take Zurura as her special baby, but he keeps on trying to attach himself to Naserian instead, who does not want him and only wants Makena. When Naserian pushed Zurura away, he bellowed, and Lualeni ran to console him, touching him gently with her trunk.
Lualeni suckles on a keepers fingers
November 20th
At the mudbath, Rapsu, Kora and Lualeni chased away a mother warthog and her babies. Today Challa was given de-worming medication, which made him pass a lot of dead worms.
November 21st
It was a hot day today, and all the elephants wanted to get right into the mudbath. The Keepers had a difficult time trying to keep Zurura and Makena out of it, not wanting them to get wet and cold, or drink the dirty water which could upset their tummies.
Lualeni the water baby & other orphans at mudbath
November 22nd
Because it was a very cold day, Makena and Zurura were kept in all morning. When they were allowed out to join the others in the forest, Makena ran to Naserian, who greeted her with enormous joy, trumpeting and rumbling.
Naserian being protective over Makena
November 23rd
It was a cold and rainy day, so all the elephants had to have their blankets and raincoats on. Zurura kept on putting his trunk under the other elephants’ blankets thinking that it should represent another feed, and he became very frustrated when no milk was coming!
Shida having a bottle of milk
November 24th
Ndololo has diarrheoa today, so he was given Sulphadimadine and Rehydration. He was very uncomfortable during the night.
Ndololo takes a walk with his keepers
November 25th
The Keepers were joyful today, because Ndololo seemed a little better, and slept well during the night. In the afternoon he went out for a walk.
November 26th
Challa has a blown stomach today, and his whole body was trembling. The Vet came and gave him an injection, and he was better by the evening. He still has some live worms in the stool, but the Vet suggested we wait a few days before giving him another dose.
Challa having a bottle of milk at noon mudbath
November 27th
Ndololo, who had not been well, seemed a little better. When the Keeper tried to wipe his mouth, he tried to push the Keeper!
Ndololo and one of his keepers
November 28th
Makena made all the Keepers laugh today. She came running quickly from her stable to find Naserian, and when she could not see her, she knelt down, put her head near the ground, and bellowed several times. Naserian came running to fetch her.
Naserian & Makena feeding
November 29th
Zurura is making friends with Kora, having been rejected by Naserian, who only wants Makena. Kora has been pushing Challa, because he has been defeated by Buchuma, and wants to take weak Challa to show his strength. He and Rapsu are naughty towards Challa and have to be restrained by the Keepers.
Buchuma at the noon mudbath
November 30th
As soon as Makena was allowed out of her stable, she ran to Naserian’s Stockade, waiting at the door for it to be opened. Today Zurura kept following Kora, with Lualeni following them both, trying to take Zurura from Kora. However, Zurura was having none of it, which angered Lualeni, prompting her to give Kora a push to try and separate him from Zurura.