Ithumba Reintegration Unit

May 2007

Daily updates

May 1st

Out in the feeding area, Rapsu, Kora and Ndomot had a pushing game together, which ended when Rapsu mounted onto Ndomot. Kora, not wanting the same treatment, ran off. At the mudbath, everyone was surprised when Kora joined Lualeni and Naserian actually in the wallow, since he usually would rather not go into the wallow, normally just disappearing off to wait in the bush having had a drink. Sunyei found herself stuck and unable to get up, so she yelled for help, and instantly Kinna arrived to help lift her up. In the evening, Challa found himself separated from the others, so he remained close to the Keepers until they led him to join the others.

Lualeni playing in the water

May 2nd

Yatta led the group westwards on a cloudy morning. After mudbath the group split into two, one led by Nasalot and the other by Yatta, both groups rejoining prior to the return in the evening.

Yatta mud bathing

May 3rd

Having enjoyed a drink, Mulika led the group out on a lovely morning, all the elephants swinging their trunks from side to side as a sign of happiness. At mudbath, 4 warthogs arrived to quench their thirst, but Yatta, Kinna and Nasalot spotted them, after which all hell broke out as the entire group, led by the older members dispatched the intruders in a rowdy group charge.

Mulika playing with a stick

May 4th

Today, Lualeni, Kora and Naserian, who are inseparable, led the group out where all concentrated on feeding. At the mudwallow, after the youngsters had taken their milk, the older elephants led the group back to browse, without taking a wallow.

Naserian and Kora playing

May 5th

After a long drink, since the orphans faced a hot day out in the bush, Kora and Lualeni led the group out. By 9 a.m., it was already unbearably hot, so the orphans sought shade. At mudbath time, Napasha, Yatta, Kinna and Galana rushed into the wallow for a cooler, soon joined by the others.

Orphans enjoying the mudbath

May 6th

Following the usual Stockade drink and games, Nasalot, followed by Lualeni and Kora led the herd out to browse this morning. Yatta and Mulika followed later. It was a hot day, so there was a lot of ear flapping to try and keep cool, until 11 a.m. when Kora decided it was time to head for the mudbath, and led the group off. All enjoyed an exuberant and lengthy mudwallow, including Kora.

Kora leading

May 7th

Having left the Stockade, Nasalot, Buchuma, Napasha and Wendi headed to nearby rocks to scratch themselves before joining the rest. Meanwhile Rapsu and Tomboi engaged one another in a strength test, which was interrupted by Nasalot. The orphans filed out following Yatta. It was a very hot day, making the orphans uncomfortable, so today Rapsu led the way to the milk venue in a hurry, arriving several minutes before the next orphan. By the time the rest arrived Rapsu was already ending his mudbath.

Buchuma standing in the shade

May 8th

Today it was cool, with a nice breeze coming from the East, so the orphans took advantage to head out hurriedly to browse, leaving Madiba and Ndomot behind, who were enjoying a pushing bout. There seemed to be no clear winner, until Yatta decided that enough was enough, and returned to fetch them, forcing them to walk ahead of her. After the mudbath, it was Wendi and Galana that led the way back to the browsing area.

A keeper writing in the diary

May 9th

It was a cool morning, so the orphans enjoyed some warming up exercises, rolling on the ground, others swinging their trunks whilst the boys engaged one another in shoving bouts. Mulika and Selengai led the way out today, heading towards the slopes of Ithumba Hill, where they all settled down to feed throughout the morning, in no hurry to go to the mudwallow until the Keepers decided that it was milk time for the smaller orphans. The Keepers split the orphans into three groups, as usual, with Kora, Lualeni, Challo and Naserian the front runners, followed by Buchuma, Sunyei, Ndomot and Sidai and finally the last group of Yatta and the older elephants.

Selengai at the stockades in the morning

May 10th

Another lovely morning, so the orphans gathered under the Acacia trees, as though in consultation about where to head today, Yatta, Nasalot, Mulika and Kinna in a huddle, as though in a Meeting. Mulika then rumbled, calling the rest to follow with Yatta at the rear to ensure that no-one was left behind. Out in the browsing area, suddenly a troupe of baboons interrupted the peace, resulting in a charge led by Yatta and Napasha and a good deal of trumpeting, which didn’t seem to bother the baboons much. They merely avoided the elephants and walked past.

Yatta & Kinna

May 11th

Another cool morning, with a breeze from the East. Yatta, Mulika, Nasalot and Kinna again consulted about where to lead the others, after which Kinna led the way, again with Yatta following to ensure all were in line. In the field a disagreement arose between Olmalo and Lualeni, when Lualeni went to feed next to Yatta, of whom Olmalo (as the favourite of Yatta) is very possessive. Olmalo pushed Lualeni away from Yatta, resulting in a tussle which brought Wendi and Sunyei in to solve the problem. Since it was cool, none of the elephants felt like a mudwallow today.

Ol Malo scratching

May 12th

Another cool morning with a light drizzle. Yatta led the way. After the noon milk feed, Lualeni, Kora, Naserian, Madiba and Sunyei gathered together, obviously in discussion, and soon afterwards the Keepers were surprised to see them moving off together in a different direction to all the others. The Keepers called them back to wait for the others, who had not yet arrived at the mudbath. Since it was a cool day, the orphans took a long walk out to feed.

Sunyei playing

May 13th

The day was welcomed with exuberance by the orphans, Sunyei running around trumpeting and charging, which drew the attention of the young ones, who all joined in turning the morning into a noisy one. Come time to leave the Stockades, there seemed to be some disagreement about where to go to feed, Yatta and Mulika heading in one direction and Kinna in another, which confused the others. There was a light drizzle throughout the day, which the orphans enjoyed, and didn’t walk far today, so the Keepers had an easy time monitoring them.

Sunrise at Ithumba

May 14th

There were light showers again today. Out in the field Buchuma and Tomboi decided to warm up with a pushing game, which deteriorated into a battle, which ended with no clear winner. Lualeni was seen copying Yatta, obviously learning about how a Matriarch should conduct herself. Since she was a Mini Matriarch of the Nursery, she obviously is eager to climb the ladder!

Lualeni rumbling

May 15th

Clear skies heralded a hot day ahead as Mulika and Yatta led the group out to browse. By 9 a.m. it was so hot that the orphans sought a shaded area in which to feed. All enjoyed the mudbath, before heading back to feed.

The orphans wallowing

May 16th

Today was much cooler. As some of the orphans took a drink, Madiba, Naserian, Buchuma and Selengai scratched their bottoms on the sides of the trough. Later Olmalo and Lualeni engaged each other in a pushing game, as did Madiba and Kora, while Tomboi tutored Orok in pushing tactics. At the mudbath Ndomot and Buchuma had a pushing game, which delayed their wallowing.

Ndomot having some water

May 17th

Yatta led the way out today, the rest following swinging their trunks happily from side to side. At l0 a.m., out in the field, there was tension when a lion roared some distance away. Nasalot and Yatta mobilized all the orphans, who walked to their Keepers with trunks high in the air. The Keepers calmed them down and assured safety by walking in their midst. From time to time Yatta was seen sniffing the air, checking that all was well. At the mudath Lualeni and Naserian had a wonderful time, rolling around together, tempting Kora to step in. In the evening, Nasalot and Orok were moved into Yatta’s Stockade to make room for the expected three new arrivals from the Nairobi Nursery in a few days time.

Yatta sniffing the air

May 18th

In the morning, there was a contest about who should lead the way, Lualeni, Sidai, Kora and Challa in competition for the privilege, a contest won by Kora. Out in the field Buchuma and Ndomot engaged one another in a pushing match, which was interrupted by Mulika. At the mudbath, some orphans opted out, and enjoyed a dust-bath instead.

Sunyei soil bathing

May 19th

Having stepped out of the Night Stockade, Yatta greeted each orphan, touching them with her trunk. As the elephants were taking their morning drink, Kora spotted a dikdik and plucked up courage to charge it and trumpet. The dikdik disappeared rapidly, leaving Kora, Sidai, Buchuma and Challa charging around the bushes and breaking down small shrubs. Out in the Park, Rapsu and Madiba engaged one another in a pushing bout, which lasted until Sunyei came in to assist Madiba. Since it was another hot day, all the orphans enjoyed the mudwallow, after which Kora led the way back to the field to feed.


May 20th

As the orphans were taking their morning drink, Nasalot and Kinna realizsed that Orok was not nearby, since he was busy scratching himself at the rocks. They rumbled loudly after which Orok rumbled, and the two big elephants went to check that he was O.K. At noon Naserian led the first group to the milk venue, whilst Sunyei led the second batch, and finally Rapsu arrived with the last lot. After the mudbath, since it was still hot, the orphans relaxed under shade for some hours until it cooled down.

Orok followed by Nasalot

May 21st

There was tension at the water trough when two wild dogs appeared, also wanting to take a drink. Yatta, Mulika, Napasha and Nasalot drove the dogs away, in a noisy charge. Clear skies heralded another hot day, but even so, after having taken milk at noon, Naserian, Kora and Lualeni decided to head out again, without taking a wallow, leaving the others in the mudbath. In the evening the orphans split into two groups, one led by Kinna and Nasalot who took their charges to the seasonal river bank, while Yatta and Sunyei kept the second group close to their Keepers. When it came time to leave for the Night Stockades, the Keepers counted the elephants, only to find that Lualeni, Kinna, Orok, Nasalot, Naserian and Buchuma were missing. As the Keepers mounted the usual search, Sunyei came to the rescue as usual, leading the Keepers and sniffing the air from time to time to determine the direction. It was a long walk before, they came across the missing six, who had already begun the journey back to their Night quarters. There followed the usual exuberant welcome.

Orphans marching home

May 22nd

The Keepers then steered the orphans to the Kalovota river line, where there is still plenty of browse. At l0 a.m. Madiba expressed his wellbeing by rolling on the ground, which attracted Ndomot, his Nursery playmate, so both rolled around together. Later Buchuma arrived to challenge Ndomot to a pushing contest which lasted quite a long time until Madiba intervened on the side of Ndomot, overpowering Buchuma.


May 23rd

Soon after leaving the Stockade, the orphans gathered around the water trough, remaining there for a long time, every now and then raising their trunks to sniff the air. They were reluctant to follow the Keepers, who called them to move eastwards, but instead the elephants headed in a westerly direction. Shortly afterwards, four wild dogs arrived from an easterly direction, so the Keepers understood now why the elephants disobeyed their orders. Yatta, Nasalot and Mulika trumpeted, and charged the dogs, applauded by all the others, who were also trumpeting, and who had gathered around their Keepers for protection.

Taita at the stockade

May 24th

It was a Big Day for the orphans – the day another three arrivals from the Nairobi Nursery were on their way to join them, namely Kenze, Sian and Loijuk. Meanwhile, Rapsu was running after Sidai intent on mounting her, Taita and Napasha were engaged in a pushing game, whilst Wendi and the others scratched themselves against nearby trees. Soon it was time to leave, but the orphans never wandered far, as though they knew that the new arrivals were expected. Shortly after 2 p.m., the three truks drew in with Kenze, Loijuk and Sian aboard. Naserian and Lualeni were the first to welcome the new arrivals, followed by the older group. The air was filled with excited trumpets, rumbling and bellowing, as all the elephants searched for, and checked out, the new arrivals. Kenze was the most popular amongst the group of older elephants, who eagerly followed him everywhere he went, forgetting about Orok for a time. Back in the field, there was very little feeding, since all the elephants were so interested in the new arrivals. Kora and Buchuma wanted to assert their authority in a bullying manner, but were warned off by the Keepers. Surprisingly, Yatta remained with Olmalo, walking slowly behind and watching events. When it came time to return in the evening, the Keepers had a hectic time, as no orphan wanted to be either in the second or third group as usual, but all wanted to accompany the new babies back to the Stockade. At long last the Keepers succeeded, but Kenze insisted on remaining behind with Nasalot and the Big Group. The day ended without Sian, Loijuk or Kenze showing any signs of stress or discomfort over their new circumstances.

Naserian sniffs at one of the new arrivals

May 25th

The three babies woke up in a fine mood and were led by Naserian to the water trough where they were joined by Nasalot and the rest of the group. Nasalot still showed great interest in Kenze, following him closely wherever he went, with Orok behind her. Out in the field, Buchuma tried to push Kenze away from Nasalot in order to challenge him to a pushing bout, but Nasalot thwarted him and pushed him away instead. By l0 a.m., it was very hot, and Kenze, Sian and Loijuk had to draw water from their stomach to splash behind their ears, not having yet adapted to the hotter climate of Ithumba. At noon, Sidai joined the three newcomers, escorting them to their milk, after which all enjoyed a good mudbath along with Maserian, Lualeni and Kora. Afterwards, Yatta led them all off to browse until evening.

Nasalot with Kenze

May 26th

Today, out in the field, Buchuma kept on trying to mount onto Sian whenever she was away from the older elephants. Sian noticed this, and was careful to keep near to Mulika and Kinna, who defended her whenever Buchuma approached. In the evening Sian, Loijuk and Kenze enjoyed a soft drizzle, which cooled things off. At 5 p.m., Kora, Naserian, Lualeni, Sian, Loijuk and Kenze were in the first group, who left for the Night Stockades.

Sian scratching behind her ear

May 27th

At 6.30 a.m., as the orphans were quenching their thirst at the Stockade trough, Yatta, Mulika and Kinna raised their trunks in the air, sensing danger. Soon afterwards a group of wild dogs appeared from the nearby thicket making yipping sounds as they pursued a dikdik, frightening Kenze, Loijuk and Sian, who had never seen wild dogs before. Nasalot came to calm them down before leading them out to the field, but the three newcomers, who were nervous still, fed close to the Keepers for the rest of the day.

Nasalot going up a river bank

May 28th

Having taken water, surprisingly it was Sian, Loijuk and Kenze who led the way out, with all the others streaming behind them. After the mudbath, Sian led the others in the direction of Kone for three hours into extremely thick bush. The Keepers finally managed to bring Sian under control, and reverse direction, by which time everyone, both Keepers and elephants were tired. The older orphans walked behind all the others, and it was not until 7.30 p.m. that the first group and their Keepers arrived at the Stockade, very tired. Olmalo came last group, 30 minutes later, always a slow coach, with Yatta keeping her company, thus closing the Chapter.

Sian and Loijuk leading

May 29th

After the usual Stockade games, and a drink at the water trough, the orphans fed peacefully for 2 hours until Ndomot and Tomboi began a pushing game, after which Madiba and Naserian, followed by Buchuma and Kora all followed suit. Kenze, Loijuk and Sian were spectators, in amongst the Big Girls and therefore well out of the fray. These three newcomers were the first at the mudbath for their noon bottles of milk.

May 30th

Kenze, Loijuk and Sian went with the Big Elephants, swinging their trunks happily, after having taken water at the Stockade trough. Lualeni, Sian and Naserian enjoyed a wonderful mudbath at noon as Wendi, as usual concentrated on the human visitors. When Kenze, Loijuk and Sian quit the mudbath, the rest of the herd followed bringing the wallowing exercise to an abrupt end.

May 31st

Happy trumpeting filled the air as the orphans left the Stockades in the morning, whilst the youngsters waited for the older elephants to decide in which direction to lead today. In the end Yatta steered the orphans towards the slopes of Ithumba Hill. On the way Yatta and Kinna took a dustbath in some loose soil. Loijuk spent time glued to Mulika, who kept touching her to reassure her. Again, it was Kenze, Loijuk and Sian who led the first group to the milk venue at noon.

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