Nairobi Nursery Unit

November 2004

Daily updates

November 2004








November 1st

Jipe and Naserian had a wonderful mudbath. Galana has greatly improved, and is now taking an interest in greens, rather than just the next bottle of milk. However, she is still not friendly towards Jipe and Buchuma.


November 2nd

Ndomot was very brave today, chasing the warthogs on his own for a long way. However, he came running back very fast, trumpeting, and was greeted by Sunyei with a welcoming trumpet.

Ndomot chasing the warthogs

November 3rd

Sunyei wanted to take Jipe from Naserian, which caused a punch-up between the two females. Madiba came in between to separate the warring parties. Makosa (the 5 year old rhino) gave us all a start when he appeared out of the bush running towards us. He didn’t want to leave, and spent the day close by.

Jipe and Naserian

November 4th

For the first time, Galana allowed little Jipe to try and suckle her for a short time, but then she shoved him away and moved off, so he went back to Naserian.

The nursery orphans

November 5th

The Nursery elephants have coconut oil applied to their skin every Friday, and today were very playful after being anointed. Jipe tried to climb on one of the others when they were lying down. Although Naserian didn’t mind, Madiba and Ndomot disapproved, and pushed him off.

Coconut oiled elephant orphans

November 6th

We came across three hyaenas lying down, who ran away when they saw us. Madiba was all for chasing after them, but we restrained him

Sunyei squashes Ndomot

November 7th

A group of zebra ran off as we approached, which scared Madiba, who ran back to the Keepers.


November 8th

Madiba was the first one to touch and welcome little Seyia, the new Mara baby, when the elephants were brought in to meet him. Sunyei followed next, and then Naserian, both females thrilled to see him, ignoring little Jipe for the first time.


November 9th

Sunyei took charge of the new baby, and pushed Naserian away whenever she approached. Naserian is no longer satisfied with just Jipe and wants the new baby for herself, which is making Jipe very jealous.


November 10th

Galana took over Jipe today for a while, because Naserian was focused on little Seyia who came to spend a short time with the group. It was a special day for Buchuma, who, for the first time, was given the green light by the Vet to be allowed to play in the mudbath. Up until now he has not been allowed in because of his skin wounds, but now they are almost healed, and dry. He was so happy and loved the mudbath very much.

Buchuma plays in the mudbath for the first time

November 11th

Buchuma was first in the mudbath today, rolling around and playing happily, even forgetting about his milk which was waiting for him. Jipe also loves the mudbath, but is a bit daunted when all the others are rolling about in it.


November 12th

Naserian and Sunyei followed by Jipe were first to welcome yet another new baby called Nalitu, and did not want to leave her alone, constantly trying to manoeuvre close to her. Madiba was also interested but wasn’t allowed a look in!

Nalitu with Seyia

November 13th

Naserian has dumped Jipe for Nalitu, with Sunyei also taking a great interest. Jipe became very jealous and tried to push the new baby away from Naserian towards Sunyei who took over.

Naserian with Nalitu

November 14th

Sunyei took charge of Nalitu for another full day without trouble, although Naserian would not leave them alone and kept on trailing them, with Jipe coming along behind her.

Nalitu suckling Galana

November 15th

Jipe made friends with Nalitu today, because both Naserian and Sunyei shared her. This way he, and the new baby, could enjoy both.

November 16th

Jipe encouraged Nalitu to play, which was very interesting to watch. Naserian and Sunyei also began to play close by whilst Ndomot and Madiba indulged in their daily bout as Buchuma watched and Galana just kept on feeding. Little Seyia has not been well for several days now, so he stays close to the stable and next to a blanket hung between two trees, because he is too weak to join the others.

November 17th

Today, Nalitu became confused and followed Naserian instead of Sunyei, which made Jipe very jealous. He came in to try and fight Nalitu.

November 18th

For the first time Galana is taking a great interest in Nalitu, remaining close to the baby all day. Because Galana is bigger than Sunyei and Naserian, they had no option but look on and accept this.

Galana and Nalitu

November 19th

Again, Galana monopolised little Nalitu, even letting the baby try and suckle her beneath her belly.

Naserian and Jipe

November 20th

Today, Sunyei made an attempt to take Nalitu from Galana, but Galana would have none of it, and kept moving away with the baby

November 21st

Naserian and Sunyei ganged up to try and get Nalitu from Galana today, and they almost succeeded, but it was not popular with Jipe, who ran to Naserian giving Galana a chance to recover Nalitu for herself

November 22nd

Today saw Naserian and Sunyei fighting over who should have Jipe, since Nalitu has been taken over completely by Galana, who will not release the calf. Jipe rather enjoyed this.

November 23rd

Today, the Vet came to immobilize Galana, and took blood from a vein in her ear whilst she was under anaesthetic. Madiba was the first to demonstrate concern for Galana whilst she was down. whilst Nalitu tried to suckle her belly. Ndomot and Sunyei came to sniff Galana and Naserian remained close to Jipe, slightly apart, not wanting to be close to the Vet!.

November 24th

A herd of zebras came running past, which scared all the elephants except Sunyei, who stood her ground, and watched the herd pass.

Buchuma and Abdul

November 25th

Today, Nalitu shifted her allegiance from Galana to Sunyei for most of the day.

November 26th

Jipe tried to punish Naserian by shoving her, and because he is so small, Sunyei came to give him some help!

November 27th

The Keepers were all very depressed today, because little Seyia is so sick. The elephants sensed this and were very quiet. Jipe stuck to Naserian and Nalitu stuck to Galana, whilst Madiba, Buchuma and Ndomot remained close to one another, feeding.

Seyia's last day

November 28th

The usual daily tussle between Madiba and Ndomot began early today, and lasted a long time.

Ndomot and Michaela Strachan

November 29th

Sunyei welcomed the new elephant, “Lualeni” very warmly and spent most of the day very close to her but Lualeni kept on moving away. Nalitu stuck to Galana and Jipe remained with Naserian. Madiba was also very interested to get to know the newcomer and tried to stay close to her.


November 30th

Nalitu and Jipe played together for the best part of the day. When Madiba tried to play with Nalitu, Naserian moved in to stop the game. Lualeni chose to remain alone. Buchuma tried to keep her company, but she was not interested. Madiba and Ndomot’s play fight was interrupted by the arrival of the milk.

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