Voi Reintegration Unit

May 2019

Daily updates

May 1st

It was a wonderful beginning to the day with the stockade dependent orphan elephants gathering at the milk feeding area for their milk bottles before proceeding to feast on Lucerne pellets. The weather was fairly cold as Lentili and Mbegu took the lead of their friends towards the browsing grounds. Mbegu wanted her six herd members, Ndotto, Godoma, Murit, Lasayen and Ngilai to follow her.  The orphans stopped to browse on the northern side of Msinga Hill where they browsed in single file until noon when they made their way to the baobab tree waterhole.

After milk feeding the orphans had a drink of clean water from the water trough but due to the chilly weather they were reluctant to wallow. Embu stood at the edge of the water hole and sprayed herself with the cold water as Ndotto did the same. Embu then enjoyed a scratching session against a tree close to the waterhole while Nelion and Lentili enjoyed scratching against the big baobab tree.

Embu spraying herself with water

Lentili enjoying a scratch

Nelion enjoying a scratch

May 2nd

The milk dependent orphans began the day by running out of the stockades for their milk. They grabbed their bottles and drank the contents in a matter of seconds before joining their older friends at the Lucerne pellet feeding area.  

Today there were games of rubbing against a rock in the stockade compound with Rorogoi being the first in line while her friends queued up to wait their turn.  Araba, Lasayen, Murit and Mashariki chose to wait while Ndii managed to weasel her way through to the rock to scratch next to Rorogoi. The orphans then left the stockades for the browsing fields. 

The weather was cloudy and cold when the orphans arrived at the waterhole. Ndotto was in a mischievous mood and blocked Mbegu from having a drink at the waterhole. Mbegu grabbed his trunk with hers in an effort to get him to let her past but he wouldn’t budge and she had to veer around him to get to the water.

Araba scratching

Rorogoi scratching

Ndii scratching

May 3rd

The orphans exited their stockades this morning with the milk dependent babies having their milk bottles before joining the others at the Lucerne feeding area. The orphans then had a brief dust bathing session at the stockade compound with Kihari blocking Lentili from interacting with Tahri, and went as far as spreading her ears to prevent Lentili from even looking at Tahri, who was peeping through Kihari legs to look at Lentili.

At the noon mud Tundani and Naipoki engaged one another in a wonderful play fighting game that lasted for a long time as it was too cold for a mud bath. Ndoria however suddenly went into the middle of the water to have a wallow while Bada stood and watched.  Kihari investigated the trunk of a tree close to the waterhole though no one seemed to understand what she was doing or looking for. The orphans spent the afternoon browsing close to the big baobab tree.  

Kihari centre blocking Lentili from accessing Tahri

Tundani & Naipoki strength testing

Ndoria in the mudbath

May 4th

It was a perfect beginning to the day with Panda heading straight to one of the stockade rocks, anchoring herself there for a good scratching session.  After a brief playing session Ndotto took the lead of everyone out to the Park to browse, followed by Murit. On the way they encountered a troop of baboons sitting on the road, who upon seeing the elephants coming looked in a hurry to get out of the way. Ndotto and Murit charged at them and managed to clear the road.

The orphan elephants enjoyed browsing on the western foot of Msinga Hill. A few minutes before 11am, Ndoria separated from her friends and made her way to the water hole and by the time the rest of the orphans joined her she was finished and off to the red earth piles for a dust bath. Later, Ndoria, who has become more independent than the others, was left at the water hole area when the others returned to the browsing fields but she re-joined them a short while later.  

Tawi, the stockade-raised eland, who returned from the Park and who has been at the stockades enjoying the company of his best friend Oltukai the buffalo, took Oltukai with him when he returned to the Park today.  We hope that they may join up with the other eland Kore, who reintegrated back to the wild a few months ago.

Panda scratching

Ndotto charging baboons

Ndoria after a dustbath

May 5th

This morning the stockade dependent orphan elephants were busy with their milk and supplement feeding. When they finished they played some games around the stockade compound while Embu and Nelion scratched their feet against a small rock. Panda went to a big rock and leaned against it to enjoy a scratching session while Ndii was busy feasting on the very green high branches of an acacia tree.

The orphans left the stockade for the browsing fields under Naipoki’s leadership. The group settled to browse on the eastern side of the stockade. They later visited the baobab tree water hole after the milk feed where they splashed themselves with water from the mud bath.  Ndotto seemed to want to show his strength by trying to push over a big tree. Mbirikani enjoyed watching Ndii’s game of lying on the ground and rolling around while Nguvu enjoyed playing on the red earth piles.

At 3.45 in the afternoon, we had a 55mm of rain. Mbegu, Ndotto, Ngilai, Godoma and Lasayen had so much fun rolling around on the wet earth before rejoining their friends and resuming their browsing activities. Ndotto engaged Ngilai in a play fight while lying down, with Godoma coming and lying on Ndotto’s stomach.

Nelion by the dustbath

Ndotto playing with Ngilai

Godoma comes to join Ndotto

May 6th

The day began as usual with the stockade dependent orphan elephants running out of their night quarters and downing their morning milk bottles. Naipoki and Tundani enjoyed a play fighting game after which the group made their way to the browsing fields.  

The orphans have really enjoyed the rain showers and cooler weather which are a welcome respite from the heat of the past few months. They fed on rich moist grass this morning before taking their noon milk feed at the foot of Msinga Hill. They then headed to the western side of the Hill to browse where the members of Mbegu’s herd had a lovely time playing in the erosion trenches.  Lasayen and Godoma were the first to start the game and were soon joined by Mbegu who got everyone else involved while Kenia and the other older herd members continued browsing. Ngilai slid down the walls of the trench while Godoma sat on the ground and spun on her bottom while playing with her friends.

Naipoki and Tundani strength testing

Godoma and Lasayen playing at the trench

Orphans playing in the erosion trench

May 7th

The stockade dependent orphan elephants carried out their usual morning routine of milk and supplement feeding before leaving for the browsing fields. Ndotto followed Nelion who was in the lead but was surprised when after a few steps Nelion turned back and gave the leadership role over to Mashariki and Mudanda.  The orphans had a lovely time browsing in the fields before making their way to the baobab tree waterhole for their milk feed. They then had a drink of water from the trough but did not wallow in the mud bath.   

The orphans browsed their way to the southern foot of Msinga hill for the afternoon browsing session. Murit took a break from browsing to sit and roll on the ground while Panda enjoyed a scratching session on a nearby rock.  The orphans spent the afternoon browsing in the same area before returning to the safety of the stockades.  

Ndotto following Nelion

Panda scratching

Orphans around the water trough

May 8th

The morning began with the sun rising early before being covered by thick clouds signaling another cold day for the stockade dependent orphans as they exited their stockades to begin their day.  The orphans concentrated on their usual morning feeding activity before engaging in some amazing hide and seek games around the stockade compound.

It was a cold day and the orphans concentrated on browsing. They had a very brief session at the water hole, before moving away for a drink of clean water from the baobab tree water hole after which they resumed with their browsing activities at the foot of Msinga Hill.  

Mbegu, Godoma, Tahri, Lasayen, Ndotto and Ngilai went down into a deep erosion trench to play, gathering moist sand soil with their trunks and spreading it on their backs. Murit stayed out of the trench standing at the top as he watched his friends playing.  Mbegu’s group then rejoined Kenia’s herd, browsing with them until it was time to return to the stockades for the night.

Mbegu follows Godoma into the erosion trench

Murit watching Lasayen and others playing

Ndotto in the trench with his friends

May 9th

After the milk and Lucerne pellet feeding this morning, the stockade dependent elephants hung around the stockade compound playing before leaving for the browsing grounds. Ndoria exited from the Lucerne feeding area and went straight for a scratching session against a rock in the compound. The rest of the orphans tend to give Ndoria a wide birth as her temperament is unpredictable and she can launch an attack against her friends at any given time. When Ndoria was done scratching, Ishaq-B took a turn followed closely by Arruba, Murit and Rorogoi.  

The orphans went to the browsing field where they had a lovely time feeding. Mbegu seems to have won the battle to retain the leadership of her herd despite Ishaq-B’s continued efforts to take control of them.  

Ndoria scratching

Ishaq-B scratching

Rorogoi by the terrace

May 10th

The orphans exited their stockades quickly this morning and made their way to the feeding area for morning milk feed followed by Lucerne grass pellets. After Kenia had her fill of the pellets she enjoyed a scratching session against a rock close to the water trough.  

The orphans left for the browsing fields when the stockade activities were over and settled to browse on the lower northern side of the stockade grounds. At 10.30am, Godoma took a break from browsing to lie down and roll around on the green grass that was shooting up as a result of the recent rains. Lasayen came and disturbed her game by climbing on her back. Godoma tried to get up but was unsuccessful in doing so and chose instead to engage Lasayen in a play fight. Lasayen didn’t take the bait and sat on the ground ignoring Godoma.  

After the noon milk feed the orphans went for a mud bath. It was quite a cold day and they quickly decided against having a wallow, choosing instead to return to the browsing fields. Mbirikani however had a different idea and braved the cold water, enjoying a lone bath before joining her friends who were browsing nearby.  

Araba coming downhill

Godoma and Lasayen strength testing

Suswa at the dustbath

May 11th

The stockade dependent orphans gathered together at the pellet feeding area to gorge themselves on Lucerne pellets following the morning milk bottle. Kenia enjoyed spending time with her darlings Tahri and Araba, with Ndii joining them for a few minutes.  There were some brief games with Lentili, Mashariki, Godoma and Ishaq-B queuing up for a scratching session against a rock. Lentili and Mashariki had a lovely scratching session whilst Ishaq-B and Godoma left the area when they saw Ndoria coming to join them; Godoma returned once Ndoria had left!

Nguvu and Lentili took the lead towards the western slopes of Msinga Hill where they settled to browse and had their noon milk feed as it was a cold day and they did not want to visit the waterhole.  At about 12:20 pm there was a rain shower during which Mbegu, Murit and Godoma took a break from their browsing activities to lie down in the mud, rolling around and playing, before rejoining the rest of the group and resuming with the browsing session.  

Ngilai, Murit and Godoma browsing

Suswa browsing with Ndotto

May 12th

Early in the morning, the stockade gates were opened and all the elephant orphans came walking out with the milk dependent orphans making their way to the milk feeding area. Tahri and Godoma ran to be the first to reach their milk bottle with Ngilai, Ndotto and Lasayen coming in after them.  When the milk feeding was done the orphans settled to enjoy the Lucerne pellets before leaving for the browsing fields.

They had a wonderful browsing session, stopping only for the noon milk feeding before resuming with their browsing.  The orphans didn’t visit the waterhole as they had already drunk enough water from the water pans available all over the area now, filled with yesterday’s rain, and they certainly didn’t feel like wallowing in the cold weather either.

In the afternoon at 4pm Tahri lay down for a cat nap with Lentili and Ndii standing guard over her as she slept.  The last hour was spent browsing peacefully until it was time to return to the stockades.

Tahri sleeping as Ndii & Lentili watch over her

Ndotto and Mbegu

Mudanda running to catch up with her friends

May 13th

After the morning milk and Lucerne grass feeding, Nelion enjoyed rubbing his bottom against a rock in the stockade compound while Ngilai was trying to climb over one of the stockade terraces.

Kenia took charge and led the orphan herd out to browse. Mbirikani and Mbegu were left behind at the stockade and had to rush to catch up with their friends. Kenia spent the morning browsing with Araba while Ndii stuck close to Tahri. It was a cold and cloudy day with scattered rainfall and as such the orphans did not visit the water hole, choosing instead to concentrate on their browsing activities and have their noon milk bottle on the northern foot of Msinga Hill.

Tundani and Nelion split from the other herd members for a private browsing moment, while Suswa and Ndoria also enjoyed browsing separately from the rest of the group.  

Suswa browsing

Mbegu and Mbirikani at the stockade

Tundani and Nelion browsing

May 14th

It was a nice beginning to the day with the orphan elephants coming out full of energy and looking forward to the day ahead. They first had their milk bottle followed by the supplement feeding after which they engaged in a game of hide and seek around the stockade compound.  

With the recent rains, there is now a regeneration of the vegetation in the area and there is more food for the orphans to feed on. They settled to browse in single file, slowly making their way to the eastern side of Msinga hill where they had their afternoon milk bottle.  

As it was a fairly cold day they chose to not visit the baobab tree water hole again, and spent the afternoon browsing further uphill before coming down in the evening to return to the safety of the stockades for the night.

Panda browsing

Lentili browsing

Lasayen playing

May 15th

This morning, Mbirikani, who spent last night outside the stockades, arrived and joined the stockade dependent orphans for the Lucerne pellet supplement feeding. Panda and Tundani demarcated their Lucerne pellet feeding area to make sure that nobody intruded on their share of pellets. 

There were some games around the stockade compound with Nelion enjoying a scratching session against a small rock before deciding to sit down on it. Godoma watched what Nelion was doing and patiently waited for him to leave before enjoying a scratching session on the same rock.  

The orphans made their way to the browsing field stopping to feed halfway up the western side of Msinga Hill. Mbegu and Godoma had a private browsing moment at the foot of the Hill as their friends went further up. The orphans quenched their thirst from the few holes and caves that were full of rain water and as such did not visit the waterhole. Lentili and Rorogoi investigated the contents of a big cave, peeping into the darkness, but because they could not see anything they decided to leave and continue with their browsing activities.

Panda and Tundani enjoying Lucerne

Nelion scratching

Godoma browsing

May 16th

It was a wonderful beginning to the day as the orphan elephants came out of their respective stockades, running to have their milk bottles. After, they proceeded to the Lucerne pellet feeding area, before engaging in some fun and games. Ishaq-B and Lentili stole the show as they became engaged in a strength testing game. Ishaq-B was so excited that she ran around before lying down on the ground to show off her joy, with Lentili coming over to continue the pushing game.

As Lentili was busy playing with Ishaq-B, Mbegu got the opportunity to lead the orphan herd to the browsing grounds.  The orphans visited the baobab tree water hole after the noon milk feed. As it was a chilly day the orphans were reluctant to wallow. Embu walked into the mud bath, lay in the water and started rolling around.  Her game attracted Bada who came to join her before leaving for a scratching session against a nearby tree. He then rejoined his friends who had begun the afternoons browsing activities in the area around the mud bath.  

Lentili and Ishaq-B playing

Embu wallowing

Bada wallowing

May 17th

The morning began with the usual activities of milk and supplement feeding followed by games around the stockade compound.  Ndii utilized her tall height to reach for green acacia branches high up in the trees to feast on them while Ngilai was busy climbing up and down one of the stockade terraces.  

Once out in the browsing grounds the orphans settled to feed on the open plains before making their way to the baobab tree water hole for an afternoon milk bottle after which they had a quick wallow. Bada exited the mud bath and played in a small erosion trench before going for a scratching session against a nearby tree. Embu and Nelion enjoyed a wonderful bath before rejoining their friends and Ndoria enjoyed scratching against the big baobab tree which Mashariki and Nelion also did. Panda showed off her playing techniques as she rolled around on the ground, Kenia who was watching her game came to join her before getting up to fetch Ndii, Araba and Tahri, signaling that it was time to resume with the days browsing activities.   

Ndii browsing

Ndoria browsing

Ngilai climbing the terrace

May 18th

It was an early morning with the usual routine of milk and supplement feeding being observed after which the stockade dependent orphan elephants proceeded to the browsing grounds. On the way to the field, Ndotto sought out Mbegu for a play fight. Mbegu didn’t want to stop to play and instead tried to get Ndotto to move faster so that they could catch up with the rest of the orphans.   

The stockade dependent orphans were in a good mood as they headed to the baobab tree water hole with Ndii shaking her head from side to side. Mbirikani came and joined her friends and they all arrived at the waterhole in a jovial mood. The weather was cold and as such the orphans skipped the mud bathing session, choosing instead to have a drink of clean water from the water trough. They then walked up Msinga Hill, where there was a lot of green browse for them to feast on following the recent showers.  Ndotto went into a deep erosion trench to play but had some difficulties getting out and had to find a different route to exit the trench. He was finally successful and rejoined his friends.

Ndotto tries to engage Mbegu in a play fight

Arruba browsing

Ndotto in an erosion trench

May 19th

It was a wonderful beginning to the day with the orphans coming out of their stockades in a happy mood, emptying a morning milk bottle and then enjoying the Lucerne grass pellets and fresh Lucerne grass that had been laid out for them.

Once out in the fields the orphans spread out to browse. Ngilai, who had been lagging behind, was the last to arrive at the browsing fields and came charging in. Naipoki and Nelion had a private browsing session which lasted until it was time to head to noon milk feed and baobab tree waterhole. The orphans had a drink of water from the water trough, and after Mbirikani and Embu had a partial bath before rejoining their friends who were browsing nearby.  

With the arrival of the rains there is enough water and food for the wild elephants in the Park and they have moved away to other areas.

Ngilai lagging behind the others

Naipoki and Nelion browsing together

Mbirikani leaving the mudbath

May 20th

Following the milk and supplement feeding this morning the orphans enjoyed playing around the stockade compound. Kihari had fun rolling around on the ground before lying down in an effort to catch some early morning sun.  Tahri was also on the ground and was being watched over and guarded by Lentili, Naipoki and Kenia who wanted to ensure that she would not be bothered by any of the other orphans.  

In an attempt to try and steal members from Mbegu’s herd away, Ishaq-B engaged Ndotto in a play fighting game often stopping to rest her trunk on Ndotto’s head as if congratulating him on his playing tactics.  Ngilai engaged Ndotto in a play fighting game once the game with Ishaq-B was over. Panda and Mbirikani, not wanting to be left out of the fun, engaged one another in a strength testing game.  

The orphans had their noon feed on the northern foot of Msinga Hill and the orphans didn’t visit the waterhole as they had already quenched their thirst from the numerous rain puddles and rain filled holes that they found while out and about.

Kihari playing

Ndotto and Ishaq-B playing

Panda and Mbirikani playing

May 21st

The morning milk feed took place peacefully, and then the milk dependent orphan elephants joined their friends for the Lucerne supplement feeding. Lentili took the lead of the group as they headed to the browsing fields. Mashariki, Arruba and Embu split with some of the others and headed to the top of Msinga Hill to browse, while Mbegu and the remaining thirteen orphans preferred to stay browsing at the foot of the Hill.

At noon the orphans at the top of the Hill came down and joined their friends for the milk bottle feed. The weather was cold and windy with the orphans being reluctant to visit the waterhole, and they resumed with their browsing activities on top of Msinga Hill.  A wild elephant herd visited the baobab tree water hole where they had a drink from the water trough before heading back to the Park.

Suswa and the other enjoying Lucerne

Murit enjoying Lucerne pellets

Wild elephant herd having a drink

May 22nd

The stockade dependent elephants began their day with the milk feed. After they had some Lucerne supplements it was time for fun and games around the stockade compound, with Ndii going down into a kneeling pose to play, which Godoma tried to copy while Tahri watched.  Araba spent a long time scratching her neck against a rock near the stockade water trough.  Kenia came to check on her to see if she could find what was bothering Araba. She then gathered the group together and led them out to the browsing fields.  

The orphans settled to browse on the western foot of Msinga Hill, amid some light rain.

Ndoria had a private browsing session a considerable distance from her friends. The orphan elephants did not visit the water hole today day due to the prevailing cold weather.

Ndii kneeling to play

Ndoria browsing on her own

Araba scratching

May 23rd

After the stockade dependent orphans had their morning milk bottle and Lucerne pellets, they gathered at the piles of red earth for a dust bath. Nguvu, Kenia, Rorogoi and Araba teamed up to play on the red earth while Panda engaged Mbirikani in a strength testing exercise. It started drizzling as Lasayen, Panda, Mbirikani and Lentili came for a dust bath once Kenia’s group had left the area. Ishaq-B signaled the end of the dust bathing session with a huge trumpet blast, saying it was time to head to the browsing fields.

Kihari was busy enjoying a scratching session against a rock which came to a premature end as she followed the rest of the orphan herd to the browsing grounds.  Ngilai led the group out, stopping along the way for a scratch against a rock at the southern foot of Msinga Hill. The orphan elephants had a wonderful time browsing amid light rain showers and didn’t visit the waterhole today.

Nguvu, Kenia, Araba

Ishaq-B dustbathing

Kihari scratching

May 24th

It was an early start to the day with the milk dependent orphan elephants coming out of the stockades for their milk bottle. Godoma and Tahri were the first to arrive at the bottle feeding area with the others coming in a quick second.  After the milk feed they settled to enjoy the Lucerne pellets, and then Lentili led the orphan herd to the browsing grounds.  

It started raining lightly so Mashariki led her friends for some fun in a deep erosion trench at the northern foot of Msinga Hill. Their game came to an end when two male impala came charging past as they chased one another. Ndii charged out to the front to protect her friends. Kihari, Arruba and Ndii then took the lead of their friends for a browsing session on the western side of Msinga Hill.  The orphans spread out to browse with Naipoki enjoying a scratching session against a rock while Kenia and Tahri browsed together near a big rock.  

The milk dependent orphans came down in the afternoon for their milk bottles, after which the entire group continued with their browsing activities as it was too cold to visit the waterhole.  

Naipoki scratching

Arruba browsing

Mudanda browsing

May 25th

The early morning milk feed was already in place when Mbirikani came to the stockades after spending a night out in the Park. She joined the stockade dependent orphan elephants for the Lucerne pellet feeding after which the orphans headed to the browsing fields.  

Bada took the lead of the group and they settled half way up the northern side of Msinga Hill. Kihari explored further into the bushes to browse and was followed by Panda, Nguvu and Ishaq-B.

Naipoki grabbed some browse from Arruba’s mouth thinking that it was more palatable than what she had. Mashariki pushed a very big rock with her head before enjoying a scratching session.

Kihari was seen pushing a tree in an effort to show her strength.

The milk dependent orphans had their mid-day milk bottle before moving into the waterhole for a drink after which they resumed with their browsing activities.  

Rorogoi playing with Nguvu

Mashariki pushing a rock

Ndoria having a drink of water

May 26th

It was a cold and chilly Sunday morning as the orphan elephants played around the stockade compound following their milk and Lucerne pellet feeding. Lentili then took the lead of the orphan herd towards the field for the days browsing activities. The weather was very cloudy with some light rain as the orphans browsed in single file.

Tundani and Mudanda went to play in the open fields with Tundani trying to ride on Mudanda’s back.  Mudanda managed to shake Tundani off and turned to face him head on. Nelion came in to break the two up and restore peace. The orphans had their milk feed on the northern foot of Msinga Hill, choosing not to visit the waterhole again today.

Ndoria, who has started to show her independence recently, visited the waterhole on her own for a drink of water. She then browsed her way back to the rest of the group catching up with her friends about an hour after she separated from them.

Lentili browsing

Tundani trying to ride on Mudanda

Ndotto playing

May 27th

It was a bright morning and the sun shone as it rose above the horizon to find the stockade dependent orphan elephants playing happily around the stockade compound after the milk and supplement feeding. Nelion took position on one of their favorite rocks in the compound for a scratching session. Kihari came to disturb Nelion who retaliated by engaging Kihari in a strength testing game. Nelion worked hard to prove that he was the dominant bull using all his strength against Kihari while the ladies in the group watched. Kihari soon got tired and sought help from Arruba who together with Panda came in to separate the two so that the group could head to the browsing fields.

Nelion and Arruba had a private browsing session away from the rest of the group. The milk dependent orphan elephants enjoyed an afternoon milk bottle close to the baobab tree water hole. Kihari then took the lead of the orphan herd as they joined a wild elephant herd at the water hole.  The wild herd ran off when they saw the orphan herd running up to them though.  The wild herd stopped a short distance away to browse and Embu slowly made her way to join them, spending about half an hour with the wild friends before rejoining the orphan elephant herd.

Kihari and Nelion strength testing

Embu joins a wild herd

Panda scratching while browsing

May 28th

It was a good start to the day with the elephant orphans concentrating on their morning milk and supplement feeding routine. Ndii headed to a big rock in the stockade compound for a scratching session before walking away which allowed Ishaq-B to come and take her spot before any of the other orphans could.   

The orphans headed to the browsing fields under Mbegu and Lentili’s leadership. They settled to browse on the western side of the stockade visiting the baobab tree water hole after the noon milk feed.  

Wild elephant herds have started returning to the Msinga Hill area, and the orphans enjoyed interacting with a wild teenage elephant that remained at the waterhole when the rest of its herd left.  In a friendly match, the wild friend rammed Ishaq-B’s bottom. Ishaq-B staggered away, regained her footing and spun around to engage the wild elephant in a friendly challenge.  The wild elephant, which was older than Ishaq-B, saw how angry she was and turned to allow Ishaq-B to ram her bottom and level the playing field.  The wild elephant then left the orphans to rejoin her herd.  

After the orphans had quenched their thirst they headed back to the browsing fields where Ndii spent the afternoon browsing with Tahri. 

Ndii scratching

Mudanda surrounded by greenery and flowers

Mbegu browsing

May 29th

The stockade dependent orphans were in an excited mood as they exited their stockades this morning for their milk bottle and supplement feeding. Ngilai and Godoma ran out and gulped down their milk in a matter of seconds.  Kenia and Ndii seemed to be in discussions about something and Mbirikani took the opportunity to interact with Araba. Rorogoi enjoyed a scratching session against a rock in the stockade compound while Lentili had a dust bathing session before leading the group to the browsing fields.

On arriving at the northern foot of Msinga hill, Arruba, Suswa, Ndoria, Bada, Kihari and Mbirikani pulled back from their friends for a private session.  At the afternoon milk feed Nelion and Rorogoi joined a big wild elephant bull browsing close to the baobab tree water hole and managed to get the bull to come and join the rest of the orphan herd. Upon seeing the Keepers the bull became agitated and the Keepers moved away so as to allow the orphan herd to interact with their wild friend.  

Kenia and Ndii led the stockade dependent orphan elephants in the afternoon browsing session leaving the bull to continue browsing on his own. Later in the afternoon the Keepers spotted a pride of ten lions on the northern side of Msinga Hill and changed the orphans browsing direction so that they wouldn’t run into the lions.

Rorogoi scratching

Nelion joining a wild bull

Ndii and Kenia

May 30th

The morning was full of fun as the orphans played around the stockade compound following the milk and supplement feeding.  Ishaq-B wanted to get her friends attention today and began by scratching her bottom against a big rock. She then noticed that Arruba’s game, of standing on a small rock and tossing chunks of red earth into the air, was getting more attention than her game and she stopped what she was doing and went to dig up soil for her own dust bathing session. When she did not succeed she ran up to the red earth pile to engage Arruba in a pushing game which Arruba chose to ignore and walked away from. Ishaq-B went back to continue her scratching session but found that Kenia was there with Rorogoi and Nguvu waiting their turn as was Ndii. When they were done it was time to head to the browsing fields and Ishaq-B followed the group out for the day.  

A wild elephant herd visited the baobab tree water hole in the afternoon, after the orphans had left. Mashariki ran back to join the wild group and enjoyed a play fighting game with a wild friend after which she rejoined the orphan herd.  

Ishaq-B scratching

Arruba dustbathing

Wild herd having a drink

May 31st

It was a wonderful start to the day with the milk dependent orphan elephants assembling in a nearly perfect straight line for their morning milk bottle.  Ndotto and Ngilai tried to suck up any milk that had leaked form the bottles before going for the supplement feed. Arruba avoiding the big rock that most of the orphans scratch against and instead enjoyed a scratching session against the stockade terrace.  

The orphans browsed around the low lands around the northern side of Msinga Hill.  It was a cold day and the orphans chose to remain where they were for the noon milk feed, avoiding the mud bath, before resuming with their browsing activities.  

Suswa enjoyed a private browsing session under a tree away from the rest of the group while Ishaq-B tried to dig up soil using her tusks, which she struggled to do as her tusks are so close together under her trunk! Ndoria who has become more independent was seen pulling back from the group as they headed to the safety of the stockades for the night. The Keepers called her back as they were worried that she could become prey to the pride of lions that had been seen a couple of days ago and were still in the area.  

Ndoria browsing on her own

Ishaq-B trying to dig up soil

Arruba scratching at the terrace

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