March 1st
Before heading out to browse, the Juniors were joined and interacted with all the Ex Orphans accompanied by some wild friends at the Stockade compound. It was a very hot day prompting the Juniors to seek shade throughout the day, and all thoroughly enjoyed their mudbath. That evening the Big wild Bull named “Mshale” came to drink at the trough, limping from a fresh arrow wound.
Orphans and Ex Orphans feeding on Lucerne
Orphans relaxing in the shade
March 2nd
Again the Ex Orphans and their wild friends joined the Juniors at the Stockade compound. After the Juniors had left, the Ex Orphans and their wild friends hung around for a long time. Meanwhile the Juniors thoroughly enjoyed the mudbath on a hot day and that afternoon were joined by Lualeni who took them for a second mudbath before returning to the Stockades in the evening.
Lualeni feeding with the orphans
Orphans enjoying the mudbath
March 3rd
The Ex Orphans and their wild friends came to drink at the Stockade trough after the Juniors had already left. Ololoo challenged Kandecha to a Pushing Match, but had to surrender in the end. Mshale, still limping, and accompanied by several other Big Bulls came to the mudbath soon after the Juniors had left.
Ex oprhans and wild friends at the stockade
Mshale and two friends having a drink
Ololoo and Kandecha strength testing
March 4th
The Juniors went to enjoy their Lucerne supplement, swinging their trunks from side to side in happiness. Later they were joined at the water trough by some wild elephants. In the evening the Ex Orphans came to the stockade, followed by Mshale who was accompanied by 20 wild bulls, all of whom joined the Ex Orphans. Mshale’s arrow wound looked a lot worse, exuding a fetid smell.
Orphans sharing water with wild bulls
Mshale at the stockade with arrow wound
March 5th
Two wild dogs came to drink at the Stockades this morning, after which the Juniors were joined by the Ex Orphans and their wild friends. Later the Juniors headed to the Kanziku area while the Ex Orphans went eastwards. At the noon mudbath the Juniors were joined by 13 wild elephants who remained at the mudbath after the Juniors had departed for the afternoon’s browsing session.
Wild elephants join the orphans at the mudbath
March 6th
At l0 a.m. Mshale and 5 “askaris” came to drink. The Vet was waiting, and managed to immobilize Mshale, removing two arrowheads and cleaning the suppurating wound, after which Mshale was revived, and went to join his friends again.
Mshale is immobilized for treatment
The vet cleaning an arrow wound
Arrowhead that was removed from Mshale
March 7th
Mshale came to drink again, accompanied by two other Bulls. He was walking better today. In the evening the Big Bull named “Rafiki” came to drink at the Stockades with 8 wild friends.
Mshale coming for a drink of water
Rafiki leaving the wild elephants
March 8th
Five wild elephants joined the Juniors at their mudbath trough and later for a wallow. The orphans left the wild herd there when they returned to browse during the afternoon. In the evening Rafiki turned up again at the Stockades, this time accompanied by l0 other Bulls. Shortly afterwards “Half Trunk” and 6 other Bulls joined them followed by all the Ex Orphans who were with 4 other wild Bulls.
Challa and a wild elephant
Naserian and a wild elephant drinking
March 9th
The Juniors settled to browse along the eastern side of the Kalovoto river. Shukuru led the way back to the Stockade where the Juniors took their milk. As they were later relaxing under shade, Mshale and 13 wild Bulls came to drink, so the Juniors enjoyed intermingling with the Big Guys. In the evening the Ex Orphans turned up accompanied by 8 wild friends.
Ex orphans and wild friends
March 10th
After the Junior Boys had enjoyed their usual Strength Testing exercises, Melia led the Juniors out. At noon Rafiki, Half Trunk and 25 wild Bulls came to drink at the Stockades. At noon the Ex Orphans joined the Juniors at their noon mudbath when Mwende (Mulika’s wild-born baby) enjoyed playing with Murka.
Wild elephants at the stockade
March 11th
Led by Tumaren, the Juniors headed out to the Kalovoto area, having taken water. All enjoyed the mudbath on a dry, hot day, followed by a dustbath on the bank of a nearby road. In the evening a wild elephant with arrow wounds came to the Stockades with the Ex Orphans. The Vet was able to dart the wounded elephant, remove the arrow and treat the wound. Later Half Trunk turned up with l0 wild Bulls.
Chemi Chemi submerging in the water
Wild elephant with an arrow wound
March 12th
After the Juniors had left, the Ex Orphans and 28 wild friends came to drink at the Stockade water trough. Among them was Rafiki, Half Trunk and the wild Bull treated yesterday. After the noon mudbath, the Juniors browsed the slopes of Mazinga Hill.
Rafiki with some wild friends
March 13th
The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors at the Stockades this morning. Kibo engaged Kilaguni in a Pushing Game which ended when Kibo tried to mount onto Kilaguni. Half Trunk and 4 wild Bulls joined the Juniors at their mudbath trough and enjoyed wallowing together. Suguta remained behind drinking with the wild Bulls as the other Juniors began leaving.
Kibo and Kilaguni strength testing
March 14th
The Heavens opened today at 7 a.m. and after an hour of heavy rain, the natural waterholes were left holding some water, and the orphans had a marvelous time rolling in the wet soil and drinking from the puddles. Only Kora and Lualeni came to the Stockades today.
Lualeni joins the orphans in the morning
Orphans at a bush waterhole
March 15th
At 5 a.m. Tano was loaded onto the Elephant Moving Truck for the journey back to the Nairobi Nursery. Ever since being at Ithumba, she has not done well, walking slowly and having difficulty in keeping up with the others. She will be returned to the Nursery for further diagnosis and treatment. Kibo and Kilaguni enjoyed a Pushing Game today after which Kilaguni engaged Ololoo. None of the orphans were interested in the mudbath today, because there are wallows and water everywhere!
Tano heading to the moving truck
Kilkaguni strength testing with Ololoo
Kibo plays with Kilagauni
March 16th
The Orphans enjoyed the fresh new shoots that were beginning to emerge after the rain. At the mudbath only the Junior boys went in - Kasigau Ololoo, Kilaguni, Kandecha and Kanjoro.
March 17th
Makireti led the Juniors out today. At 9 a.m. the Ex Orphans and 2 wild Bulls passed by the Stockades.
Ex orphans at the stockade
March 18th
Naisula led the Juniors out today. At noon only Kasigau, Ololoo, Kandecha and Kalama wallowed, while the rest continued to browse around the mudbath. At 1 p.m. the Ex Orphans came to the Stockade, but without Yatta and her baby, Napasha, Rapsu, Madiba and Buchuma. In the evening 12 of the Keeper Dependent Juniors, all now over 4 years of age, were weaned off milk, and only enjoyed watery porridge!
Naisula plays with Kasigau
March 19th
The Juniors headed out to the Kone area to browse today, and were not interested in wallowing at noon. Light showers fell in the late evening.
March 20th
It was raining as the Juniors left their Night Stockades this morning, the rain having started at 3 a.m. and continued until mid morning. The Orphans had a wonderful day, playing, wallowing and drinking at will. It was a very Happy Day.
Kitirua coming out the mudbath
March 21st
It was another wonderful day for the Juniors with water and mud everywhere, and fresh green shoots sprouting almost overnight.
Chaimu dirty from mudbath
Orphans enjoy an evening mudbath
March 22nd
Chaimu was the Leader out today. At l0 a.m. Madiba showed up at the Stockade, and behaved badly by charging the Keeper who was photographing him. At the mudbath Kandecha and Ololoo enjoyed a Pushing Match.
Ololoo and Kandecha strength testing
March 23rd
In the morning the Orphans were joined by Mulika and her calf “Mwende, With her were Ex-Orphan Bulls Kenze, Kamboyo, and Orok and Big Girls Wendi, Nasalot and Kinna along with Lenana, Chyulu, and Ithumbah. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by Galana, Meibai, Loijuk, Challa and Tomboi.
Mulika and Mwende leading
Kilaguni with Trunk raised
March 24th
Everyone was relieved to see Yatta, Mulika and their respective wild-born calves plus l0 other Ex Orphans at the Stockades at a.m. this morning.
March 25th
All the Ex Orphans joined the Juniors in the morning. Ololoo and Kandecha opened the day’s activities with the usual Pushing March. Later the Juniors headed off to the Kalovoto area, leaving the Ex Orphans at the Stockade compound. At l0 a.m Ololoo triumphed over Kilaguni in a Pushing Match and later all, except Suguta, enjoyed a noon wallow.
Kilaguni and Ololoo in pushing games
March 26th
The Juniors concentrated on feeding throughout the day, with no wild visitors at the Stockade water trough now that the natural waterholes have filled. Water is no longer an issue in the North!
March 27th
At 7 a.m. Lualeni came to join the Juniors, seeking out her favourite, Ololoo who was with Chemi Chemi at the time. She remained close to both of them throughout the day, leading the Junior Group to the mudbath at noon, browsing with them during the afternoon, and leading them back to the Stockades in the evening.
Lualeni, Chemi Chemi and Ololoo
March 28th
The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors at the Stockade compound this morning, Lualeni remaining behind when the other Ex Orphans left. At l0 a.m. the Juniors and Lualeni enjoyed playing along the road banks, rolling and skidding. Shukuru led the first sitting to the milk venue, while Kandecha led the others who had been weaned off milk to the drinking trough. Later Lualeni led the Juniors back to the browsing area, and in the evening escorted them back to the Stockades for the night.
March 29th
There was 47 mls of rain overnight. Lualeni was there for the Juniors as they left their Night Quarters having spent the night just outside. She was with the Juniors again throughout the day.
Lualeni at mudbath with the orphans
March 30th
Lualeni again joined the Orphans in the morning, and led them to browse the Kone area today, where all had a wonderful time wallowing in puddles and playing in the mud. In the evening Kora, Loijuk, Naserian and Rapsu came to the Stockade and once the Juniors had settled for the night, they left with Lualeni.
Lualeni with the orphans at mudbath
March 31st
There was heavy rain again overnight. Today the Juniors, without Lualeni, browsed the Kanziku area. The Junior Boys were very playful at mudbath time, engaging each other on Pushing Bouts, Kilaguni engaging Ololoo wile Kibo played with Kasigau.
Kasigau and Kibo strength testing
Tumaren after a mudwallow