Nairobi Nursery Unit

May 2015

Daily updates

May 1st

Since we lost Ashaka, Mbegu has been moved to the stable next to Kamok so that the two can keep each other company and overcome the loss of their great friend together. They are settled and have turned the page with the two girls starting to become closer friends, more than they have been in the past, which means that Mbegu will fill the gap in Kamok's life when Ashaka died. Murit is attached to both Mbegu and Kamok while Kauro seems to be most comfortable in the company of the older orphans. Today Kamok Mbegu and Murit had a lot of fun playing hide and seek games while out in the browsing fields this morning. Chasing Pea and Pod the ostiches is a much enjoyed passtime too! At the mudbath they all had fun rolling around in the loose soil with tiny Ndotto and Lasayen refusing to let any of the other orphans join them.

Kamok in the rain

Kamok and Murit with Oltaiyoni

Ndotto playing with soil

May 2nd

This morning after the 11am visiting hour, Barsilinga watched as Mashariki, Arruba and Suswa made their way to Ndotto's baby group. The three older females, followed by Barsilinga, sneaked off without being seen by the keepers who did not realize until later that the four were missing from the older group. Finally they were located with the babies.The four had a lovely time with the before rejoining their group later in the afternoon. Mashariki was the first to arrive followed by Arruba then Suswa with Barsilinga returning last.

Barsilinga sneaking off to the baby group

Suswa makes her way to the baby group

Mashariki, one of the older females

May 3rd

Today the US Secretary of State John Kerry paid the nursery orphans a visit. The morning was very busy with security personnel coming to inspect the Nursery in preparation for his arrival. At about 5pm as the orphans were about to return to the stockades for the night, John Kerry arrived. He was met by Angela who spoke to him about the Trust and then introduced him to Dame Daphne. Ndotto’s group was the first to arrive to greet the visitors and by the time the older orphans had joined them Lasayen and Ndotto were already interacting with the guests and had begun to steal their hearts. The orphans received an extra milk bottle and were given some fresh greens while they remained with the visitors. There were a good number of people around but the orphans behaved impeccably. Mashariki, Arruba and Oltaiyoni seemed very interested in Secretary Kerry and his group and went up to greet them and interact with them before heading off to browse nearby with the rest of the older group. Lasayen was available for selfies and photo opportunities and seemed to enjoy the attention enormously. Mwashoti, with his best little friend Ngilai, came down to meet the group separate from the rest of the crowd along with Pea and Pod.

Selfies with Lasayen

Angela and John Kerry

Daphne and John Kerry

May 4th

Dupotto continues to be very attached to Embu and always wants to be with her. She has come to learn Embu’s sounds and rumbles and can identify her from a distance. This evening there was a huge storm with lots of thunder and lightning which scared Embu. She cried in fear as she paced up and down her stockade. Dupotto heard her cries and wanted to exit her stockade to go and find Embu to see what was wrong and comfort her. As Dupotto could not leave her stockade as it was night with thunder and lightening all she could do was rumble back to Embu in an effort to reassure her that everything was OK. The two spent the entire night communicating with each other which helped to calm Embu down. This friendship began from the outset when both came into our care around a similar time, both battered and bruised physically and emotionally and theirs is a friendship of healing, codependent and totally committed to each other.

Dupotto stays close to Embu

Embu browses close to Dupotto

May 5th

A consequence of last night’s heavy rain was the fact that Ndotto’s baby group was not able to exit their stockades until the weather improved and it became warmer. Injured Mwashoti and Alamaya who are normally found with the baby group joined the older orphans as they headed out to the bush for the morning. As the sun began to break through the clouds Ndotto’s group were able to leave their stockades and head out. The babies did not venture too far as there were signs that the rains could begin again and we wanted to be able to get them under cover as soon as possible. We have found that Ngilai who is a good friend of Mwashoti’s responds to him in the same way that Dupotto does with Embu and can also identify him from a distance. Mwashoti has a habit of screaming and rumbling as he takes his milk and when Ngilai heard him he rushed to find his friend who was with the older group. As much as they tried the keepers were not able to stop him and he quickly joined his friend who let him know that everything was OK.

Ngilai touching Mwashoti

Ngilai playing with a stick

Alamaya and Mwashoti join the older orphans today

May 6th

Right after the public visiting hour Kithaka, Suswa, Mashariki, Arruba, Rorogoi, Embu, Barsilinga, Lemoyian and Sokotei ran back to the forest in a line trumpeting the entire way as they followed the leaders; Mashariki, Embu and Barsilinga. On the way they came across a buffalo that was headed to the mudbath and quickly moved into the bushes as he saw the orphans approaching him. The orphans charged after him trumpeting and knocking down small bushes. The buffalo sped away deeper into the bushes to avoid the elephants who were hot on his heels before changing direction and rushing past him. This required the Keepers to take evasive action as buffalo and elephants all seemed overly excited by events!

Elephants charging after buffalo

The buffalo takes off


May 7th

Enkikwe has become rather naughty and is always ready to charge and push at the other orphans, his keepers or anyone who comes too close. The keepers have found that due to his pushy nature they always have to be careful when feeding him. Today he knocked down two keepers, one at his 9am feed and one at the public visiting hour. Oltaiyoni who was watching him from a distance was quick to rush in and discipline Enkikwe sending him to a corner and time out as a form of discipline. Kamok has taken after Kithaka and is very mischievous. At the visiting hour a keeper always stays near her to prevent her from getting up to any antics. Today she decided to run up and down the length of the rope, head butting and knocking people as she played in her own way. No one was hurt during her naughty session.

Enkikwe can be very pushy when taking his milk

Oltaiyoni is quick to discipline naughty orphans

Sweet Kamok can be very naughty

May 8th

Boromoko is always a happy and playful elephant and today was no exception. While in the browsing field he engaged Kauro and Olsekki in pushing and mounting games which lasted most of the morning. Despite the nice weather most of the orphans opted not to have a mudbath at the 11am public visiting hour. After downing their milk bottles Dupotto went for a dustbath while Boromoko, the exception, threw himself into the mudbath and had a joyous time wallowing in the water before joining Dupotto at the dustbath, climbing onto her back and rolling in the soil. Dupotto retaliated by charging at him, pushing him back into the water before returning to play in the dust. This game continued until the end of the visit.

Boromoko is a playful elephant

Kauro and his keeper

Boromoko jumps in the mudbath

May 9th

Last night we had another heavy downpour which resulted in a chilly morning as the older orphans exited their stockades. The babies were kept in the stockades a little longer than their older counterparts as we wanted to wait until it was warmer before letting them out. Lasayen, Ndotto and Ngilai were eager to head to the bush and kept knocking at their doors until they were let out to join Mwashoti and Alamaya who were in the field. D'o'l'd'o'l' and Esilalae remained in their stockades a bit longer before joining their friends. Both these elephants are not doing well and are very vulnerable in this chilly wet weather with little reserves. Today Kamok and Mbegu sneaked away from the older group who were busy feeding in the forest to join the babies and spend some time “mothering” them. Mbegu and Kamok will make good mini matriarchs one day as they are both very loving and caring of the babies.

Lasayen was eager to leave his stockade

Mbegu sneaking off to mother the little ones

Ngilai stays close to the stockade today

May 10th

Arruba and Oltaiyoni both seemed to distance themselves from the rest of the orphans today. The two girls spent the morning browsing and playing together away from the rest of their group. They were busy enjoying a mudbath in a rain pool when Barsilinga and Lemoyian showed up and attempted to join them at which time the two girls got up and walked away. In the afternoon Rorogoi and Suswa tried to join Arruba and Oltaiyoni who were browsing together at a distance from the rest. Upon seeing the two coming Arruba and Oltaiyoni moved deeper into the forest making it clear that they just wanted to be left alone to enjoy each other’s company.

Arruba and Oltaiyoni browse away from the others

Oltaiyoni wants to be alone wit Arruba today

Rorogoi tries to join Arruba and Oltaiyoni

May 11th

Maxwell was very excited this morning as the older orphans engaged him in a game before they headed out to the park. Max was by the gate of his stockade feeding on Lucerne when Rorogoi, Mashariki, Kithaka and Oltaiyoni engaged him in a game of running up and down the stockade. They ran down one side as he followed them on the other. The orphans trumpeted loudly which encouraged Maxwell to continue the game for as long as he could before they left him to go to the browsing fields. Kamok and Boromoko today left the older group to spend some time with the babies and played with them. Ngilai was very happy to have them around and stuck close to Kamok sucking on her ears while Ndotto and Lasayen played wrestling games with Boromoko, thrilled to have an older boy to play with. They are developing a hero worship of him. Esilalae is looking a little dull and frail today and has spent most of the day sleeping in the bush. He was placed on a drip in an effort to give him some energy.

Maxwell engages in fun and games

Kithaka enjoys his milk bottle

Lasayen enjoying extra company

May 12th

During today’s public visit Kauro was the main entertainer as he played with Roi. The two kept rolling under the rope cordon which was in front of the visiting students who were very excited to touch them and be near them. The two elephants enjoyed the fuss and attention and this only encouraged them to continue their games with more vigour. Kamok was extremely naughty today as she also got under the rope cordon. However instead of playing she had very mischievous intentions and took to chasing the visitors and ignoring the keepers who were trying to stop her antics and get her back under the rope. While the keepers were having their lunch Siangiki and Roi spent some time with Alamaya. These three little orphans from the Masai Mara have formed a special bond. Ndotto and the rest of the babies joined in too and when they left to rejoin the older orphans they were accompanied by Alamaya and Ndotto. As it turned out, the four did not join their older counterparts choosing instead to browse together as a small group away from the rest. Esilalae's condition was no better today and as such he spent the day in the stable on a drip as we do all we can to help him. We feel we are losing the battle.

Sirimon and Roi

Sokotei and Kauro engage in a game

Kamok playing in the mud

May 13th

Mbegu has become a beautiful and loving girl and has all the qualities of being a great Matriarch one day. In the morning she stops to greet the babies and give them some affection before accompanying the older group out to the park. She is always ready to respond to any cries from them and is quick to come and comfort the babies and do what she can to make them feel better. This morning Mbegu was in the company of Kamok, Kauro, Sirimon and Murit when Lasayen blocked Ngilai from overtaking him in an effort to get to the keepers. Lasayen pushed Ngilai out of the way making him cry out. Mbegu quickly rushed back to find out what was happening with the babies. She ran past the keepers, touching each baby with her trunk to confirm that everything was OK. Sokotei had a wonderful time at the mudbath and rolled around in the water until the end of the visiting hour. Later in the day, while out in the bush Sirimon accidentally pushed Dooldol as they played a wrestling game with Kauro. Once again Mbegu was there charging at Sirimon before coming back to make sure that Dooldol was not hurt.

Mbegu quick to respond to the other elephants

Lasayen and Ndotto play with their keepers

Sokotei enjoying the mud

May 14th

Sadly last night Esilalae fell into a coma and by 9:30 this morning, while the rest of the orphans were out in the bush, Esilalae took his last breath and died surrounded by his loving keepers. It was a very sad day for us all who had done all that we could to save Esilalae and give him a second chance at life. Today Mbegu and Dupotto teamed up to play strength testing games with Kauro who earlier on had been trying to mount Dupotto and the two were successful in beating Kauro. Following their win the two had a lovely time playing in the mudbath chasing each other around and kicking the football.

Sadly we lost little Esilalae

Dupotto happy after games with Kauro and Mbegu

Kauro takes his milk bottle

May 15th

Boromoko, Mbegu, Dupotto and Roi all had a great time showing off at the mudbath during today’s private visit. They ran and rolled and slipped in the water spraying the guests with mud as they played. Kithaka is being extremely naughty and was trying to knock over a school child today and refused to listen to the keepers who were trying to stop him. There was an elephant rescue today from Elkarama ranch in Laikipia. Over the last three weeks an elephant calf, approximately 3 years old, has been seen on his own wandering around trying to join any herd that came by. He has been monitored the entire time and upon seeing that the calf was losing condition the DSWT Meru Vet Unit working in conjunction with KWS were called in to capture the calf and have him brought to the Nairobi Nursery where he can get the care he deserves. The calf was captured in the early morning and by 8am was on the way to Nairobi in a vehicle, as he was too big to be put into a plane, arriving at the Nursery at about 2:15pm. The young male was exhausted on arrival but was eager to feed and immediately started eating the greens that had been placed in the stockade for him. Kamok, Boromoko, Kauro, Mbegu and Murit were brought to the stockades at about 3:30 to meet the calf and comfort and reassure him so that he would know he was not alone. Following very little interest and interaction from the newcomer the group returned to the park. In the evening the new calf showed some interest in Alamaya who is in the stockade next to his. We have called our new baby ElKerama after the ranch, just with a different spelling.

Boromoko playing games in the mudbath

Kithaka our naughty elephant

Roi enjoys her milk bottle

May 16th

Elkerama had a good night and fed on vegetation the entire time. There was good interaction between him and Alamaya and the two communicated with each other through the stockade bars reaching their trunks out in greeting as they smelled one another. In the morning Arruba, Mashariki, Lemoyian, Barsilinga and Suswa all ran to his gate to greet the new orphan and spend some time with him communicating, comforting and reassuring him he had arrived in a good place and that all will be well. Barsilinga tried to reach out and touch him with his trunk but sadly Elkerama was a bit wary and kept backing away. As the orphans left for the bush Elkerama rushed to the stockade door pushing at it in an effort to join him. He is still very wild and has to remain in the stockades until such time as he is feeding well and stronger. He remains very weak, thin and without much strength. Lasayen had a bit of a sleepless night last night and was rather restless, rumbling and crying out. We do not really know what the cause of this was but we think that it could be due to Esilalae’s death as the two used to be in next door stockades and would always communicate with one another in the night.

Suswa taking her milk bottle

Mashariki and Arruba

May 17th

Today was another sad day for the orphans and the keepers as Dooldol died early this morning. All day yesterday he was very weak and frail and did not want to take any of his milk. He was placed on a drip from noon and remained on the drip till the end. This morning Mbegu met up with Ndotto, Lasayen and Ngilai as they were heading out to the bush and after greeting each one of them she noticed that Dooldol was absent from the group and knew that something was wrong. She ran back to the stockades to see if Dooldol was again left behind but upon not finding him realized that he had died. She headed back to rejoin her group and was subdued for the rest of the day and for a while separated herself from the rest of the older orphans choosing to remain with the babies.

Mbegu was subdued for the rest of the day

Ndotto in the bush

May 18th

Elkerama has begun to take his milk from the bottle, a sign that he is more comfortable with the keepers and is getting to trust them. Today the bigger boys, Barsilinga, Kithaka, Lemoyian and Sokotei stopped by his stockade to spend some time with him when they came for their 9am milk feed at the moving truck. Sokotei can be a bit of a bully at times and kept trying to charge Elkerama but Barsilinga was having none of this and chased Sokotei away. Pea and Pod had a wonderful time playing with Kithaka, Arruba, Oltaiyoni, Mashariki and Siangiki out in the bush today. The elephants engaged the ostriches in a chasing game that lasted for quite a while. The orphans would trumpet to get the ostriches to run away after which they would run back towards the orphans with their wings spread wide making the orphans run in different directions before repeating the game from the beginning.

Sokotei can be a bit of a bully at times

Pea and Pod playing with the elephants

Siangiki in a playful mood

May 19th

Last evening a heavy downpour with lots of thunder and lightning left Enkikwe and Embu very unsettled, running around their stockades and trying to get out as they were confused as to what was happening. At around 2am Elkerama started shivering and was unable to take his 3am feed as he was quite weak and at 4am he collapsed. We rallied and did what we could to resurrect him. By 7am he was back on his feet and was taking his milk as well as occasionally charging at the keepers. There was a South Korean film crew here today filming the orphans for a show to bring awareness on poaching and the need to conserve wildlife. During the public visit Roi, Kamok, Murit, Dupotto, Mbegu and Boromoko all entertained the visitors as they engaged each other in games in the mudbath. They wallowed and rolled and sat on their buttocks sliding into the pool.

Enkikwe playing after a restless night

Suswa and Embu after a thundery night

Murit considers a second mudbath

May 20th

The South Korean film crew arrived very early this morning and filmed the orphans as they exited the stockade. Sirimon has been rather naughty today charging all of his younger peers. It was as if he did not want to see Kauro, Olsekki and Roi and whenever he came across them he would charge and chase them away. At 3pm there was a special private visit and the US ambassador came to see the orphans together with other dignitaries from the US. Today Ngilai came down to the public visiting hour for the first time while Ndotto and Lasayen, who are feeling a little under the weather after we think eating a poisonous plant, stayed with their keepers. Kithaka, Lemoyian and Kamok were well behaved today and none of them tried to push the visitors.

Sirimon wanted to be alone today

Lasayen and Ndotto feeling under the weather

Lemoyian is well behaved today

May 21st

Pea and Pod are so used to being with Ndotto’s group that they accompany them wherever they go. At the public visit today it looked like rain and as such Ndotto and Lasayen were returned to the stockades to ensure that they stay warm and dry. The two ostriches on seeing them leave ran after them with their wings raised. Kamok, who also likes to follow Ndotto and Lasayen, was quick to run under the rope to catch up but the keepers were able to get her to come back to the rest of the orphan group. Roi, Dupotto, Mbegu and Boromoko once again had a lovely time at the mudbath entertaining our visiting public.

Ndotto with Pea and Pod

Kamok likes to be with the babies

Roi in the field after visiting

May 22nd

Today Suswa was having a lot of fun out in the bush with Kauro, Sirimon, Enkikwe and Murit. She had bent down and with her tusks dug up some loose soil for the babies to play and dust themselves with. She then began rolling her trunk in the soil. Kauro on seeing her lying down was quick to jump on her back and his actions were copied by the other three youngsters. This game continued for a while. We have found that Arruba is not always happy to have strangers near the baby orphans and she makes this apparent at the private visit when she will sometimes try and push the visitors or swing her trunk at them in an effort to get them away from the babies who she loves and is very protective of.

Suswa having fun in the bush

Kauro also enjoying the mud in the bush

Arruba is very protective

May 23rd

Today at about 10am all the orphans were brought to the stockades so that they could be present when Elkerama was let out of his stockade to join them in the bush. Angela felt it was time as having him in his stockade in this wet weather was not helpful. Despite him remaining a little wild we felt the time was right. When his stockade door was opened Barsilinga and Suswa led the rest of the orphans in. Suswa was a bit of a bully and was pushing him which made him not want to leave and it took about 10 minutes before he left following a gentle push by Barsilinga. Out in the field Arruba kept a close eye on Elkerama, wanting to make sure he was comfortable and feeling loved. Kauro also tried to bully him while Enkikwe and Oltaiyoni wanted to greet him and get to know him. Later in the afternoon Elkerama became a little wild and kept charging the keepers, chasing them away. At 4pm he was returned to the stockades in the company of Arruba, Mashariki and Alamaya as we anticipated problems at the foster parent visit if we left it too late. Once in his stockade the other orphans returned to the bush for the last part of the day.

Barsilinga with Elkerama in the bush

Enkikwe wanted to greet Elkerama

Alamaya helps escort Elkerama

May 24th

The training of the older orphans who will soon be leaving the Nursery is still taking place. This morning Kithaka was a bit of a handful and did not want to do as he was told. Arruba was having her milk while watching what was going on. When she was done she went after Kithaka and led him out to the forest. Elkerama did not go out with the orphans today as the keepers feel he is still a little wild, not as trusting of the keepers and can be aggressive towards them which means he still needs more time before he can be out with the other orphans.

Arruba in the forest

Kithaka can be a bit of a handful

May 25th

It rained heavily last night and continued up until the morning. When it rains Dupotto seems to be unable to sleep and spends the whole night moving around her stockade. It seems she is afraid of the rain and the thunder and lightning that accompanies it. She has probably developed this fear from Embu who suffers badly with this dramatic weather. The other orphans strangely seem completely oblivious. This morning Ndotto appeared dull and weak as the orphans headed out to the bush and he was not brought down for the public visiting hour. His absence appeared to worry Lasayen who was restless and constantly looking around to see if Ndotto would appear. His stomach has been very upset and grumbling so it is clear something he has eaten has not agreed with him. Both he and Lasayen are experimenting with greens and in this wet season, with abundant vegetation, there are noxious plants which the orphans have to be careful of. Normally instinct will see to it that they feed on the correct vegetation. After the public visiting hour Barsilinga, Kithaka, Lemoyian, Mashariki, Suswa, Arruba, Rorogoi, Embu and Suswa went by the stockades to collect Elkerama and take him out to the bush for the afternoon. He was very excited but is still quite wild and continues to charge and chase the keepers. He was returned to the stockades earlier than most of the other orphans to ensure he was already in his enclosure before the foster parents arrived for the 5pm visit. Alamaya, Olsekki, Arruba, Enkikwe, Embu and Roi accompanied him to make things easier on Elkerama and the keepers. Due to the wet and cold weather Maxwell again did not want to leave his “bedroom” and nothing the keepers did was able to coax him to do so. His new extended enclosure is on higher ground and is beautifully dry despite the rain, but blind Maxwell is not overly fond of this extension yet.

Dupotto is quiet after a restless night

Olsekki helps accompany Elkerama

Maxwell doesnt like to leave his bedroom

May 26th

The keepers have noticed that Maxwell does not seem to like the weather that we have been having this month. The older part of his stockade, where his bed is located, is in need of some repair but due to the rains he has been spending most of his time under cover making it difficult for us to do the work. Fortunately today we were able to tempt Maxwell away from his bed and into the new section of his stockade and the work was able to be done. Unfortunately he was not very happy about this development and kept pushing at the stockade door in an effort to come back to the older part of his stockade and to his bed. Today Elkerama was again taken out with the rest of the orphans. He kept the keepers busy and on their toes as he kept disappearing from the rest of the group. He finally settled in the early afternoon when Barsilinga, Mashariki and Oltaiyoni kept him in line and prevented him from leaving by herding him back every time he tried to sneak away. It is amazing how clever these orphans are as they assist the Keepers. Managing Elkerama has become a job that we do together with our orphan friends, and they are more effective with herding Elkerama.

Maxwell waiting patiently to return to bed

Embu, Dupotto and Barsilinga with Elkerama

Mashariki leading

May 27th

Kamok pays frequent visits to Ndotto’s baby group and it seems that she has started to draw Ngilai away from his friend Mwashoti. Kamok is very gentle, calm and caring with Ngilai and lets him suckle her ears which is something that Mwashoti will not allow him to do and pushes him away whenever he tries. Ngilai came to us as an infant, is just going through the teething process, but so far seems to be managing well. Enkikwe seems to not like Kauro who can be very playful with the other orphans and Enkikwe tries to bully Kauro, as he seems to get irritated with Kauro's boistrous character.

Mwashoti and Ngilai

Enkikwe gets annnoyed with Kauro's boisterousness

Kauro has a boisterous nature

May 28th

At about one 1:30am an orphan arrived that had been driven to Nairobi from Meru by the Meru vet team. The team had been called to the Mugwongoh plains to treat a baby elephant that had a snare wound. On arrival they found another calf with a broken hind leg and was lagging behind the rest of the group as he could not keep up. The vet team made the decision to rescue the calf and bring him back to Nairobi, something that was not an easy thing to do. The calf is about a year old and apart from his broken leg he is in good condition. What caused his leg to break is unknown but he may have fallen very badly or been hit or kicked by an older elephant. An X-ray was carried out this afternoon confirming that the leg is broken with both the Tibia and Fibula having a compound fracture with significant crossover. His prognosis is very poor but Angela did not want to rush any decisions before exploring all options. Today Embu was a bit of a bully towards Elkerama following him around, charging at him and keeping him away from the rest of the orphan herd. This went on for the better part of the day and the keepers do not know what has caused this reaction in Embu who is usually a gentle, caring elephant

Embu is usually very gentle by nature

Mbegu with Elkerama

May 29th

Today was moving day for Kithaka, Barsilinga and Lemoyian. Preparations for their move began around 3am at which time the three orphans were led out of their stockades to be loaded into the moving truck. The keepers used the milk bottles to coax the orphans into the truck. Barsilinga and Lemoyian were easily loaded but Kithaka was a different matter as he kept half his body outside making it impossible to close the door and after his milk he made his way back to his stockade. The keepers were able to turn him around and lead him back to the truck but once again he would not go into his “room” which meant that he had to be pushed in by the keepers which was not an easy task. Finally they were able to load him and the door was closed and locked with the long journey to Ithumba, the orphan’s new home, beginning at about 3:45am. The orphans who were left behind were a bit confused when they exited their stockades in the morning and did not see Kithaka, Barsilinga and Lemoyian in their midst. They all spent the day in close proximity of one another. Sokotei seems to be most affected by the leaving of the three boys as he used to love being with Lemoyian and the two would often be seen browsing together away from the rest of the group.

Lemoyian Kithaka and Barsilinga at Ithumba

Lemoyian settled quickly

Kithaka and Barsilinga at home in Ithumba

May 30th

The new orphan that came in from Meru has been called Ura. Due to his injuries and the fact that he is still aggressive and does not take milk from the keepers he continues to be kept in the stockade. Whenever he sees the orphans leaving for the day he pushes at his stockade gate wanting to join the group. Elkerama has noticed that Barsilinga, Lemoyian and Kithaka are no longer in the nursery and feels a bit out of sorts. Today he was accompanied out to the bush by Arruba and Suswa but he was restless and ran off and joined a herd of buffaloes taking off into the thicket. A search for him was mounted and about four hours later he was found and led back to the orphans. He did not want to stay with the older group and as such remained with Ndotto’s group made up of Mbegu, Kauro, Roi, and Kamok. This little herd of six orphans spent the day together and Elkerama seems to be very comfortable and enjoying the company of the smaller orphans.

Arruba taking water

Suswa relaxing

Elkerama heads off alone

May 31st

This morning, while the orphans were all out in the bush together, Mwashoti tried to challenge Boromoko, Olsekki, Kamok and Kauro in pushing games. It all started when Boromoko tried to bully Mwashoti who pushed back. Kauro then came to try and mount Mwashoti who was with Ngilai and was busy preventing him from sucking his ears. Kamok then came close so as to allow Ngilai to suck her ears. Mwashoti pushed Kamok away and the two had a short strength testing game. Kamok was able to overpower Mwashoti and walked off with Ngilai.

Mwashoti is getting stronger

Mwashoti is very close with Ngilai

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