Nairobi Nursery Unit

March 2014

Daily updates

March 2014








March 1st

Just before 7 p.m. Solio returned and immediately went to Maxwell’s side Gate, snorting to announce her presence. Max already sensed that she was coming and was busy galloping around his Stockade with his tail erect! They locked horns to spar through the bars for a few minutes, before Solio settled down to feed on Max’s Lucerne ration which was just outside his Gate.

Solio feeding on Lucerne outside Max's stockade

Maxwell and Solio

March 2nd

Murera has always been prone to walking far afield, usually on her own, but she now takes along an entourage with her comprised of her best friend Sonje, her favoiurite, Lemoyian, Oltaiyoni who is Sonje’s favourite, Faraja, Teleki, Rorogoi and Qwanza, plus whoever else would like to come along, taking them deep into the forest. They are often reluctant to return, so the Keepers have to mount a search. The two Big Girls, Murera and Sonje, will soon be transferred to the new Umani Springs Rehabilitation Centre for our invalid elephants, where they will be joined by Mbirikani from Voi. Both are now ready for the next phase of growing up.

big girl Murera

Murera leading the others into the bush

Sonje having fun at the mudbath

March 3rd

Ngasha has developed into another greedy bully boy, who takes his milk feeds rapidly and then jumps around trying to snatch the bottles of others as they are enjoying theirs!

A growing Ngasha

Ngasha and Orwa

March 4th

Today at the 9 a.m. milk feed Kithaka challenged Barsilinga to a test of strength which turned into a serious encounter. However Barsilinga would not give in, and eventually Kithaka had to accept defeat and resort to taking on Lemoyian instead strength, venting his frustration by head-butting Lemoyian which took Lemoyian by surprise!


Barsilinga enjoying a dustbath


March 5th

Today Orwa challenged Teleki to a test of strength. Teleki gave a very good account of himself, until Sonje interrupted the game forcing the two boys to separate.


Teleki and Sonje

Sonje and Teleki

March 6th

Little Olodare, who has managed to come through his teething, and who has always been a fragile baby, is looking better. His sunken cheeks are beginning to fill out and he is beginning to play, which is always a good sign. Kamok, Ashaka and little Kauro, who has sprouted one tooth, are all still in good shape.

Ashaka and Kamok

Ashaka enjoying the dirt

Kamok and Keeper Julius

March 7th

It was coconut oiling day for the Nursery elephants. Rorogoi and Ziwa tried to evade the inevitable, but were rounded up by the Keepers. After the oiling (which is good for the skin) all the elephants enjoy a dustbath, the bigger elephants such as Orwa, Murera, Sonje, Bomani, Qwanza, Zongoloni, digging up soil for the babies to spray over themselves.

Rorogoi trying to avoid the oiling

Ziwas at the dustbash

School children enjoying the elephants

March 8th

Oltaiyoni and Barsilinga and becoming quite competitive, especially as they are Stable neighbours at night, and Barsilinga often tries to snatch Oltaiyoni’s greens during the night.

Oltaiyoni suckling

Barsilinga out in the bush

Oltaiyoni with a keeper

March 9th

It was a very hot day today, so all the orphans thoroughly enjoyed their noon mudbath hour, putting on a spectacular performance for the visiting public. Murera and Sonje threw mud in the direction of the visitors every now and then, thinking they should also enjoy the mudbath! The public were amazed at the dexterity of the elephant trunks.


Murera enjoying the muddy water

Murera getting ready to spray her human visitors!

March 10th

Solio returned to the Stockades at 3 p.m. approaching Maxwell’s side Gate in Charging Mode. As usual they had a busy time sparring through the bars, until Solio settled down to feed on Maxwell’s Lucerne pile. Later she took a drink from one of the bins, and then headed back into the Park.



March 11th

It was another hot noon, so the orphans again thoroughly enjoyed their mudbath, Kithaka, Barsilinga and Lemoyian engaging one another in a spirited tussle that entertained the public. After the three boys had vacated the wallow, Teleki and Sonje took over, after which they enjoyed a dustbath.

Lemonyian and Barsilinga

Mudbath fun

March 12th

This morning Olodare emerged from his stable with a swelling on his right hind leg, which seemed very painful. We received another young orphan rescued from the Meibai Conservancy near Wamba this morning, who had apparently fallen into an erosion gulley. The baby, estimated to be about 2 weeks old, and a female, came in with seriously septic feet, obviously having walked a long distance over difficult terrain. The calf was weak, and was put on Life Support immediately after arrival. She was named Lekupeh after the area in which she was found.



March 13th

The swelling on little Olodare’s leg near the knee joint is still painful, although so far he is managing to keep up with the other small babies. He is feeding well, and still has a happy face. The newcomer, Lekupeh, bellowed all last night, crying for her mother, which upset all the other orphans. All emerged tired after a sleepless night.

Lekupeh missing her mother

Olodare has a sore leg today

March 14th

Lekupeh’s feet remain septic under the pads, which entailed a thorough cleaning and the application of green clay. She is in a lot of pain, but has bonded with her Keepers, keeping close to them and suckling their fingers for comfort. Zongoloni and Farja have been enjoying the lush vegetation of late due to a little rain.


Faraja at the mud hole

March 15th

Poor little Olodare is suffering the affects of his swollen leg still. Although he manages to accompany Kamok, Ashaka, and Kauro into the bush, he cannot walk far so the babies are being kept closer to home. Lekupeh woke up this morning looking “dull”, with loose stools and a climbing white cell count, despite the antibiotic injections. She was put on life support to try and restore her Glucose levels. Her septic foot pads are very painful, and oozing pus, so they have to be cleaned and anointed with green clay. She remains closer to home than the other three babies.


Lekupeh receiving treatment

March 16th

Lekupeh still has no appetite for her milk, but has taken some re-hydrant by mouth. She is looking weak and was put back on life support, after which she took some milk during the night.

Lekupeh taking a little milk

March 17th

Good news is that Kauro is still looking strong, despite the appearance of his first molar on the upper jaw. He has yet to suffer the usual affects of teething, so we keep our fingers crossed that he will overcome teething without the usual problems, being a robust calf.

Kauro feeding

March 18th

Little Lekupeh is looking a little better this morning, having been on life support and taken her night ration of milk. However, the pads on her hind legs are still very infected, and need cleaning and anointing with Green Clay each day. Meanwhile Olodare’s swollen leg is looking a little better today, the swelling having reduced dramatically.

Lekupeh feeling a little better

Olodare in the bush

March 19th

Every day brings new twists and turns in the Nursery. Whereas Olodare looked so much better yesterday, at 3 a.m. he refused his milk feed, and did so again at 6 a.m. When he again refused his 9 a.m. feed, he was put on Life Support. A blood test revealed no bacterial infection, but his umbilical hernia seems to be causing him problems. The Vet considers him still too young for an operation on his umbilicus hernia.

Oladare with Lekupeh

March 20th

Whilst the orphans greeted one another and welcomed another morning, Bomani and Ziwa enjoyed a friendly Pushing Game. Teleki would have liked to join in, but the two boys were not eager to encourage him since he has sharp tusks! Instead the contestants strolled away and began browsing.


Bomani at the water hole

March 21st

A further blood test on little Lekupeh indicated a mounting white cell count, undoubtedly caused by her septic feet, which so far neither Green Clay or injectable antibiotics have been able to control. Despite anxiety over the condition of two our tiny babies, another heartbreaking incident occurred at 5.30 p.m. when 5 lions ambushed our precious orphaned Thomson’s Gazelle, Geri, and snatched her right before our eyes in the Trust compound. There was nothing we could do to save her, because it all happened so rapidly and unexpectedly, but it left the entire Nursery Staff in shock and deep grief, because little Geri was part of the orphaned family, and dearly loved by us all. Her life had been saved three times previously, once from a Bushmeat Poacher in neighbouring Ongata Rongai who had found her as a newborn and was about to eat her for lunch; then by Angela who confronted a huge rogue baboon who jumped through the bedroom window and snatched Geri from the carpet, and on the third occasion when Angela gave chase to, and confronted the same lion pride who had snatched Geri from Angela’s porch just after the noon day Open Hour. Her absence has left a huge void in our lives.


March 22nd

Olodare is still very unwell, his blood test indicating loss of red blood platelets, so the Vet decided to give him a blood transfusion from Teleki. Garzi and Nelion are looking well which is encouraging after our worries with Olodare.

Teleki the blood giver


Garzi with Lemoyian

March 23rd

Little Lekupeh is still ailing and becoming weaker. She was on Life Support again all morning, but by 6 p.m. she breathed her last and passed away – a great sadness for all who had strived so hard to save this precious elephant life, but sadly it was not to be. A couple of hours later we lost precious little Olodare, so March has been a tragic month for us in the Nairobi Nursery. Geri, Lekupeh and Olodare will all be missed sorely, but never ever forgotten.

Some of our orphans

March 24th

Solio made another visit to the Stockades today at 5 p.m. just as the foster parents were coming to watch the orphans being put to bed. As usual Maxwell was wildly excited by the prospect of another interaction with Solio which took place at his Stockade Gate, much to the delight of the foster parents, many of whom had never had an opportunity to see a Black Rhino. Afterwards Solio went into her Stockade and was locked in until the foster-parents departed at 6.30 p.m. when her Gate was left ajar so that she could leave at will. Solio is fully integrated into the wild Black Rhino community of Nairobi National Park now, and one of the Trust’s Black Rhino successes, having been hand-reared from the age of 6 months when her mother was killed by Poachers in Solio Ranch. She was born in March 2010 so is now 4 years old. The orphans had a good day in general.

The orphans out and about

March 25th

Light rain showers fell overnight, so the orphans enjoyed a morning of mudbathing out in the bush in natural rain puddles, Arruba, Kithaka, Lemoyian, Mashariki, and Rorogoi putting on a spirited performance. Suddenly a warthog family, who had managed to escape an ambush by the same lions that snatched Geri, rushed past the wallowers which left all the elephants also nervous. The Keepers escorted the orphans in another direction to browse, where they soon settled down again.

Arruba drinking milk

Mashariki in the bush

Mashariki and Arruba

March 26th

After the orphans had taken their 3 p.m. feed, Kithaka was feeding in a thicket when a huge python which had been in hiding emerged, scaring him witless! He rushed back to the Keepers screaming, and this triggered a mass Bush-Bashing Session by all the others. The Keepers had difficulty calming them down!

Kithaka and the other orphans

March 27th

The three tiny babies, overseen by little Kamok, are all doing well and putting on condition. Kamok and Ashaka and attempting soft greens now, and little Kauro, who is in the midst of teething, is coping admirably. Kamok enjoys running along the cordon that separates the mudbath public, bumping into anyone close to the cordon, particularly targeting small visiting school children. Who run off screaming, and this makes her feel very important!

Kamok and Ashaka

Kamok with Julius

March 28th

It’s Friday and Coconut Oiling Day,for all the orphans including Balguda and Faraja. Rorogoi and Ziwa tried to evade the ritual, but were rounded up by the Keepers and forced to comply. Later all enjoyed soil bathing.

Balguda after the oiling

Faraja also enjoys the oiling

March 29th

Since the three tiny babies have joined the noon Public Hour, Arruba, Suswa and Mashariki want to “mother them” but Kamok and Ashaka run to the Keepers. Arruba loves embracing the babies, laying her trunk lovingly across Kamok’s back while Mashariki does the same to Ashaka and Suswa focuses on little Kauro.




March 30th

As the orphans were browsing in the forest, Arruba, Rorogoi, Suswa and Vuria disturbed a lone buffalo who was resting in a thicket. All ran off bellowing and ended up back at the Stockades, impervious to the Keepers who were attempting to recall them.

Vuria safely at the mudbath

Suswa in the bush near the buffalo

Arruba in the bush

March 31st

It was a hot day at month end, and all the orphans thoroughly enjoyed wallowing at noon. Even Murera, who normally throws mud over her body, lay down in the wallow with Lima lima and Qwanza enjoying rubbing up against her. Murera, although still limping on the stiff hind leg, has learnt how to cope with her disability in a remarkable way.

Murera enjoying the water


Lima Lima enjoys the water hole

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